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Example sentences for "railroad"

Lexicographically close words:
railing; railings; railleries; raillery; railly; railroaded; railroader; railroaders; railroading; railroads
  1. Brownleigh explained that he had come this way, a little out of the shortest trail, hoping to get another horse so that they might travel faster and reach the railroad before sundown.

  2. A later message the next day said he was still unable to travel, but would get to the railroad as soon as possible.

  3. Dotty Dimple rushed in, shouting, "A railroad savage found her!

  4. He and Horace went to the hotel where the railroad men boarded.

  5. Of course, there is the railroad differential in favor of Pittsburgh to be considered.

  6. Among those in prison is Mother Jones, the "Stormy Petrel of Labor" who is always present in big labor disturbances, especially those of the miners and the railroad men.

  7. He told me of tonnage, cost of production, railroad freight rates, yield on investment, the yield of competitive fields and the cost of operation in those fields, capitalization and rates of dividends.

  8. On Cabin Creek the railroad runs south along the bed of the creek sixteen miles to Kayford while on Paint Creek the road extends for twenty-two miles.

  9. Whenever possible they are clothed with some semblance of the authority of the law, either by being sworn in as railroad detectives, as constables or deputy sheriffs.

  10. If there was dissatisfaction inside the coach it was nothing at all compared to the excitement on the box as the horses galloped down the railroad track.

  11. He also recommended the construction of a railroad from the city of Christiana to Lake Mjösen.

  12. The exclusive privilege of a railroad from Vera Cruz to Medellin, has been granted for one hundred years to Don José Maria Estera.

  13. It is feared that the Tehuantepec Railroad Treaty will be rejected, notwithstanding that Arista is known to be strongly in its favor.

  14. The route of the Railroad across the mountains has not yet been decided upon, the survey being a matter of difficulty on account of the dense forests with which the country is covered.

  15. The survey of the railroad to Santiago has been carried about fifty miles, to which distance a favorable line has been obtained.

  16. He opposed their hostility to railroad and other corporations, with the same vigor which had always characterized his career.

  17. In New York, the railroad companies in the city crush several passers-by every year and do not change the crossings to make the disasters impossible, because the change would cost dearer than paying to the families of those crushed yearly.

  18. A railroad station on the Moscow-Kursk Railroad.

  19. Albany accompanied by Mr. Vanderbilt, junior, and several of the directors of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company.

  20. We were now transferred to the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company.

  21. The country outside "Jersey City," which is like an ugly continuation of New York, is flat and uninteresting, but the low land which the railroad traverses is dotted by factories and industrial establishments of all kinds.

  22. The railway cognoscenti declared that all the details of the railroad management, and the sheds, warehouses, &c.

  23. The Santa Fe Railroad is striking out for Albuquerque, New Mexico, to make a short route to San Francisco.

  24. We dined at the Russell House and drove to the Michigan Central railroad station after midnight, having been ten hours in Detroit.

  25. Since then I have visited Fall River, and have the following account from the intelligent operator in the railroad office at that place.

  26. She accompanied a large party on the railroad cars to Jacksonville last Monday, and on her return spoke, so that I heard of it, of having enjoyed the trip exceedingly.

  27. The Dayton and Michigan Railroad was completed last fall, placing us within a few hours' ride of the Queen City of the West.

  28. It was built by the "Detroit, Monroe, and Toledo Railroad Company," who leased it to the Michigan Southern Road.

  29. On the other side will be marshaled the forces of the "Grand Trunk" lines of railroad leading to the Western States from the Atlantic seaboard.

  30. Those having the management of the Northern Pacific railroad will do well to consider the propriety of co-operating and uniting with the Canada and Pacific Railroad at the Straits.

  31. The mine is situated on the north side of the Railroad and about half a mile from the main track.

  32. Thus at least one important advantage to the West is already apparent, growing out of the comprehensive action of the Grand Trunk managers, while the action of the New York Central is the sure precursor of a momentous era in railroad annals.

  33. Provision is also made for the proper use of the streets and avenues by railroad companies adequate to the demands of the business of a city.

  34. A railroad has been constructed from Marquette to the iron regions, and immense quantities of ore and iron are transported over it daily.

  35. But what railroad commerce can be greater than that which will concentrate at Mackinaw, when it connects, in a direct line, not only with the cities of the Ohio Valley, but with those of the far South.

  36. The government has already taken such steps as will soon make Mackinaw the centre of a great railroad system.

  37. I want to dam the raging flood and drive the new railroad across the desert.

  38. You'd rather be president of a big railroad company?

  39. Who allow innkeepers and railroad guides to assassinate Aboriginal terms in order that petty pride may exult in petty fame?

