The lady called to her maid in a voice that was sonorous, vibrant, velvety, though Rafael could catch only the accented syllables of her words, that seemed to melt together in the melodious silence of the mountain top.
Her beautiful face was tinted with a bluish light, that seemed to surround her with a halo of romance.
At the balcony a flowing gown of blue appeared; but all that Rafael saw was a pair of eyes--green eyes, that seemed to fill the entire window with a flood of light.
I'm dying to see what my second one is,' cried Gudrun, in a vibrating rather strident voice, that seemed to repel the others from her.
As she stood bearing herself pensively, the rapt look on her face, that seemed spiritual, like the angels, but which came from torture, gave her a certain poignancy that tore his heart with pity.
No,' she replied, in a low inhuman tone, that seemedto contain a chuckle.
How do you do, Mr Birkin,' she said, in her low voice, that seemed to take no count of her guests.
That seemed to me due to him under the circumstances.
That seemed to make it right for me to put an end to my life; for calamity had closed me in too, and I saw no pathway but to evil.
It seemed to her that he could not be dead; there was an animated look about the form, that seemed as if it could not die without leaving mankind a prodigal legacy of fame.
It was the music, a hackneyed theme of Schubert's played heavily, that seemed to arouse the composite emotion of anger and hatred, yet of sustained attraction and wild regret she had felt before, but never so poignantly as now.
I saw a reproduction in one of the architectural journals of a house in Boston by a man named Frey, that seemed to me to have great charm.
His face had set, but his eyes held the look that seemed still to express compassion, and what he felt was a sorrow that went to the depths of his nature.
But best I loved to hear Captain Sevier, whose talk lacked not force, but had a daring, a humor, a lightness of touch, that seemed more in keeping with that world I had left behind me in Charlestown.
But they kept toiling wearily onward on their tired feet, that seemed to them as if they were of lead.
Five minutes passed, that seemed to them long as an eternity, and still they did not move; there was some obstacle on ahead that barred their way as effectually as if a strong wall had been built across the road.
The torture to him had become greater than he could bear, that never-ceasing cannonade, that seemed to grow more furious with every minute.
I wanted to speak to you and your sister about something that seemed to me important.
There was a fierce purpose in the gale, a furious earnestness in the screech of the wind, in the brutal tumult of earth and sky, that seemed directed at him, and made him hold his breath in awe.
All about the pool into which the water subsided grew various plants, that seemed to require a plentiful supply of moisture for the nourishment of gigantic leaves, and in some instances, flowers gorgeously magnificent.
With one wild shriek, that seemed to force its way from the sufferer's inmost soul, she sank insensible by the side of her dead boy.
And she said it with an insistance, an emphasis, that seemed immovable, and all the more so because it was natural.
A lower croak, that seemed to end with the words "black papishes," came through the closed door.
He was learning the meaning of the sudden silences, the too obvious changes of the course of conversation, that seemed to occur when he drew near.
That seemed to be all his thought of the matter now, and it was like him.
That seemed to please the crowd; and after that they said no more, but followed and watched the gathering up of Havelok's mighty burden.
With that he hastened on deck, and told the men what he would do; and they thought it a good plan, as maybe they would have deemed anything that seemed to call for help from the strong ones of the sea.
Mulrady, with a matter-of-fact gravity, that seemed to increase Slinn's vagueness and excite his irritability.
He stopped on the first landing to listen to the sound of rain on the glass skylight, that seemed to echo through the empty hall like the gloomy roll of a drum.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that seemed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.