And politics, however pretentiously rhetorical about ideals, is irrelevant if the only method it knows is to ostracize the desires it cannot manage.
The fertile intellect of the Greeks produced the first systematic guides to high culture; the Rhetorical art for Oratory and Poetry, the Logical art for Reasoning, and the Eristic art for Disputation.
Many of the sins against Relativity can be traced to rhetorical exaggeration.
To overtake all these would employ several years of learned leisure; and to imbibe their substance would be a rich and varied culture, especially of the poetic and rhetorical kind.
The stimulating effect is undoubted; it is strong rhetorical brandy.
The writer indulges in high-flown rhetorical assertions rather than in specific facts and arguments.
He abstained, almost too evidently, from all rhetorical effects.
His speeches have much the character of his essays, the rhetorical style of which is not ill adapted to verbal utterance.
Aytoun is best known from his Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers (1848), narratives of martial exploit and tragic sorrow written in animated but excessively rhetorical verse.
And if we are to suppose that this is merely a rhetorical exercise of Philostratus and not based on the substance of what Apollonius said, then we must have a higher opinion of the rhetorician than the rest of his writings warrant.
He had to give his narrative a "local colour," and this was especially the case in a technical rhetorical effort like that of Philostratus.
In fact, says his rhetorical biographer, report sang higher praises over the charm of Apollonius in his old age than over the beauty of Alcibiades in his youth (viii.
Whosoever was the Author, the AEolus that blew it about was Famianus Strada, that Elegant Jesuit, in his Rhetorical prolusions, who chose out this subject to express the stile of Lucretius.
Which notwithstanding are scarce Rhetorical sequels; concluding Metaphors from realities, and from conceptions metaphorical inferring realities again.
Sharing the literary tastes of his friend, he learned to write with proficiency the poetical and rhetorical Latin of the Humanists of that time.
He wrote both Portuguese and Latin with classic strength and simplicity, and his style is free from affectation and rhetorical ornaments.
It is in the spirit of this classical purism that Scaliger minutely distinguishes the various rhetorical and grammatical figures, and carefully estimates their proper place and function in poetry.
They are chiefly interesting in that they indicate the general tendencies of the Pleiade, and show Ronsard's own rhetorical principles, and his feeling for nature and natural beauty.
While those of the Italian Renaissance may be counted by the score, the literature of France during the sixteenth century, exclusive of a few purelyrhetorical treatises, hardly offers more than a single dozen.
It is on merely rhetorical grounds that Partenio distinguishes excellent from mediocre poetry.
In such a system poetry is held accountable, not to the ideal truth of human life, but to certain arbitrary, or at best merely empirical, formulae of rhetorical theory.
The precepts thus given are purely rhetorical and pedagogic in character, and deal almost exclusively with questions of poetic invention, disposition, polish, and style.
It is in keeping with this rhetorical ideal of classicism that Scaliger makes electio et sui fastidium the highest virtues of the poet.
What does he do with all his rhetorical trumpery at such times?
Ebenezer Porter's Rhetorical Reader copyrighted in 1835 was sold largely in the western market by William H.
In a life of nearly eighty years in which he was active in many educational and beneficent enterprises his early work in the preparation of the Rhetorical Guide probably exercised the widest, the best, and the most enduring influence.
Noted Selections] The selections in the Rhetorical Guide were made, first of all, to teach the art of reading.
It may be interesting to name some of the selections in this Rhetorical Guide issued in 1844 since in modified form the work has been the highest reader of the series.
The Rhetorical Guide] He prepared the manuscript of the Rhetorical Guide after the close of his labor as a teacher.
The Rhetorical Guide] The Rhetorical Guide was prepared by Mr. A.
Selections of Value] As a guide toward rhetorical reading the book contained a carefully prepared collection of rules and directions with examples for practice in Articulation.
In 1841 a higher reader was added to the series which was then named McGuffey's Rhetorical Guide.
The book was issued in 1844 as McGuffey's Rhetorical Guide.
It is a wretched rhetorical figure I set up here, as if I had been all this time addressing and exhorting them; for are not the two friends in a greater enthusiasm than I myself?
And the plan succeeded; the rhetorical arts of the bird soon made the conversation so general and unembarrassed, that one could talk with every one about everything.
His hearers were disappointed if they expected a great rhetorical display, for which the nature of the subject and the classic memories clustering about it offered such strong temptations.
There was no straining after mere rhetorical effect, but an artistic treatment of a succession of great subjects in a general and yet vivid and picturesque fashion.
It may be premised that in a literary and rhetorical point of view the speech of the 7th of March was a fine one.
Some of the themes which recur continually in later speeches are prominent in this--the futility of rhetorical appeals to past glories, without readiness for personal service, and the need of a thorough organization of the forces.
And so it came about that this sense of a life in natural objects, which in most poetry is but a rhetorical artifice, is with Wordsworth the assertion of what for him is almost literal fact.
Further, the work being intended for public recitation, some rhetorical embellishment was necessary, even at the cost of simplicity.
His preaching was a unique combination of rhetorical splendour and scholarly richness; his piety that of an ancient saint, semi-ascetic and unearthly in its self-denial.
The collections which we possess under the name of Aesop's Fables are late renderings of Babrius's Version or Progumnasmata, rhetorical exercises of varying age and merit.
Andrewes declares against the invocation of saints, the apparent examples in patristic literature are ``rhetorical outbursts, not theological definitions.
They took joint action, however, in suppressing the recently established Latin rhetorical schools, which they regarded as injurious to public morality (Aulus Gellius xv.
The Ancren Riwle is written in a simple, non-rhetorical style.
How effective is the rhetoricaliteration of "The famous orators have shone, The famous poets sung and gone," and so on for nearly half a score of lines!
The most striking quality in The Spanish Gypsy, on a first reading, I think, is its extraordinary rhetorical energy and elegance.
The immense rhetorical ingenuity and elegance of the work, which constitute its main distinction, interfere with the faithful, uncompromising reflection of the primary elements of the subject.
The saving of life by checking the prevalence of smallpox was a favourite rhetorical topic in the 18th century.
Such scraps ofrhetorical logic were but as straws in the storm of anti-warlike passion that was then raging.