When I was at school there came among us perfervid young Scots an English boy, before whom, we agreed, it would be courteous and kind not to mention Bannockburn.
A little patience would probably have brought relief by law; but the perfervid sons of the Covenanters were in no mood for patience.
Many of his writings are perfervid denunciations, in the violent language common to mediaeval controversialists, of the ill-living, laxity and ostentation of the clergy.
Individual would-be reformers were carried away by theirperfervid zeal, led into proposing the most unheard-of innovations.
The most perfervid opponent of Latin Averrhoism in the Middle Ages was Raymond Lully, who made it his dominant object in life to combat Islam in all its shapes and forms.
Inquisitorial activity started in Florence and in Rome; it was carried further afield by several perfervid champions, of whom the best known was Peter Martyr, the scene of whose labours was first Milan, then Florence.
He was anxious that the innocent should not be confounded with the guilty in the impetuosity of the perfervid clerk or the impatience of the mob; and for the first ten years of his pontificate he made trial of a pacific programme.
The reaction which follows perfervidenthusiasm of this sort had settled down upon the miners and cow-boys.
To all such schemes he was prepared to oppose his firmest resistance, for his loyalty was of the perfervid order, and his dislike of Mackenzie probably imparted additional zeal to his opposition.
He attended several public meetings which had been called for charitable and other purposes, at all of which he spoke with what was considered a somewhat perfervid eloquence.
When Mr. Gourlay was first placed in durance at Niagara he was possessed of robust health, a vigorous frame, a seemingly unconquerable will, and a perfervid enthusiasm for the cause of truth and justice.
She looked at him for a moment and then sniggered--yes, sniggered, but discreetly, so that the two perfervid politicians should not see.
His burning sense of injustice, his passionate righteousness, and the perfervid strength of his convictions betrayed him into an intemperance of language that inevitably caused a reaction of sympathy in favor of the man so violently assailed.
This does not mean a licence to sin with impunity for that period, as perfervid Protestants imagine, but merely the abrogation of any ordinary ecclesiastical censure incurred.
The perfervid strength of his convictions as to the injustice of the Vice President's claim betrayed him into an intemperance of language that suggests over-zeal in a public official.
Like Lawrence, both were perfervid Federalists, zealous champions of Hamilton, and profound believers in the wisdom of minimising, if not abrogating, the rights of States.
But this perfervid disputant was not always out of key with his audience.
To court their own discomfiture by love is a common instinct with certain perfervid women.
The perfervid woman was by this time half in love with a vision.
The last lines of this perfervid article, give an instructive clue.
My mother's family were perfervid Abolitionists, accepting the extremest utterances of Garrison and Wendell Phillips.
And this perfervid and most serious account was in truth very funny.
The colon especially engaged the attention of these perfervid artisans.
Songs at the Start is distinctly unlike the familiar books of perfervid and unbridled youth.
Life cannot long subsist on the perfervidproducts of a social imagination.
It also serves to show that, with the perfervid sentiment of chivalrous devotion to women, it was easy enough to forget the higher demands of faithfulness in the real relations of life.
I had fed a perfervid imagination upon Bible stories, and chanted David’s psalms aloud in the Virginia woods, to tunes of my own making.
Behold me then, a high-strung, delicate, hysterical youth, weeping in an agony of shameful horror evoked of a perfervid imagination.
Burns, despite his perfervid patriotism, was in many ways "a starry stranger.
It was only an hour or two later when, for the first time in my life, I came into practical touch with human misery, that I recognised the truth of Campion's perfervid optimism.
His perfervid oratory made one occasionally squirm (it is the only word); but he was very well received by his young audience, and carried the House with him.