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Example sentences for "joker"

Lexicographically close words:
jointure; joist; joists; joke; joked; jokers; jokes; joking; jokingly; jol
  1. Mordecai Lincoln was a joker and humorist.

  2. It would have been a nine days' wonder, and such a great joker as Lincoln would "never have heard the last of it.

  3. One day he went with a friend to call on an older acquaintance, named Smoot, who was almost as dry a joker as himself, but Smoot had more of this world's goods than the young legislator-elect.

  4. Joker and deuces wild," he repeated as if fascinated.

  5. A joker of an extremely, not to say wolfishly practical character, he looked, under those circumstances.

  6. The joker rapped it with his own, took a nimble spring upward, and came down in a fantastic dancing attitude, with one of his stained shoes jerked off his foot into his hand, and held out.

  7. Here it must be stated that the cardinal of Ragusa had given her as a present an article, which this holy joker called in articulo mortis.

  8. It was Field himself who relieved his curiosity with a highly amusing narrative of the experience of the joker lounging in the seat of honor in the landau.

  9. The every-day practical joker and entertaining mimic of Denver recoiled in Chicago from the reputation of a Merry Andrew, the prospect of gaining which he disrelished and feared.

  10. The chorus of sound grew and grew, and as Joker and his rider, tense with an equal excitement, listened, it became plain that the cry was drawing nearer to them.

  11. Sitting very still she touched Joker again with her heel and spoke to him.

  12. Joker lifted his spare, aristocratic head from the grass, and listened, with a wisp of dewy green stuff in his mouth.

  13. Joker had but just fairly settled down to go when the end of the race was at hand.

  14. She touched Joker with her heel and the big horse sprang, at the hint, into a gallop.

  15. All hands went up to the bar and drank with a hearty good will, for it was seldom that Darrow got taken in, and he was such an inveterate joker they liked to see him paid in his own coin.

  16. Johnson, who was not less a joker than a Democrat, to engage the attention of Mr. and Mrs. T.

  17. Ballad: The Practical Joker Oh what a fund of joy jocund lies hid in harmless hoaxes!

  18. Once again his self-pride in his ability as a practical joker asserted itself.

  19. As soon as American manufacturers discovered that card players considered the odd card of value, the Joker was quickly represented by various grotesque figures, that differ in every pack, and are somewhat confusing to players.

  20. But each and all representations have the same value when luck rules, and the Joker takes every card in the pack.

  21. It was particularly valuable in the game of Euchre, that sprang into popularity at the same time that the Joker (or the one who played tricks and took them) was adopted.

  22. The rules of that game make the Joker the highest card, followed by the Knave of the suit declared to be trumps, and the Knave of the suit of the same colour.

  23. The Joker is blank, so these cards were never intended for divining, but were prepared solely for amusement.

  24. The way that the Joker is represented varies most strangely.

  25. The Joker did not make its appearance in the United States until about the middle of the nineteenth century, and then for a rather strange reason.

  26. Some of you children, no doubt, have forgotten; with the result that the joker with a good memory has made of you an April Fool.

  27. In any case, it is a merry custom; and as the joker and the fool have many sons and daughters it is a custom that shall endure yet a while.

  28. By so doing you may, if you are clever at keeping a solemn face, make a fool of the joker in his turn.

  29. A good plan is to laugh with those who are laughing; and you can better this plan by catching the joker off his guard.

  30. She was a great practical joker, and when all is told a practical joker is a very trying person, and very often a person lacking in true humor.

  31. It would be a great way to cure the would-be joker if we made her eat Melissa's sad loaf.

  32. I confess that I am fond of story-telling as well as fun, and I inherit this I think from my maternal grandfather, whom I have already chronicled in these pages as a “practical joker of the old school.

  33. Lapstone seized a box lid to give the juvenile joker a flip, but he scooted, grinning and ha!

  34. Cornhill, the joker of the Post, was the Agent, and would shell out next morning, at nine o'clock.

  35. Evidently the joker here is the “Basic Cancer Research” of 847 Union Street, Brooklyn!

  36. The joker in the scheme lies in the necessity for Dr.

  37. He walked down the street from the hotel to the Arno, and in a few moments he stood on the bridge, where he had talked with that joker in the morning, as they looked down together on the boiling river.

  38. He had a strange wish that the joker might have been with him again, to learn that there were some things which could not be joked away.

  39. Yes, here's one little joker hiding in a corner.

  40. Whether people grow fat by joking, or whether there is something in fat itself which predisposes to a joke, I have never been quite able to determine; but certain it is that a lean joker is a rara avis in terris.

  41. So he governed France for half-an-hour and then disappeared, and nobody ever knew to this day who this stupendous joker was.

  42. And again, during a week on the same spot, some practical joker amused himself with a magic-lantern by making a spirit form flit over the fall, against its face, or in the misty air.

  43. The joker shall give us a song before we let his gas out; and I'll drink his grog.

  44. Bo's'n, take the same rope an' lash the joker to that tree.

  45. Let the joker suck," said Bill; "I'll back the sand!

  46. I'll keep the road, and take off this joker behind, who is the only dangerous customer.

  47. The joker is not the best card in the pack, except by an arbitrary rule--and in all the better games at cards, the joker is thrown out.

  48. Defn: A variety of the game of poker in which the joker is used, and called mistigris or mistigri.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "joker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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