  40. The differences between the governments of Turkey and Egypt are still unsettled, and the fate of the Egyptian railroad therefore remains doubtful.

  41. Nor are they less distant in hotels, or during journeys in railroad cars and steamboats.

  42. The Erie Railroad is now completed, from the Hudson River to Dunkirk, 470 miles from New York.

  43. From EGYPT we learn that a railroad across the Isthmus of Suez is to be commenced forthwith, apparently to be constructed mainly by English capital and engineers.

  44. The Central Railroad of Michigan has for some time been annoyed by a gang, which has at length been brought to light.

  45. One would imagine that it would not require much sagacity to discern that, in such a country as this, a railroad would be an incalculable benefit to the whole community.

  46. Of your fights with the Texan Rangers at the railroad bridge, Munfordsville, and at Greeltop and Plain Hill, I have read your reports.

  47. Though in an attack of cavalry he led his men into action, he was not again charged with recklessness, as he had been in the action at the Cross Roads, as the fight at the other railroad bridge was called.

  48. Their first service was to protect a railroad bridge which Captain Titus's company and a troop of Texan cavalry had been sent to destroy in order to prevent the transportation of Union forces to Bowling Green.

  49. The way those railroad yards stretched up and down each side of the river.

  50. But a man answering Clarens' description bought six steak knives near the railroad station tonight.

  51. Remember, I didn't know who the guy was until after we had looked in the railroad station and seen it full of cops.

  52. Instead, the greater part of its cargo consists of bombs, dread instruments of destruction which will fall on the railroad junctions, troop trains, staff headquarters or ammunition dumps of the enemy.

  53. In no instance was this general proposition better demonstrated than in the railroad problem.

  54. For a number of years almost the only activity of the public in regard to railroads was to foster and protect the interests of the railroad companies.

  55. In the seventies the public gradually came to a realization of the fact that the railroad companies were displaying a lamentable lack of regard for the interests of the public.

  56. And not only did the railroad companies themselves become a source of danger, but they were instrumental in the creation and development of great industrial combinations, which were equally indifferent to the welfare of the general public.

  57. The new railroad completely altered the position of Boston and brought an era of great prosperity to the city, at the same time demonstrating the practicability of the steam road as a carrier of nearly all kinds of freight.

  58. Then, near a little town with a railroad depot showing in its midst, he prepared to descend.

  59. Then it followed the railroad tracks, the signal lights operating as guides.

  60. He soon disappeared beyond a little thicket, heading in the direction of the town and the railroad station.

  61. I have a friend,” explained our hero, “who must be conveyed quickly and safely to the nearest railroad point in Russia.

  62. Over it was a railroad map and a makeshift bulletin board, which seemed to give the time of certain trains.

  63. She got it, seasoned with a sarcastic reminder that her business was supposed to be with the railroad company, and that she would do well to cultivate exactness of expression and a taste for her duties in the office.

  64. Whereupon she turned her back upon him, and stood staring down the railroad track through the smoke-grimed window until a movement warned her that he was through.

  65. With his arms full, the scout turned to race down the slope again, only to sight the white flag waving from the railroad cut.

  66. Drew, his face sick and white, turned the horse toward the railroad tracks.

  67. The Kentucky General Buford was leading his division of the command up the railroad toward the Elk River Bridge and that was below the scouts now, being abandoned by the Union troopers.

  68. The Union troops fell back, firing still, making their way into the railroad cut.

  69. It was left by Ruby Raymond in the waiting-room of the railroad station, and it bears her name.

  70. Seth Slocum, Railroad Surveyor=; or, the Secret of Sitting Bull =59.

  71. When that day comes, airship travel will be as safe and prosaic as travel by railroad train to-day, and not very much different, except that there will be no dirt, and it will be much faster.

  72. With these there were concrete chimneys, portable concrete garages, railroad ties, and what not.

  73. A great many good films, such as railroad wrecks, automobile journeys through the clouds, etc.

  74. They finally induced the railroad to help pay for the yards.

  75. The same denomination fails to give with liberality to a far needier case, the only Protestant church in a small village, a railroad center, located fairly in the center of a large unevangelized area.

  76. Because the railroad had no right of way through the reservation, the line could not be extended to the Black Hills.

  77. Along the railroad are trade centers which serve the entire county.

  78. It is natural that, where the centers along the railroad have been the only "sure" things in a country of constantly shifting settlements, the largest number of churches have been established in such centers.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "railroad" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    branch; elevated; embankment; enforce; feeder; junction; line; monorail; push; rail; railroad; railway; roadbed; roadway; sidetrack; siding; subway; switchback; terminal; terminus; track; tram; trestle; trunk; tube; turnout; underground

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    railroad bonds; railroad building; railroad companies; railroad company; railroad from; railroad officials; railroad property; railroad track