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Example sentences for "blatant"

Lexicographically close words:
blastopore; blastosphere; blasts; blastula; blat; blatantly; blate; blatting; blaue; blaw
  1. It was the blatant First Sergeant who had forced himself upon me.

  2. This conversation was held at the "tavern" during the evening, after this blatant officer had refreshed himself after the day's work.

  3. If I had ridden up to his house as a blatant Rebel officer, on horseback, everything his house contained would have been officiously placed at my disposal without a word of question.

  4. The quaint little grass-quits began their absurd dance against gravity, and blatant kiskadees ushered in the sun and day.

  5. Our shore was all one blatant glare, flooded already with the violent light of a tropical day.

  6. The elder recognised in the younger an intellect as keen, a spirit as fearless as his own, who in the Eyre controversy had "plunged his rapier to the hilt in the entrails of the Blatant Beast," i.

  7. So blatant a mistake had not offended his pride in years.

  8. The scene had an Oriental frankness without being blatant or coarse.

  9. Of the tawdry vulgarity, the blatant clamour, of Rienzi there is not a hint.

  10. Blatant and mortifying as this national tendency was in its exaggerated forms, it was a genuine indigenous product typical of the native character.

  11. So blatant was the apostle Heber Kimball that he said he himself had enough wives to whip the soldiers of the United States.

  12. He never wholly escaped from her hallowed influence, although he descended into vicious living and became a notorious and blatant blasphemer, sceptic, and drunkard.

  13. She was a generous woman, and did not convict him, as she would have done another man, of blatant vulgarity.

  14. He raised a drawn and agonized face and looked around the familiar room, where so many gigantic schemes had been laid, where so many hopes had shone radiant, and saw for the first time its blatant self-complacency, its piteous vulgarity.

  15. How can we overcome this blatant contradiction?

  16. His attitude exhibits an even more blatant petty-bourgeois and reactionary bias than Sismondi's ever did, considering that the Russian 'populist' writes after a lapse of seventy years.

  17. Now it only remains to find out why the workers put up with such stupid and blatant injustice--an objection which Hermann for instance raised against Ricardo's theory of value.

  18. There was indeed a blatant conflict between agricultural and political peasant economy on the one hand, and the demands and requirements of the accumulation of capital on the other.

  19. They are unfashionable in these post-war days of the ruined aristocracy and the blatant profiteer.

  20. This search, with its attendant fanfare and studiedly blatant publicity, was so planned and engineered that two selected women did not arrive at the spaceport until a bare fifteen minutes before the scheduled time of take-off.

  21. Her voice was deep-pitched, blatant with authority.

  22. At forty one goes back ten years, and one says sadly, but with a certain amusement: "I must have been pretty blatant then.

  23. Footnote 156: By the Blatant Beast, we are generally to understand slander; see Spenser's Legend of Courtesy.

  24. You learned this language from the Blatant Beast,[156] Or rather did not speak, but were possessed.

  25. There may be waste on domestic hearths, but the wickedness is elsewhere--too blatant to call for indication.

  26. Now, peeping in through the casement, a glance at his dejected attitude, and the blatant bearing of the others, explained to me the situation then and there.

  27. Under the fostering influence of such rules and such a "noble" example, it is not to be wondered at that the Army showed a blatant front to the enemy, and that their proceedings soon became disorderly.

  28. A lesson for a great deal of blatant talk, in this present day, about conversion and the details thereof!

  29. Improvement, stark, blatant Improvement, advertised itself from that culturous and reeking compartment.

  30. This gentleman's good-looking countenance seemed sadly discomfited, his airs of blatant importance shaken.

  31. He alone with his battering push, his enormous sale, his blatant advertisement, could launch Lourdes once more.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blatant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.