On this point I need only refer to the fact that it was not so early as the passage of the act, indeed not till the 23d of May, that the claimants came into possession.
It need only be mixed with any matter containing the phlogiston, and by the help of a moderate heat a true Regulus will sublime.
I need only refer to the freshwater Crab (Thelphusa fluviatilis), with which Southern Europeans are familiar.
I need only repeat, therefore, that these are now principally confined to the south-western portions of the British Islands.
We need only refer to the writings of Professor Suess, Milne-Edwards, and Boyd Dawkins.
We need only call to mind the successful results attending the greater division of labor (Sec.
To visualize them we need only to recall the appearance of the Chinaman, perhaps the most familiar example of the entire series.
In this connection the oft-quoted statements of Kaschin respecting the prevalence of tapeworms among the Burätes, and the well-known frequency of this entozoon in Abyssinia, need only be alluded to.
We need only look at the outcome of the gentle and lowly Jesus through the exigencies of the church militant to see how potent are such forces.
It need only, however, be mentioned that it is to this early and most universal conception of praeternatural danger that the idea of sacrifice as well as of fasting must be ascribed.
Of this archfiend more is said elsewhere; at this point it need onlybe said that he had been an ideal flaming Serpent, leader of the Seraphim.
It need only be added here that this impossible ideal in its practical development was effectual in restraining the sexual passions of mankind.
I need only to slip it on your finger as an engagement ring.
And I," she returned, "need only to wear this red cap in order to make me perfectly contented and happy.
I told her it was very simple: the A need only be inserted between the two uprights of the H to make the union perfect.
I need only call to mind the munificence displayed by the middle classes in England, in their silver plate and other domestic utensils.
We need only glance at those kingdoms in which something analogous is to be found, especially the despotisms of the east,(528) to divine that such a system does not suffice to insure the real productiveness of a nation’s economy.
I need only refer to the picture of Helen which Zeuxis exhibited for money, which act of his was characterized, by his cotemporaries, as a species of prostitution.
To see this we need only refer to the manner in which Plato introduced them.
It need only be added that the work is necessarily very limited in its scope, and that the necessity of not assuming a thorough previous acquaintance with Natural History in the reader has inexorably restricted its range still further.
It need only be added in this connection that the Lower Silurian rocks have yielded the remains of many other Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods besides Orthoceras.
To make clear the confusion we need onlyto distinguish moral force from moral weakness.
To note all this is but to note the difficulty; and if what is now written fails in its appeal, it need only be said to walk unerringly here would require the insight of a prophet and the balance of an angel.
Only the solemn man is dull; the serious man has a natural fund of gaiety: we need only be natural to bring back joy to serious endeavour.
But in opposition to this objection, we need onlyrefer to ii.
But we need only look at that passage, in order to be convinced that the mention of that event could not be expected in Joel.
We need only to turn our attention to this subject to find a better way.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "need only" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.