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Example sentences for "alcoholic liquors"

  • The purity of alcoholic liquors is in general not as well assured as that of articles used for medicine should be.

  • Kellogg, in America, were about all that could be quoted largely as opposed to alcoholic liquors as remedies in disease.

  • Two state medical societies and some county societies in 1908 passed resolutions to discourage the medical use of alcoholic liquors.

  • The sense of warmth and irritation (called stimulation) produced by alcoholic liquors, has led to the erroneous notion that they may prevent cholera.

  • As the abuse of alcoholic liquors--even their habitual use in moderation--is the chief pathogenetic factor, they should be entirely given up.

  • The improper use of alcoholic liquors, taking them on an empty stomach between meals and in excess, tends to direct irritation of the mucous tract.

  • The influence of alcoholic liquors in the production of gouty dyscrasia is generally acknowledged.

  • The yearly per capita consumption of alcoholic liquors, which rose from 8.

  • What should be our attitude toward the use of alcoholic liquors by others?

  • Alcoholic liquors as food are, as has been said, like gunpowder as fuel very costly and very dangerous.

  • Dumèril on the subject of injections, will enable us to dispense with much further developments; the vessels injected and preserved, as we have seen, are dried and preserved in alcoholic liquors.

  • Indeed, it is painful to witness how many persons are actually laboring under disease of the heart, owing chiefly to the use of alcoholic liquors.

  • The purity of alcoholic liquors is, in general, not as well assured as that of articles used for medicine should be.

  • Baird remarks: "The number of those in this country who cannot bear tea, coffee or alcoholic liquors of any kind, is very large.

  • The product of the distillation of alcoholic liquors, which is termed low wine, does not usually contain alcohol in sufficient quantity to admit of its being employed for direct consumption.

  • One who favors the prohibition of the sale (or of the sale and manufacture) of alcoholic liquors as beverages.

  • Being of a certain standard as to strength; -- said of alcoholic liquors.

  • Specifically, the forbidding by law of the sale of alcoholic liquors as beverages.

  • Of what dreadful disease do people sometimes die who are bitten by the serpent in alcoholic liquors?

  • We explain that all these have alcohol in them, as may be known by smelling them, or by smelling the breath of those who have drunk even a little of them; and that because they contain alcohol they are called alcoholic liquors.

  • Tell one way by which the heart becomes diseased through alcoholic liquors?

  • What harm do alcoholic liquors do to the heart?

  • Specifically, addicted to an excessive or habitual use of alcoholic liquors.

  • He and his Anti-Opium friends would, if they could, prohibit the cultivation and exportation of opium in India, why do not he and his fellow teetotallers call upon the country to prohibit the manufacture of alcoholic liquors?

  • The drinking shops furnish a mere indication of the amount of alcoholic liquors drunk in a town.

  • At Garden City the question regarding the sale of alcoholic liquors is one on which there is considerable divergence of view.

  • No woman, either, will stand and drink even the mildest of non-alcoholic liquors if she can possibly help it.

  • All taxation of alcoholic liquors should be direct and should be levied at the fountain head--whether distiller, brewer or importer.

  • It is the experience of most commercial travellers that the temperance hotel, quite apart from the fact that it supplies no alcoholic liquors, is only very rarely comparable to the fully-licensed house.

  • To avoid the evil effects of alcoholic liquors, perfect abstinence is the only safe course to pursue.

  • The continued use of alcoholic liquors in any considerable quantity produces irritation and inflammation of the stomach, and structural disease of the liver.

  • Trall tells us that, during the Medical Convention held at St. Louis a few years ago, the doctors dined together, and upon the table were "forty kinds of alcoholic liquors.

  • The whole class of alcoholic liquors may be considered as narcotics, producing very little difference in their ultimate effects upon the system.

  • The Daily News announces that:-- "A movement has been started to establish a hospital in London 'for the treatment of diseases apart from the ordinary administration of alcoholic liquors.

  • In hospitals, where this abstinence can always be enforced, the treatment of diseases apart from the ordinary administration of alcoholic liquors is especially usual.

  • Do not, in fact, most Doctors, as it is, treat diseases "apart from the ordinary administration of alcoholic liquors?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alcoholic liquors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alcoholic beverages; alcoholic drinks; alcoholic fermentation; alcoholic liquors; alcoholic solution; alcoholic stimulants; attempt made; care being; civilised nations; come what; compose myself; explain matters; extraordinary occasions; hundred pounds; judicial district; loading rifles; looking earnestly; much regret; other way; pagan antiquity; prayers were; retail trade; skin yellow; suitable localities; take long; white robe