Hatred is the most frightful and monstrous of the dark powers which now are dominating an unhappy earth.
With shame and sorrow we see this purposeful turning away from Christ in a monstrous effort to exterminate entire races and peoples.
This inhuman attitude, inspired by a narrow, sectarian nationalism, stands in absolute contradiction to the Gospel: it is a monstrous heresy, which cannot but dwarf all other crimes.
He regarded imprisonment as a monstrous calamity, out of all proportion to any other.
I only indistinctly recollect what I said, but I feel and know my words were perfectly monstrous and cruelly unjust.
Even lenity could ask no more indulgent treatment of mymonstrous behaviour.
If Peregrine is not so--large as your robust self or so burly as--monstrous George, am I to blame?
Pardon me, dear Aunt," said I hastily, "but there you are in error and do a monstrous injustice to my two generous uncles.
The monstrous mixed forms in which the deities of Egypt or Mesopotamia often found the expression of their superhuman and mysterious powers do not seem to have appealed to the imagination of the Greeks.
When the enchanted princess assumes a monstrous form, the usual ordeal of the would-be deliverer is to kiss her.
We quit indeed the monstrous types of cruelty, of lust, of revenge, in which many of the Elizabethans proper and of Fletcher's own contemporaries delighted.
And yet she had a most clear conception that she ought not to hesitate at any sacrifice to avert this monstrous perversion of justice which was on the point of being committed.
But, though law was loved at Rome, all forensic and legislative proceedings were at this time carried on withmonstrous illegality.
Cicero defends his friend by showing how impossible it was--how monstrous the idea.
Biographers, who smile at the Shelleyan girls for putting faith in their brother's taradiddles about the Big Tortoise, are firm believers in his taradiddles about the monstrous and Venerable Serpent.
What more can readers require in the way of evidence that, in respect to the morbid notion which caused his transient quarrel with Hogg, Shelley was the victim of monstrous hallucination?
Julia's murder is of course followed by the punishment of the murderess, and of the supreme villain who may be said to have educated her to perpetrate the monstrous crime.
Lady Shelley speaks furiously of 'the monstrous injustice of this decree.
To Peacock, he used to speak of the cruelties practised upon him by senior boys at Eton, with a show of abhorrence only surpassed by his display of indignation and disgust at the monstrousbarbarities done him by Lord Chancellor Eldon.
Christianity was made up of monstrous fables and delusions; that the Christian religion was accountable for the worst evils of human society; that the sentiment of the Christian faith was pernicious and execrable.
In 1827, when the poet had been dead between four and five years, the publisher took his revenge on the perpetrator of so monstrous an injustice.
Your first mystery was that wheel which the water turned: a monstrous thing, a giant, ugly and deadly, whose first movement sent you off in terror.
Do you wonder that I hate this England far more than I hate sin, or the devil, or any monstrous creature which feeds upon man.
This feeling had saved him perhaps from the fate of Livingstone, who in his snail-shell could see no other America than a monstrous reproduction of Plymouth colony.
If by the visitation of God a person receives any injury which impairs the intellect or the moral perceptions, is it not monstrous to judge such a person by our common working standards of right and wrong?
Through his field-glass he surveyed the whole gloomy scene with microscopic attention, searching for an exit out of this monstrous man-trap, and searching in vain.
One fragment looked like a monstrous gymnastic club standing upright, with a broad button to secure the grip.
The monstrous and precipitous walls of the cañon clamored back a fiendish mockery of echoes which seemed to call for the prowlers of the air to arrive quickly and devour their carrion.
At last, when he was half sick again with worrying, arrived a horrible epistle in Clara's hand and signed by her name, informing him of her monstrous windfall of wealth and terminating the engagement.
Lifted on a monstrous billow, which was itself lifted by the undertow and the shelving of the beach, the hulk seemed as if it were held aloft by some demon in order that it might be dashed to pieces.
This image took such possession of him that he watched it with fascination, and when a monstrous cliff slid between it and him he felt as if here were a new parting; as if he were once more bidding her a speechless, hopeless farewell.
Just as Jove or Neptune rules or thwarts Agamemnon and Achilles, so the monstrous circumstances of the desert have overborne, dwarfed, and blurred these travellers.
Then came a breathless ascent up another of the monstrous sandstone terraces.
Here and there, at the foot of some monstrous precipice, in a profound recess surrounded by a frenzy of rocks, they saw hamlets of a few miserable wigwams, with patches of starveling corn and beans.
The vessel rose and fell on the monstrous waves, but made scarcely more headway than would a tub, and drifted fast toward the still unseen California coast.
Even in the desert the monstrousaccountability system of the army lived and burgeoned.
It stammers; it repeats the same words over and over; it can only begin to tell the monstrous truth.
The stillness, the absence of all life whether animal or vegetable, the dungeon-like closeness of the monstrous walls, were beyond language.
Amid the monstrous expanse of uninhabited rock it seemed lost beyond assistance, forsaken and cast out by mankind, doomed to a death which was to have no spectator.
Having voyaged for five days in the Great Cañon, they were entangled in the very centre of the folds of that monstrous anaconda.
Luther complains of the "many wild and monstrous interpretations" that are attached to the Song of Solomon, though even he understands it as symbolical of Solomon and his state.
It is monstrous to charge the providence of God with the consequences of actions that God has forbidden.
In this figurative way the true lover expresses his contempt for the monstrous harem at the palace.
At my turning, Apache Kid came to me out of the shadows and bent over me; but his face frightened me, for with the fever I had then on me it seemed a monstrous size, filling the whole room.
I had heard of the monstrous size that black snakes acquired in Australia, but I had regarded the stories as travellers' yarns, and only got up to intimidate new comers.
It was clothed in white, and from its head projected two monstrous horns, which were pointed towards us in a threatening manner.
As thatmonstrous sea of flame grew ruthlessly larger Rodriguez felt no fear, for spirits have no fear of material things: but Morano feared.
They crossed the path of Venus, far from where Venus then was, so that she scarcely seemed larger to them; Earth was but little bigger than the Evening Star, looking dim in that monstrous daylight.
This report, improbable as it was, spread widely and caused a general panic, for so terrified were the people by the reports of Christian's cruelty that nothing seemed too monstrous for him to undertake.
Thus did my youth and so-called monstrous folly find fitting arguments to deal with the power of the Peloponnesians, and by its ardour win their confidence and prevail.
Plain good advice has thus come to be no less suspected than bad; and the advocate of the most monstrous measures is not more obliged to use deceit to gain the people, than the best counsellor is to lie in order to be believed.
Footnote 1401: In the ninth and tenth books of the Odyssey, Homer has embellished the tales of fearful and credulous sailors, who transformed the cannibals of Italy and Sicily into monstrous giants.
It is time, we repeat, that this monstrousslumber of men's consciences should end.
Let us say again, under the shadow of that monstrous victory vast and definitive progress is taking place.
All his acts, from the most monstrous to the most puerile, from that which is hideous to that which is laughable, are stamped with this twofold scheme.
We are approaching the abominable crisis of that mournful day, the 4th; we are approaching that monstrous deed from which emerged the success of the coup d'état, dripping with blood.
Your ballot of the 20th of December is, in the eyes of the thinker, merely a sort of monstrous simplicity.