Later that same day they came to the remains of an old hut, now overgrown inside and out with vines and underbrush.
In those days all the earth was level, swampy, tropic and overgrown with giant tree ferns and a primitive conifer.
The wooden church, black with age and overgrown with green lichen, stood quite at the end of the village in gloomy solitude; it was adorned with three round cupolas.
Gradually it became overgrownwith creepers, bushes, and wild heather, and no one can discover it now.
All these trees and bushes had been thickly overgrown with ivy, which formed a kind of roof.
He wondered why he was so foolish as to disobey her, and besought her to return to him, and they roamed again in the paths that led round the rocks overgrown with briars, by the great oak-tree where the leaves were falling.
On the hilltop is the ruined castle of the Earl of Derwentwater, with his nursery, now overgrown by huge elder-trees, and the little chapel beneath which he was buried at night beside his ancestors.
Ravenna was at this time reached by a wearisome journey through marshy flats overgrown by a dark-berried plant much used in the making of dye: we afterwards imported it to Hurstmonceaux.
Here and there a decayed villa stood by the roadside in its overgrown garden, huge aloes and tall cypresses rising from its tangled grass and periwinkles.
In the intervening hollow some stone steps lead to a dark gap in the wood, where is the fountain of St. Elizabeth under a grey archway with sculptured pillars and overgrown with ferns.
And just as the law of reaction flung the mind into religious revolt from the outworn dogmas and overgrown pretensions of the monkish ideal, so did it drive the healthy reaction of art into its own extravagances of protest.
But in Holbein's time, though already some of the Hanseatic ships were too overgrown to pass London Bridge and cast anchor at their own docks just above it, there was scarce a cloud upon the colossal prosperity of the Steelyard.
But what most adds to their deformity, is a belt or cord which they wear round the waist, and tie so tight over the belly, that the shape of their bodies is not unlike that of an overgrown pismire.
Mr Merdle took down a countess who was secluded somewhere in the core of an immense dress, to which she was in the proportion of the heart to the overgrown cabbage.
The science which he professed was then overgrown with absurdities and mystification.
The lane by which it was approached was partly overgrown with weeds and grass, from which the mare's fetlocks swept the dew, yet undried by the morning sun.
The yellow brick of its walls had scaled away in places, leaving the surface mottled with pale splotches; the shingled roof was badly dilapidated, and overgrown here and there with dark green moss.
His room had a balcony that was completely overgrown with ivy and elder, while in the background the trees and bushes of the city moat formed an impenetrable maze of green.
The town walls are overgrown with moss and ivy; the old drawbridges still cross the moats and take you through the round, ruined gates into the streets.
The stream ceased as suddenly as it began, and we followed up a dry sandy bed all but overgrown with a thorn thicket.
The broken stoep was overgrown with moon-flowers, whose huge white blossoms gleamed uncannily in the shadows.
The first pan appeared, no larger than an English mill-dam, and overgrown with reeds which made a patch of darker green against the veld.
It cared nothing for appearances, being sandy and overgrown and in places scarcely a track at all, for it had a weary way to go before it could be called a civilised road again.
Landslides and silt have filled many of the old glacier lake basins, and these, overgrown with grass and sedge, are called glacier meadows.
The hole filled with pitch and was overgrown with bark and wood.
The apron of the mesa isovergrown with fine pines.
A low portico, overgrown with woodbine and trumpet-flower, ran along the front.
The gravestone at Handsworth was "under the chancel window," sixty years ago, overgrown with moss and weeds, but inscription and stone have long since gone.
In a very few years by careful training nearly the whole of the building was overgrown with ivy, and few but those in the secret could have guessed at the history of this ruined "abbey.
The sun had already sunk and cast his rays on some stones overgrown with ivy, when Ali perceived an entrance, and fancied he saw Lockman.
As they now passed through a narrow valley, bounded on either side by lofty rocks, and thickly overgrown with pine trees, a most terrible phenomenon presented itself, that dispersed the whole caravan.
There he now stood surrounded by widely scattered ruins overgrown with grass and moss.
It was but a small park: there was only one walk in the direction which the two would have followed; this was now, like the garden walks, overgrown with grass.
For instance, I was once endeavouring to reconstruct for a novel a certain scene among the overgrown byways and the secluded and forgotten lanes of history.
He would have nothing done to the house; the fine furniture and the noble paintings are reported to be ruined with damp and cold; his garden and glass-houses are overgrown and destroyed.
The woodwork of the building and its weather-stained walls of brick were partially overgrown with thick ivy, while its high, dingy-red roof was tinted with every variety of lichen.
Filled with old crumbling monuments with quaint epitaphs and overgrown with rank grass and weeds.
Stories were afloat of a mysterious figure being occasionally seen in some old overgrown trackway or other, remote from turnpike roads; but when a search was instituted in any of these suspected quarters nobody was found.
Twice over he startled one of the reptiles, which fled before him with a rush into the stream, which was little better than anovergrown ditch, and the doctor hastily backed away.
They went on along an old overgrown track, with the sound of the firing growing each minute nearer; and the doctor's heart beat joyfully as he made out that a pretty brisk engagement was going on.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overgrown" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.