This virulent heart poison contrasts strongly with serpent venom, since they give rise to local haemorrhages, causing death chiefly through failure of respiration and not by the heart unless given in overwhelming doses.
Phares has treated, with the most prompt and satisfactory success, a very virulent and hopeless case of tetanus, with ophisthotonos, trismus and convulsions, in a child two years old.
She recovered from the virulent fever which she had caught in the prisons, and consoled the drooping years of her husband, Aulus Plautius.
The prison fever which she had caught in ministering to the Christians had been a virulent typhoid, from which she would not have recovered but for her untroubled conscience, her pure and simple life.
At page 116, in a virulent charge, Mr. Bourassa says that Mr. Wilson though a passionate and obstinate pedantic of democracy, is as much of an autocrat as William of Prussia.
They proved, among other things, that in cases where previous observers in France had supposed themselves to be dealing solely with splenic fever, another equally virulent factor was simultaneously active.
There is often a virulent contagion in a confident tone, and this hardihood of argumentative assertion was sure to influence minds swayed not by knowledge, but by authority.
In many infectious diseases, one attack protects an individual for a lifetime and one form of disease may protect against even a more virulent form, as vaccination protects against smallpox.
Most earnestly would I urge caution in using all virulent poisons like Paris green, London purple, hellebore, etc.
Hoffman left the old party at the time of the split in 1915, and has since been an abusive and virulent enemy of his former colleagues.
The second day's session of the Congress was marked by a virulent attack on Ebert by Ledebour, between whom and Liebknecht there is little difference.
The streets were muddy and unpaved, cobble stones strove ineffectually to disguise drains, and one felt that the sea breezes alone stood between the city and some such virulent epidemic as that which smote Tangier less than ten years ago.
One result of the dirt is seen in the prevalence of a very virulent ophthalmia, from which three out of four of the Mellah's inhabitants seem to suffer, slightly or seriously.
Footnote 5: John Tutchin, a virulentwriter of the reign of James II.
Whether many hundred thousand Scotch Presbyterians, are not full as virulent against the Episcopal Church, as they are against the Papists; or, as they would have us think, the Papists are against them?
He was interrupted in his task by a virulent attack of anthrax, which for several days threatened mortification.
And he conferreth benefit and protection to the righteous; but to that tortuous person who by craft attempts to do him mischief, Dhananjaya is like unto virulent poison, albeit that one were Sakra himself.
Surrounded by thy brothers, who are firm wielders of the bow, and by heroes skilled in weapons and like unto snakes of virulent poison, set thou out even like the slayer Vritra surounded by the Marutas.
Phalguna, at the sight of the enemy seeking to slay him, took up the Gandiva and a number of arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison.
One must not give way to discontent[57] for it is like a virulent poison.
Who is he that hath trodden upon a revengeful snake of virulent poison?
And Nala upon becoming acquainted with the science of dice, Kali came out of his body, incessantly vomiting from his mouth the virulent poison of Karkotaka.
Both of them then became angry and, engaging in fierce conflict, began to shoot at each other showers of arrows, each resembling a snake of virulent poison.
It is that sinful wretch, who, horrible to relate, mixed in Bhima's food fresh and virulent poison in full dose.
There is no mortal that can bear the touch of the shafts furnished with the feathers of the vulture and resembling snakes of virulent poison, that would be shot from the Gandiva.
O unlucky one, mayst thou be bitten by a fierce and enraged snake of virulent poison!
Throughout the Middle Ages a succession of virulent plagues and pestilences devastated Europe.
For we must bear in mind that grotesque and virulent misstatements such as the above occur not merely now and again, but simply teem in his books, sermons and conversations.
I told him at once, and with greater openness and readiness than I usually practise, that I was very much afraid he was committed for a severe course of virulent typhus.
Gibbons was called in, and prescribed the most violent remedies, or rather the most virulent irritants.
Civilized venom is no less virulentthan savage venom.
Yayati then said, 'The wise know that a Brahmana is more to be avoided than an angry snake of virulent poison, or a blazing fire of spreading flames.
But go ye away, blessed be ye, or go away thou snake of virulent poison, and remember the words of Astika after the snake sacrifice of Janamejaya.
When even atheists are annoyed with those that have fallen off from truth and virtue and who are really like angry snakes of virulent poison, what shall I say of myself who am nurtured in faith?
Devayani then told the monarch, 'O bull amongst men, why dost thou, indeed, say that Brahmana should be more avoided than an angry snake of virulent poison or a blazing fire of spreading flames?
And while asleep and in the water black snakes of virulent poison bit him in every part of his body.
Nagas, furnished with fangs containing virulent venom, bit him by thousands.
Innumerable Nagas also, with faces emitting fire descending from high, approached Arjuna, vomiting the most virulent poison all the while.
And, though virulent the poison produced no effects on Bhima.
The schoolmaster having done his work for six days of the week, the pastor gives an extra virulent dose on the Sabbath.
Virulent smallpox was a feature of the plague, and the pious offices of priests and the incantations of the medicine-men alike proved unavailing.
This plant has been generally prepared as an extract or inspissated juice, after the manner directed in the Edinburgh and many of the foreign Pharmacopoeias, and, like allvirulent medicines, it should be first administered in small doses.
The berries of this plant are likewise purgative, but less virulent than the other parts.
By the inoculation of living virulentbacteria (exalted in virulence if necessary).
Luther replied to those attacks by one of his most virulent pamphlets, Hans Wurst, a name which the Germans use to designate their harlequin.