However, sound would have been, perhaps, less expressive than the silence which overwhelmed her in this proud but dreadful moment.
I shall beproud to be your escort," he whispered back.
Rachel was a sweet child, and she was fond of her, and proud of her beauty; nevertheless, she had declared to herself and to Beatrice more than once, that she had never known a human creature so hopelessly dense and stupid.
She liked him very much; she was very proud and glad that she was going to marry him; she quite understood that it was his right and privilege to kiss her, if he felt so disposed.
Armed with a German rifle and bayonet stood Private Bartlett, as proud as a peacock.
If I come through this business it will be something to be proud of, you know.
I have a chance now of proving how far a woman's bravery can go, and I assure you I am proud of the opportunity.
I do not give his name here, as I consider it the duty of his own country to find him out and acknowledge him, which, as it is so proud of its literary standing, of course it will do in due season.
She was about the medium height of women, but her small finely-shaped head was set upon so slender and proud a throat that she appeared taller than she actually was.
Then I thought that I increased their intelligence and quickness of perception, and by-and-by they grew so proud that they forgot everything but themselves.
They all seemed pleased to see us, and some of our great political aspirants would feel proud of such an ovation as we received here, ladies waving their handkerchiefs and the men cheering us lustily, hurrahing and swinging their hats.
But the Sergeant was unmoved by our distress, and was only too proud to think he had captured two Yankee officers, to contemplate letting us go; so he ordered us to walk between them back to Fort Emory, ten miles.
When she knew it, she consoled herself by thinking that the princess must be far too proud and too modest for any young man to venture even to speak to her before he had seen her six times at least.
Besides, you see, old Diamond's asproud of him as we are our own selves, wife.
Not too goggle," said his mother, who was quite proud of her boy's eyes, only did not want to make him vain.
She was secretly more proud of some small triumph of the kind on her part than of her brilliancy as a student.
Why, father, I have ever thought that on their mother's side our cousins had little cause to be proud of their parentage.
Cuthbert was pleased and flattered, and said he should be proud to come, but hoped it would not be at the tavern, as his uncle misliked such places of entertainment.
Joanna threw back her proud head as though rejoicing in this lawless freedom; and then giving herself a little moment for recollection, she returned to the main course of her narrative.
My proud kinsmen have never lived in the forest themselves, learning its every secret winding track, making friends of its wild sons and daughters, learning the strange lore that only the children of the forest gather.
She felt a sort of proud proprietorship in their power, and wished that some of the tailors' models she had met in society, who held so good a conceit of themselves, might come under the spell of their strong, tolerant virility.
Cried the proud Spanish girl passionately: "I hate him!
But nevertheless the proud old Highlander McLeod thought it was somewhat infra dignitate.
Not before I told him that our quarrel could not end thus, that I was too proud to stand abuse, that when well I should fight him.
Being very tall, with a proud and haughty air, and endowed with rare vigour and great agility, the young man seemed older than he in reality was.
As you know it, I will not dwell further on this point; my child is, therefore legitimate, and I have a right to be proud of it.
And leaving the proud Spaniard horrified by this fearful anathema, the gentleman quitted the room with a firm step, and taking a last loving glance at the woman he adored, from whom he was perhaps eternally separated.
The Duke loved his daughter as much as his proud and ambitious nature allowed him to do, but he would have been ashamed to let it be seen, especially by a stranger.
Naturally their interest in Japan is very slight, and they think they are Americans, and they are proud of it.
Countries like Japan and England, which have long, proud histories and traditions, and which are highly organized, are more strict about the way they take foreigners into their households.
Proud and sensitive, Japan takes to heart the abuses or indignities which she deems seriously detrimental to her national honor.
Let me show you a handsome set of jewelry such as you would be proud to wear at a fashionable ball, or entertainment of any kind.
She had a wretched, sickly cub that she was very proud of--so proud that she went out of her way to seek trouble on his behalf.
