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Example sentences for "supernatural"

Lexicographically close words:
supermen; supermundane; supernal; supernatant; supernational; supernaturalism; supernaturalist; supernaturalistic; supernaturalists; supernaturall
  1. He recounts the visions and ecstasies during which a supernatural illumination had been conveyed to him.

  2. This is a strong evidence of the enthusiastic confidence in supernatural illumination which belongs to Malebranche, and which we are almost surprised to find united with so much cool and acute reasoning as his writings contain.

  3. Give the trapper of the northwest flesh and blood to contend against, let him know that nothing supernatural is arrayed against him, and he is the last man in the world to yield an inch.

  4. The disappearance of the canoe, although singular in itself, had nothing supernatural about it.

  5. From the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, supernatural beliefs exerted a great influence on the people.

  6. Pliny tells us of the dealings in the supernatural in the time of Homer, and other writers record that magic was also known to the Etruscans and Assyrians at a very early period.

  7. The longings after the supernatural and unknown felt by the great ignorant masses brought forth individuals in plenty to take advantage of their credulity.

  8. On this story becoming known, he was accounted a favourite of the gods, and he professed to be endowed with supernatural gifts.

  9. Superstition is a belief in what is wholly opposite to the laws of the physical and moral world, and yet supposed to be attainable by supernatural agency.

  10. I hope, like the rest, that the future instalments of Lovecraft's 'Supernatural Horror in Literature' will be longer.

  11. It is not a mysterious or supernatural thing, it is simply the reaction of man to his environment, and more especially to his fellow men.

  12. Assuming they were convinced that it was really a supernatural being, they would next have to decide the chances of its being a visitor from Mars, or from the fourth dimension of space, or from the devil.

  13. Once we were told that dreams came from a supernatural world; but now we are beginning to analyze dreams, and to explain what they come from and what they mean.

  14. She sets her several impossible tasks, but Psyche, with supernatural aid, accomplishes all of them safely.

  15. But he cannot at once make amends, as he has chased her away, and it is not till some years later, and with supernatural aid, that they are reunited.

  16. He was called the Boy that carries the Ball on his Back, from an idea of his having supernatural powers.

  17. Bokwewa was the most gifted in supernatural endowments, although he was deformed in person.

  18. The reason why there was no supernatural interference.

  19. At his birth a supernatural radiance illuminated the whole district, and a troop of heavenly beings sang the praises of the holy child.

  20. He was "of the seed of David according to the flesh," but nowhere does Paul give us so much as a hint of anything supernatural attending the mode of His entry into the world.

  21. Supernatural interference would have dimmed the moral beauty of the faith, courage, and perfect self-devotion of Jesus.

  22. A supernatural conception bears no relation whatever to the moral and spiritual worth of the person who is supposed to enter the world in this abnormal way.

  23. Men wondered when she ate and slept, inclining to believe that this supernatural beauty must be above such human wants, tended and nourished by the stars from whence it came.

  24. That it had come to him by supernatural influences during his sleep, he never doubted, and interpreted it, as men always do interpret the inexplicable, in the manner most agreeable to his own wishes.

  25. It needed but a wave of her arm to rally round her those champions who believed so simply in her supernatural attributes, with whom no horsemen in the world could counter stroke for stroke.

  26. This seemed less surprising, as the blossoming of the ebony rod and sudden growth of the lotus in flower denoted supernatural powers, which might well penetrate a cubit of brickwork and a fathom or two of solid earth.

  27. In this life you need no supernatural assistance, and in the next it is denied you.

  28. Aurora in the full lustre of supernatural beauty, stood before me, and passionately stretched her arms towards me.

  29. Dick Compton sprang up, then, with a supernatural energy born of absolute fright, and bent over his prostrate antagonist.

  30. Miss Vanderlyn's pony had struck the lawyer's horse as he came down in his enforced flying leap; and thus were explained all the sights, sounds, and physical events of that apparently supernatural moment.

  31. Some of these supernatural appearances had so occult a purpose that it has never been fathomed.

  32. It should be added that while the divinity of Christ is denied in some of the Oriental religions, he figures in many of them as a great and good man, gifted with supernatural power.

  33. Although of supernatural power themselves, the little people are religious, and have built several houses to the gods.

  34. Best known among these supernatural citizens are two lovers who "spoon" on dark nights, and are faintly outlined on the landscape as figures of quivering, smoky blue.

  35. With supernatural force she broke from him, and, throwing her arms round Jemima, cried, "Save me!

  36. The furrows of reflection and care contracted the youthful cheek, and gave a sort of supernatural wildness to the ever watchful eye.

  37. They set anew the old-time snare of demanding from Him a supernatural sign of His Messiahship, though thrice already had they or others of their kind so attempted to entrap Him, and thrice had they been foiled.

  38. What shall one say of the hysterical ravings against Henry of the "Holy Maid of Kent," whose fits and predictions were palmed off by five ecclesiastics, high in authority, as supernatural manifestations?

  39. Although some describe his reception as "most cordial and flattering," yet it required supernatural interference to induce the pope to grant even his approval of the new order.

  40. He professed to derive his knowledge from supernatural sources--from trances and visions.

  41. Had this prophecy been literally fulfilled, it would not have evinced supernatural prescience on the part of the prophet.

  42. Morality is not supernatural and divine, but natural and human.

  43. I thought I beheld a supernatural being, for my eyes quailed before the angelic brightness of her look.

  44. Almost with sternness he said, "If the dying have supernatural insight, why could not Mr. Walton see what kind of a man Hunting is?

  45. There is a supernatural diablerie operating which surpasses the conception and attainment of a mortal man.

  46. It was not the result of a supernatural revelation, but a natural outcome of man's thoughts guided and moulded by impressions of outward phenomena.

  47. Nor is the feeling of the supernatural unrecognised.

  48. The refusal of the different religions to believe in one another is a strong proof that they are all equally unworthy of belief, as far as their supernatural claims are concerned.

  49. But the fact that each of the great religions, while claiming a supernatural origin for itself, vehemently denies it to all others, renders all such claims exceedingly suspicious.

  50. Likewise our knowledge of supernatural beings must be as incomplete as is the knowledge of animals concerning man.

  51. Its baggage of the supernatural is not quite so heavy, but what there is of it is every whit as supernatural.

  52. But while the supernatural has no interest for the Rationalist, he is very much interested in the interpretations which men have given of it, and the manner in which they have built up a system of morals and a philosophy of life upon it.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supernatural" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airy; arcane; astral; bodiless; celestial; discarnate; disembodied; divine; eerie; esoteric; ethereal; excessive; extramundane; extraterrestrial; ghostly; godlike; godly; heavenly; immaterial; impalpable; imponderable; incarnate; incorporeal; insubstantial; intangible; marvelous; mediatory; metaphysical; miraculous; mysterious; mystical; occult; phantasmal; phantom; preternatural; propitiatory; psychic; psychical; redemptive; shadowy; spectral; spiritual; superhuman; supernatural; superphysical; transcendent; transcendental; unearthly; unembodied; unextended; unhuman; unnatural; unsubstantial; unworldly; weird

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    supernatural agency; supernatural being; supernatural beings; supernatural power; supernatural powers; supernatural revelation