In fact, it was to him more than to the Romans, that the second improvisation of Corinne was directed.
Improvisation on a given theme--still by the same.
He played the piece to the end, and then atoned for his bulls by adding an improvisation on the theme which moved the assembly to tears!
Of my improvisation I know only that it was followed by stormy applause and many recalls.
Of course our artist did not bethink himself long, but sat down at once, and launched out into an improvisation on a Polish air.
With a good delivery he combined a presence of mind that enabled him to be always ready with an improvisation when another player forgot his part.
Young Chopin distinguished himself in his improvisation by wealth of musical ideas, and under his hands this instrument, of which he is a thorough master, made a great impression.
The faculty of rhyming and of improvisation in verse is constantly to be met with.
Her improvisation specially displayed a vigor of imagination, a fine artistic taste, and a well-defined knowledge which justly called out the most enthusiastic recognition.
His last improvisation in public, on themes furnished by the audience, formed part of the programme of a concert at London, in 1865, given by Mme.
His improvisation on themes suggested by the audience always made one of the most attractive features of his concerts.
The entire concert consisted of a trio played by Polledro, the violin sonata by me, another piece by Polledro and then an improvisation by me.
The introductory pianoforte fantasia which was published to take the place of Beethoven's improvisation at the first performance, was composed in 1809.
The figure in the midst was the leper girl; the song was the improvisation of the mother, pouring out her sorrow in the island way.
It was an improvisation of this sort that had slain Jean Prouvaire.
Too much improvisation empties the mind in a stupid way.
I shall remember thee this evening, Carlo, and hope the thought of thee may inspire me for a right beautiful improvisation on death!
At the beginning of the second part of the development the performer, exalted, even a little intoxicated with his sense of success, essayed a bit of improvisation considerably more important than the first.
It was an improvisation of this nature which killed Jean Prouvaire.
She contrasts Italian improvisation with French conversation, and finds it equally admirable.
He reported that Beethoven had received him graciously and that he, in turn, had heard the master play the pianoforte, his improvisation being the most marvellous thing he had ever listened to.
Seemingly fabulous, yet apparently true stories of improvisationfeats by Arabic poets are numerous.
Again, no art dispenses altogether with the poet's use of artistic judgment, no matter how much an improvisation that art is.
Improvisation is one of the features that characterized Persian and Arabic poetry.
Arabic critics always dealt with improvisationas a feature of verse making, and this is an argument to those who maintain that Arabic poetry was conscious art and artificial.
He was indeed a wizard as Barry had said, with a genius for ragtime and popular music hall ditties, and possessed also of the further gift of improvisation that made his services invaluable on just such an occasion as this.
He found in these artists a practical lesson in the application of his beliefs--a lesson which substantiated the tonic division and formal improvisation of Goya and the decorative colour application of Gauguin.
Kitchener's great improvisation is already bearing fruit, and the New Armies are flocking to the support of the old.
At home the great improvisation of the New Armies, undertaken by Lord Kitchener in the teeth of much expert criticism, goes steadily on.
Sometimes accused of expecting others to achieve the impossible, he had achieved it himself in the crowning miracle of his life, the improvisation of the New Armies.
The traveler, as he trudged along under his swaying burden, or as he rested by the wayside, would solace himself and his companions with a pensive improvisation in the form of an oli.
Frederic immediately hurried into the church, and during the service seated himself at the organ and played his last improvisation in honour of his departed friend.
When in a happy mood, his improvisation delighted and elevated the minds of his hearers, or if he happened to be under the inspiration of Comus,[21] awakened a sense of the purest and most innocent joy.
No one was considered an artist who could only perform, however well, if he could not also compose; and, especially on the organ, good improvisation was considered the chief qualification of a musician.
That the merriment of the crowd was provoked by the appearance and antics of the Devil--that is to say, by the improvisation of the actor--and his raids upon the spectators is natural to infer.
He replied that she had wished to do so, but that he had disallowed it, and he easily convinced me that this improvisation would have been the ruin of her fine talent.
I was amazed, and made an improvisation on her skill, which I gave her in writing.
The honour in which improvisation was held amongst the Greeks and Romans is due to the fact that Greek and Latin verse is not under the dominion of rhyme.
The precision and speed of his improvisation revealed him.
The magnificent conceit of the male in his understanding of the female character was sufficiently developed to cause him to welcome the improvisation which he had just heard.