Proud Andrea Doria named il Principe, In your Republic named il Principe, By Charles the Fifth, the Emperor of Spain, Monopolizes he your meed of fame Before the awful Judgment seat of Time.
Monsieur de Marteille’s voice, until then proud and haughty in its tone, softened a little.
In the earlier conflict he had still his fame to acquire, his proud ascendency to establish; and the love of praise and glory inspired him with the audacity which makes and justifies its own success.
He went through his examinations with applause, and carried off all the first prizes among sixteen competitors; he therefore obtained the degree of doctor in divinity; but his success only made him proud and headstrong.
Proud to make your acquaintance, sir," said Mr. Avenel, lifting his hat.
Better it is for us that the site of Chertsey Abbey should be scarcely traceable now-a-days than that it should be as it was, with its proud pageants and pent-up learning!
And they are more proud of the title—Cartesian—and of the capacity to defend his principles, than of their noble birth and blood.
It is that heroic consciousness of a righteous martyrdom that I read on the faces of the black-robed women in the street, too proud for tears; in the silent figures on the hospital beds, suffering without protest an agony too deep for words.
And of all the world's peoples to accept the victor's new reading of the commandments, proud America would be the first.
Just as her mistress was haughty, proud and overbearing, so was the maid docile and modest.
We feel justly proud of our birds; for not only have they won all the premiums at New England State Fairs, but throughout the West, South and Canada.
Now, I had become somewhat proud of my farm, as what man does not who had quadrupled its increase within ten years?
The following colloquy occurred between one of them and a volunteer whose cartridge-box, as he was proud to show, was empty.
Their action was beyond all praise, and nothing that can justly be said in respect to the battle can detract one iota from their proud fame.
At last I reached her residence somewhat late one evening, and was not a little proud to think how my discourse on this occasion would be much more successful than the first unprepared one.
My father was very proud of this success; and the good friend of the family, who had just come in to dinner, also shared in the joy.
Will's youngest daughter had a direct interest in Battersby's lad and his hopes of a farm, and now the father had shaken the Blindbeck dust from his proud feet.
But to-day he was as busy as an old wife putting the story to rights, and when he had stopped being angry for having behaved like a fool, he began to feel rather proud of himself for having done something rather fine.
I'd be real proud to think as I'd brought him back, even if he never looked aside at me again.
Their furniture figured in Eliza's talk as often as her own,--their humble horsehair abased by her proud plush, her stout mahogany lording it over their painted deal.
She was half-aghast, half-proud at the ease with which she had suddenly flung forth her swift, gigantic lie.
You'd have lile or nowt to be proud on, I'll be bound!
He turned over in his mind what she had said about having no one to be proud of her.
He would have given a lot for the chance to be proud of her himself.
The children looked so proud in their sole possession of a man, especially of a soldier who had been wounded.
As they gazed on the walls of their Abbey, All fair with carved work within, "'Tis better to live where one may pray, Than dwell in proud tents of sin.
We noticed the proud scorn with which they regarded us as we prayed that our cause might be blessed and our hands guided in the fight; and we marked well the contempt written on their countenances as they beheld us drawn up to meet them.
Back to your proud towers, ye accursed of the Lord!
We confess, we denizens of Quebec, we do feel proud of our Quebec scenery; not that on comparison we think the less of other localities, but that on looking round we get to think more of our own.
In Montreal, you meet many stately and well-proportioned savages, walking about in this state of nudity, as proud in their bearing, as if they wore good clothes.
No wonder we are allproud of them, of the twins as much as the rest, and more so perhaps.
Proud old city, have you then no more defenders to put forth, in your supreme hour of woe and desertion!
From the very spot on which we now stand, Count de Frontenac returned to Admiral Phipps that proud answer, as he said, from the mouth of his cannon, which will always remain recorded by history.
Cataracoui has been recently decorated, we may say, with regal magnificence, and Sillery is justly proud of this fairy abode, for years the country seat of the late Charles B.