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Example sentences for "touted"

Lexicographically close words:
tousiours; tousjours; tousled; tout; toute; toutefois; touters; toutes; toutesfois; touting
  1. The much-touted transition starts in the mind and consciousness determines reality.

  2. To resuscitate the whole languishing area, a staggering 30 billion dollars is touted as the minimal bill.

  3. You thought Elisha could win--and you went and touted me on to the other one?

  4. There were ten horses entered in the final race of the meeting, and nine of them were strongly touted as "good things.

  5. About that, the much-touted aftermath of the World War has had little to do, and imbuing lads with the instincts of the bull, a very great deal.

  6. That throw is precarious, even for colleges, where, if those in the know are to be believed, it is touted as doing exactly that which it does not do.

  7. Same if you get it touted for a great educational gonzabo.

  8. If you get it touted to the tank towns that you've got a play with the great religious gonzabo, then your show's a big property.

  9. It might if it was touted right," said Tinker.

  10. He was a very queer Character, keeping a mistress who played jackall to his lion, and touted for couples to be married.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "touted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggrandized; amplified; disproportionate; exaggerated; excessive; exorbitant; extravagant; extreme; grandiloquent; inflated; inordinate; magnified; overdone; overdrawn; overestimated; overstated; overwrought; prodigal; profuse; stretched; superlative; touted