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Example sentences for "motive"

Lexicographically close words:
motivated; motivates; motivating; motivation; motivations; motived; motiveless; motives; motivo; motley
  1. Glinski had a secret motive for the acquisition of this slave: his known fidelity, his surprising address and power, had protected the life of the minister against more than one scheme of assassination.

  2. The rebellion quelled, the author of it punished and decapitated, there seemed no just motive for holding longer in imprisonment a youth who could not be accused of having any guilty participation in the crime of his father.

  3. Otherwise you would have had no sufficient motive for this rather violent, not to say melodramatic, line of conduct.

  4. He smiled a little cynically to himself as he understood that they had been willing to use this interest of his as a motive in securing his easy acquiescence in their previous schemes.

  5. It is beginning to dawn upon me now what the nature of the motive must be which was responsible for them.

  6. Yet, though the only motive of Barreto was, in this unpleasant situation, to retain the conversation of Camoens at his table, it was his least care to render the life of his guest agreeable.

  7. In all their expeditions this was professedly a principal motive of the Lusitanian monarchs, and Camoens understood the nature of epic poetry too well to omit it.

  8. Having put these people to the test, in other words, having weighed them in the balance and found them not wanting in each case, he fully explained his motive and who he was, to their mutual delight.

  9. The evil of mortgaging homes to eastern firms, to men and companies who have no other motive than to secure their pound of flesh, is growing among the people, and especially among those in the larger cities.

  10. They should not occupy all, nor even the greater part of our time; indeed, they should be made incidental to the duties and obligations of life, and never be made a controlling motive or factor in our hopes and ambitions.

  11. Octavia was rejoiced to obtain her brother's aid to her undertaking, whatever the motive might be which induced him to afford it.

  12. The army, also, being discouraged, and losing all motive for resistance, yielded too.

  13. The motive which induced her to do this has been supposed to be her wish to provide a more sure way of escape in case of an unfavorable issue to the conflict.

  14. What then could be his motive for sending back the glove: for motive there must have been?

  15. She could not mistake the motive of my wearing it?

  16. If that be her only motive for bestowing it, then will it be no longer of any value to me.

  17. Holtspur, slackening his pace, moved on along the road--not without wondering what could be the motive that had carried his eccentric conductor so suddenly away from him.

  18. These delicate attentions to Sir Marmaduke, sprang not from any motive of chivalry or kindness; they were simply designed for the securing of his daughter.

  19. The motive thus disclosed was but a mere pretence--put forth to satisfy the natural instincts of a maiden's modesty.

  20. Oriole only knew that he was in the hands of enemies; while Garth more clearly comprehended the character of these enemies, and their motive for making him a prisoner.

  21. And because of the facility with which alcohol can be compressed it is said to be more effective as a source of motive power than would be expected from its comparatively feeble heat.

  22. The motive force which makes the hammer do its work when the trigger is "pulled" is the pull on the anchor rope.

  23. In Mechanical Inventions of To-day I have dealt with the uses which can be made of heat as a motive power.

  24. Another chamber contains the compressed air which furnishes the motive power.

  25. In these an explosion of gas is the motive force.

  26. Perhaps a curiosity to learn whether any reason for existence would declare itself was the sole motive that induced me to take this step, at which you will doubtless feel some degree of indignation.

  27. I will tell you why I take this frivolous creature; from a motive which will be perfectly obvious to you, as you too are interested in home missions:--to save a soul.

  28. The motive you had for taking that premature cold bath, I shall never ask to know in this world.

  29. My motive for riding my brown horse out of breath is a diplomatic mission, on which no one but myself sent me, but which, as a loyal servant to my employers, I must discharge.

  30. Will you permit me to read these reasons, or rather this one motive from your brow?

  31. Even if her motive in writing to the convent had remained unchallenged, the allusions to the priest would still have decided her on taking this step.

  32. In spite of the appearance of innocence which pervaded Catherine's letter, the true motive for breaking off his cruise might be found, as Randal concluded, in Catherine herself.

  33. Having explained the circumstances so far, Miss Westerfield next mentioned the motive which had brought her to my office.

  34. Her motive did unquestionably excuse, perhaps even sanction, what she had done; but this was an estimate of her conduct which commended itself to others.

  35. And did you believe that I had a good motive--a motive which you might yourself have appreciated--for not telling you the name of that friend?

  36. A masterly anatomy of human motives which is in itself a motive of human sleep.

  37. What motive determined him on deserting, I am not able to say.

  38. She owned the true motive with a superiority to cant which won my sincerest respect.

  39. So you really had no particular motive in going to America?

  40. Her one thought, as soon as she began to understand my motive in speaking to her, was not for herself, but for me.

  41. From his point of view--motive or no motive--he saw the old struggle against himself in danger of being renewed; he felt the ground that he had gained slipping from under him already.

  42. Is it indiscreet to inquire what the other motive was?

  43. Even after taking a motive from a foreign style of ornament he understood, so to speak, how to naturalize a plant and to make its forms expressive of his own individuality.

  44. We could hardly name a motive more dear to Oriental art than this.

  45. Two staircases lead up to it, and the wall by which the whole terrace is supported and inclosed is ornamented with those vertical grooves which are such a common motive in Chaldæan architecture.

