His activity and foresight probably preserved the ridge from capture.
He had sufficient time allowed him to meditate equally upon his own blindness and the foresight of the youth, while his mutineers, for fifteen days kept him a close prisoner on board his own brigantine!
His prudence, keeping due pace with his religious fanaticism, approved him a peculiar character; a man of rare energies, extraordinary foresight and indomitable will.
The foresight of Alphonse had made all the necessary preparations, to encounter any foe, who might, after the explosion, attempt to carry their object in a bold way.
I think it is only lack of foresight that troubles us, not any hostility to the Army.
We need to act now with full regard for pitfalls; we need to act with foresight and balance.
Accordingly I urge that the Congress act promptly where foresight already shows that action sooner or later will be inevitable.
It should be a matter of congratulation that through the foresight and munificence of Congress the nation possesses this noble treasure-house of knowledge.
To accomplish this important object, a prudent foresight requires that systematic measures be adopted for procuring at all times the requisite timber and other supplies.
The reward of foresight for this Nation is great and easily foretold.
It would be a veritable calamity to fail to put a premium upon individual initiative, individual capacity and effort; upon the energy, character, and foresightwhich it is so important to encourage in the individual.
The victories that followed were as much due to his painstaking care and foresight as to his brilliant strategical combinations and admirable tactical dispositions.
And of two opponents after a long peace, that one which has had the most foresight and has guessed best what the effect of changes in armament and the rest will effect in practice is that one who has the best chance of victory.
And herself seems passing to that awful dissolution, whose issue is not given human foresight to scan.
And herself seems passing to an awful dissolution, whose issue it is not given to human foresight to scan.
Neither their solicitude nor their foresight extends so far.
Neither their solicitude nor their foresight extend so far.
The foresight of William the Third in his attempt to secure European peace by an alliance of the three Western powers, France, Holland, and England, was justified by the realization of his policy under George the First.
His foreign policy was directed to the preservation of Prussia, and Prussia has vindicated his foresight by the creation of Germany.
He had a strange sagacity and foresight into mundane affaires.
The good Azurara wished that these captives might have some foresight of the things to happen after their death.
His return was along the skirts of the northern hills; nor could this rapid campaign of one year justify the strange foresight of his emirs, that their children in a warm climate would degenerate into a race of Hindus.
To the excessive self-love, intemperance, conceitedness, and want of foresight which had characterized all his actions, the unhappy Albert had to ascribe his present situation.
It is true, I was agitated--and I am still deeply grieved, to think that my want of judgment and foresight in a certain speculation should have involved in ruin those whom I wish well!
This easy triumph which cost little Roman blood and enriched the soldiers with the spoils of war, created in his men a belief in his foresight and prowess which seemed sufficient to stand the severest strain.
His powers of physical endurance and the vigour of his intellect had already been tested in war; he possessed the resolution and the foresight of a true general.
Every precaution human foresight could conceive he took to ensure the safety of the Abbas and her crew; having done this, her fate was in higher hands than his.
I also had warned them against ever anchoring by the bank, also to take wood from isolated spots; in fact, as far as human foresight goes, I did all my possible.
What strange stupidity must be in us, when present things, inflicted judgments, committed sins, do not so much affect us, as the foresight of them did.
In a word, he is a creature framed unto more understanding than others, and so capable of more joy in present things, and more foresight of the time to come.
The elements of this Difficulty in general are time, expense, lack of natural gifts, want of foresight on the part of those concerned, and lack of push and persistency on the part of the learner himself.
When valuable lands have been made more valuable than they were by the efforts and foresight of their owners, the rights of others untouched, does not the "increment" belong to those who have created it?
Of course we are investigating now and throughout this treatise the deliberative acts of reasonably intelligent human beings, in one great department of their common foresight and rational action.
In his love of fishing, his love of painting, his love of music we see the brooding, contemplative spirit joined to the alert in mental force and foresight when he addressed himself to the activities and the objectives of the theater.
He was a skillful, not a dishonest, business man, who showed his foresight when he listened to Stanley and took him under his wing.
Two incidents in his first administration may be picked out as illustrating the boldness of his character, and implying foresight and breadth of view unusual in a French Governor under Louis XIV.
His life was pure, his aims were high, his judgment sound, and his foresight great.
The end has been achieved in most cases, and in most parts of the world; but it has been achieved only after long years of toil, expense, and loss of life, which a little foresight might well have avoided.
Already the Bell System has gone far in this direction by organizing what might fairly be called a foresight department.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foresight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.