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Example sentences for "rationalization"

Lexicographically close words:
rationalism; rationalist; rationalistic; rationalists; rationality; rationalize; rationalized; rationalizing; rationall; rationally
  1. There were other days when no rationalization would console me.

  2. This theory is obviously a rationalization of the Germanic causa debendi influenced by canon law and casuist writings.

  3. Juristically this seems to be a rationalization of the Roman innominate contract.

  4. Rationalization and ratiocination merged in her mind very readily.

  5. All their early efforts at rationalization failed to excuse the needless hunger, the mass arrests, the arbitrary executions.

  6. Nevertheless, it was not destined to lead to the rationalization of popular thought; and only in a small number of cases did the scientific thinkers deeply concern themselves with the enlightenment of the mass.

  7. Is it to be expected that the rationalization and humanization which have taken place in the more complex domain of religious doctrine and belief will not also take place in the domain of patriotism?

  8. The Influence of Rationalistic Philosophy The influence of rationalistic philosophy on the general attitude of classicism manifested itself in what may be called the gradual rationalization of all that the Renaissance gave to France.

  9. The complete rationalization of the laws of literature is first evident toward the middle of the seventeenth century.

  10. This is your supposition and rationalization on your part?

  11. So this paragraph that I have read, that is about it being a shame that crimes occur and there is so much jealousy for success, that was rationalization afterwards?

  12. He looked at the machine and saw the non-rationalization electrodes.

  13. It was a crawling feeling, the knowledge that he had been guilty of rationalization himself, that he had faults his mind refused to acknowledge.

  14. Now after this rationalization you have made, Mrs. Paine, it is your recollection that you did not make such a comment?

  15. But the fact is, apart from your rationalization now there was no conversation on that subject?

  16. This was not hopeful; and Leibnitz, with all his power and originality, really wrought little for the direct rationalization of religious thought.

  17. And the widespread belief in immortality is a compensation and a rationalization of the fear of death.

  18. Here was a typical rationalization of fear, one that has helped to shape religion, philosophies, ways of living.

  19. The rationalization wasn't too comforting, though, because he knew he could never have gone ahead on his own.

  20. In the comfortable rationalization of which he was capable, his whole zeal and hostility were fashioned around Brent's "arrogant disregard of democratic processes.

  21. This bare outline gives no indication of Hill's careful theological rationalization of character and plot which he promised in his preface.

  22. It is in this deliberate theological rationalization of his materials that Hill owes most to Mrs. Trotter's domestic tragedy and that he differs significantly from Moore.

  23. It is paralleled by many other sign systems, some extremely well adapted to rationalization and automation, and becomes itself subject to integration in machines adept at sign processing (in particular information processing).

  24. For an excellent discussion of the process of rationalization see The Psychology of Insanity, Bernard Hart, Cambridge University Press, 1914.

  25. The rest of the legend is merely a rationalization based upon the idea that the tree was identified with the mother-goddess.

  26. The phallic interpretation is certainly a secondary rationalization of an incident which had no such implication originally.

  27. As one of the means by which the resurrection was attained incense became a giver of divinity; and by a simple process of rationalization the tree which produced this divine substance became a god.

  28. But so many other factors of most diverse kinds played a part in building up the complex theory of the eye's fertilizing potency that all the stages in the process of rationalization cannot yet be arranged in orderly sequence.

  29. It is quite possible that earlier associations of the dog with the Great Mother may have played some part in this transference of meaning, if only by creating confusion which made such rationalization necessary.

  30. A reason had to be found--and the rationalization adopted was that men had rebelled against the gods and had to be killed.

  31. An interesting rationalization (of which Mr. T.

  32. This complicated rationalization made Hathor the sister, mother, and grandmother of Horus, and was responsible for originating the belief in the incestuous practices of the divine family.

  33. By a somewhat analogous process of archaic rationalization the sons respectively of Osiris and Ea, the sun-gods Horus and Marduk, acquired a similarly confused reputation.

  34. But I think this is a secondary rationalization of their meaning.

  35. Such a rationalization will take into account the value of a new ideal of love which shall be built up from a sane relationship between the sexes and in accordance with eugenic standards.

  36. They retain the Marxian rationalization apparatus, and the linkage with Moscow.

  37. Three lines of reconstruction have proved very fruitful: motor communications, telecommunications, and the rationalization of pre-modern facilities already at hand.

  38. Mark Twain's attack upon the failure of human life was merely a rationalization of the failure in himself.

  39. The absolutism of the crowd-mind with its consequent hostility to conscious personality finds a perfect rationalization in the ethical philosophy of Kant.

  40. In this rationalization of the ceremonial prescriptions of Scripture Maimonides, as in other things, surpasses all his predecessors in his boldness, scientific method and completeness.

  41. It is not the rationalization of Jewish dogma that he is interested in, nor the reconciliation of religion and philosophy.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rationalization" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adjustment; alienation; approach; arrangement; attack; blueprint; calculation; casuistry; circularity; clearance; clearing; compensation; conception; contrivance; coordination; deduction; defense; demonstration; design; device; discourse; displacement; disposition; dissociation; distortion; enterprise; equivocation; escape; exculpation; excuse; explanation; fallacy; fantasy; flight; foresight; forethought; game; harmonization; idea; induction; insincerity; intention; isolation; justification; layout; lineup; method; methodology; misapplication; mystification; ordination; organization; perversion; philosophy; picture; planning; plausibility; prearrangement; pretext; procedure; program; projection; proof; purgation; purging; ratiocination; rationale; rationalism; rationality; rationalization; reason; reasoning; regulation; rehabilitation; reinstatement; resistance; restoration; schedule; schema; scheme; setup; sophism; sophistication; sophistry; speciousness; strategy; sublimation; substitution; subtlety; system; tactics; vindication; way; withdrawal