  46. This motive has the double advantage of awakening religious feeling in the spectators, and of provoking a momentary elegance of line and movement in the two pairs of animals.

  47. The Phoenicians themselves appropriated the same motive and introduced it with their own manufactures not only into Mesopotamia but into every country washed by the Mediterranean.

  48. A similar motive may be found in a better preserved fragment belonging to the same structure (Plate XIV, Fig.

  49. We ourselves believe rather in the imitation of a motive from the stuffs, the jewels, the furniture, and the pottery that Mesopotamia drew from Egypt at a very early date through the intermediary of the Phoenicians.

  50. On the other hand we can hardly explain the motive represented in our Figs.

  51. Although Thomas's restoration is, as he himself confesses, entirely conjectural, we have no serious motive for pronouncing the building to have been a temple.

  52. No motive occurs oftener in the Chaldæan monuments than a bull and the twin stars of the day and night.

  53. Finally, in a third fragment, a slightly simplified version of this latter motive serves as a lower border to a frieze upon which two bulls face each other, their white bodies being divided from the yellow ground by a thick black line.

  54. We may safely assert that in Chaldæa and Assyria, as in Egypt, it was with carpentry that the motive in question originated.

  55. Their favourite motive seems to have been the volute, to which, however, they gave an endless variety.

  56. It is my conviction that the motive was not revenge, but robbery.

  57. If the motive had been robbery, the girl might answer; but there wasn't any girl that would want to take this old man's life for revenge.

  58. To my mind, certain circumstances of the case before the court seem to suggest a motive for the homicide quite different from the one insisted on by the state.

  59. Oldham could have had no motive in concealment, save that of the same sympathy Bob had felt for Pollock.

  60. Indeed, at the first it was not known positively who had done the deed; a dozen might have had motive for the act.

  61. By one of the lightning transitions of motive with which these activities seemed to abound, the affair had become a very deadly earnest sort of race.

  62. When he attempts the definition of a lie, however, Jeremy Taylor would seem to claim that injustice toward others and an evil motive are of its very essence, and that, if these be lacking, a lie is not a lie.

  63. He however chose the darkest method, and to begin with Drusus; against whom he was transported with a fresh motive of rage.

  64. They are always praising the naivete, the familiarity, the irregularity of the old dramatists; they are always noting touches of common life and of ordinary motive quite foreign to the dignity of Racine, and Voltaire, and Alfieri.

  65. Perhaps a similar motive may have led to the construction of a great number of smaller churches at Athens, where seventy have already been destroyed, and at Salonica, where remains of them are still being frequently discovered.

  66. With such a motive before me I know that I shall earn an income.

  67. She perfectly understood the motive of Lady Glencora's visit, and thought that she would at any rate gain something in the very triumph of baffling the manoeuvres of so clever a woman.

  68. But now he had no motive for such work as this.

  69. Whenever I have busied myself about some trouble it has been from a personal motive which drove me on, or in the hope of serving some one who henceforth should serve me.

  70. Now, although this comparatively juvenile lover was in a mighty hurry to get to St. Peter's, there was yet a powerful financial motive to send him to the ship.

  71. Yet if jealousy were the motive of the warning, how, I asked, came the bloodstains upon the bracelet?

  72. I know, dear madam, you are always so kind; but I wished to see you alone--my motive is this.

  73. What she has done this night, has opened my eyes to a fact some time suspected, that another motive than even indifferent liking has induced her to accept me.

  74. Lady Ripley and her daughter had, however, another motive besides pleasure or pique in seeking Marmaduke Burton.

  75. Minnie said she had a motive for wishing much to go; and the good-natured woman, thinking it so natural, at once consented to keep the boy with her.

  76. He had resolved now to let another open Lord Randolph's eyes, for this had been a part of his motive lately; and he saw those eyes were extending their power of vision through his cousin, so he left all in other hands.

  77. The propeller supplies motive power to the aeroplane.

  78. Only after this was accomplished did they propose to add motive power to keep it above the earth.

  79. But the most remarkable features of all were the gasoline engine that was to give motive power and the propellers by which that power was to move the machine in its flight through the air.

  80. The First Flight The Wrights had now reached a point where they felt that they were ready to apply motive power, rise like a bird from the earth and direct their course through the air.

  81. And although I could not guess your motive in accepting me, I knew that you did not love me.

  82. No one could question your motive in the beginning, and your tact would protect you always.

  83. It was idle to suppose that the woman had any malignant motive in that well-conducted household, and she seemed to be good-natured and even kindly.

  84. Motive for Church-Going= An old man, who for years walked every Sunday from Newhaven to Edinburgh to attend the late Dr.

  85. Besides, she had a certain motive of her own for so doing which she imparted to no one; the subtlest of a woman's thoughts which only the intuition of a woman could have prompted.

  86. Who could guess the real motive that prompted her to humble her pride so far as to follow him?

  87. Though this was her chief motive for giving the fiesta, she had still another in view.

  88. Ever since the Fiesta, curiosity had prompted him to learn something concerning Chiquita's motive for dancing; and whenever the opportunity presented itself, he had shadowed her.

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "motive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    motive force; motive power