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Example sentences for "fur"

Lexicographically close words:
funus; fuoco; fuor; fuora; fuori; furbelows; furbish; furbished; furbishing; furca
  1. You'll be surprised when I tell you of another friend of yours who arrived here this very day!

  2. In the summer-time huge steam ferry-boats plied from shore to shore, transferring passengers and freight from the western to the eastern or Trans-Baikal section.

  3. The nation that opposes Russia must itself be of iron mould, or it will snap.

  4. Larkin, following the direction of their glances, stopped short.

  5. Then the big fur caps came off, while the men with the hard brown faces clustered thicker about the pair, and awkwardly held out mittened hands.

  6. Last of all a trooper led a horse which carried an amorphous burden wrapped in a fur coat, and lashed on with a pack-lariat.

  7. He came back transformed--with a battered fur cap hiding most of his face, in a very big and somewhat tattered fur coat.

  8. All the traps and the fur and everything we've got here except my sled and dog-team are yours.

  9. I am glad I shall not live to see the last of the fur trade--I love the fur--it speaks a language I know.

  10. Although the snow all about them showed innumerable tracks of the fur bearers, the two paid no attention to them until the cabin stood finished in its tiny clearing.

  11. There lay the man closely wrapped in his moose skin, fur side in, and the heavy hide frozen to the hardness of iron!

  12. Connie learned from the representatives of both companies that from all indications fur would be plentiful that year, but both expressed doubt that Fort Norman would get its share of the trading.

  13. Another thing, in the fur posts our word is law.

  14. These Injuns need every bit of fur they can trap to buy grub and clothes with.

  15. There was a mighty upheaval of snow, a whistling snort, and a mountain of brown fur projected itself into the rapidly gathering dusk.

  16. In the leading vessel of the little squadron, well enveloped in the folds of a magnificent fur mantle, to shield from autumnal chills, which settle early upon those regions, their commander reclined at his ease.

  17. And the confidential clerk of the fur trader?

  18. I come to have a little talk with you 'bout the doins of these here fur companies that are kickin' up such a shine among themselves and the trappers.

  19. Then 'twas her turn and she dressed him down properly and gave him all the law and the prophets, and made him promise on his oath that he'd never do no more crimes, or kill fur or feather that didn't belong by rights to him.

  20. Then he can come in and have a drop of the last brew," declared Chawner; "but just look round afore he enters and see as no fur nor feathers be about in the house-place to fret him.

  21. For there was Chawner Green, with a fur cap made of a weasel skin drawed down over his head and the moonshine leaving no doubt as to his identity.

  22. You can, Shag; if you will but eat of the Fur Flower it will cure this evil disease which is in your blood, and bring back the beautiful silk coat that was the envy of the Buffalo Range.

  23. I arrive in a costly fur coat, or with my horses; or the man who lacks shoes sees my two-thousand-ruble apartments.

  24. She had a feather-bed, a quilted coverlet, a samovar, a fur cloak, and a dresser with crockery.

  25. In the corner there were numerous images, and two lamps were burning before them; on the wall hung fur coats covered with sheets.

  26. Then whut fur dey go roun' peepin' at each other lak a couple o' niggers roun' a haystack?

  27. Dey looks kind o' like when you is fur off.

  28. He approached the now blazing pine-logs, and as he drew off his thick fur driving-gloves, and warmed his hands at the cheerful blaze, Ulrika again fixed her dull eyes upon him with something of wonder and reluctant admiration.

  29. Shivering as with intense cold, she rose from the chair she had so long occupied, and stood upright, mechanically gathering around her the long fur mantle that she had not as yet taken off.

  30. This party was in the employ of two men quite distinguished in the fur trade, Messrs.

  31. He was then a partner in the firm of Bent and Vrain, merchants of renown in the fur trade.

  32. Here he engaged a party of twenty-one men, principally Creole and Canadian boatmen, who were familiar with Indian life, having been long engaged in the service of the various fur companies.

  33. Here he found, to his disappointment, that beaver fur had greatly deteriorated in value.

  34. Two years later the American Fur Company again bought out the opposition.

  35. Endeavours were made by each party to outdo the other in entertaining them, in which the more powerful and firmly established American Fur Company could hold out the longest.

  36. Chardon had lived among the Osage for many years and later entered the American Fur Company's employ.

  37. The opposition of Soublette and Campbell to the American Fur Company was spirited though brief; consult Chittenden, Fur-Trade, i, pp.

  38. The French Fur Company had sent some of their servants with the General to trade in the Mandan villages.

  39. He had been formerly in the service of the American Fur Company, had then gone over to the Hudson's Bay Company, and cheated both.

  40. The Fur Company had not a single interpreter for this language, though great pains had been taken to procure one.

  41. It was rather the beginning of an inevitable struggle for the control of the upper St. Lawrence and of the Canadian fur trade.

  42. In 1645, moreover, the company was reorganized, and the fur trade, which had been vested in the Associates, was handed over to the colonists.

  43. De Monts had obtained from the King one year's monopoly of the Canadian fur trade, and two ships which he sent to the St. Lawrence were in charge of Pontgrave and Champlain respectively.

  44. La Salle was prepared to assure to France one more link in the chain of rivers and lakes: he was prepared too to disarm trading jealousy by renouncing any plans for intercepting the existing fur trade.

  45. There stood and stands Tadoussac, in old days a great centre of the fur trade, and the earliest foothold of the French in Canada.

  46. The Iroquois, as we have seen, knew as well as the French the value of these positions: they feared and resented the building of the forts, as limiting the range of their power, and taking from them the control of the fur trade.

  47. That which had often been asserted by independent travellers, and more often stoutly denied by those whose sole interests were centred in the fur trade[1], had been found by scientific explorers of unquestioned veracity to be an actual fact.

  48. With a preliminary account of the rise, progress and present state of the Fur Trade of that country.

  49. These are not particular points noted for their good soil, but located solely for the fur trade.

  50. The fur seal is not found here, but the seals of Hudson bay are valuable for their oil.

  51. He had also fur to the value of ten thousand dollars received in trade.

  52. Whatever the discouragements of the pioneer agriculturalists in Mackenzie valley may have been, there was sufficient encouragement to induce the missionaries and employees of the fur companies stationed in the country to persevere.

  53. Mr. Young, in his evidence, drew attention to the fact that the posts in the far north at which grain had been grown had not been selected for wheat raising, but because they were convenient locations for the fur trade.

  54. They are, of course, very easily killed, and consequently form a large portion of the fur in the north.

  55. The Hudson’s Bay Company’s posts on Mackenzie river were established at convenient points for the fur trade all the way down the river.

  56. Illustration: A Fur Shipment of One Season from Mackenzie basin, estimated value over two million, five hundred thousand dollars.

  57. The value of the fur which passed through Athabaska this year on its way out of the country is estimated at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

  58. Skelly's layin' fur her too; an' he'll git her.

  59. My old injines are feelin' about fur an excuse to cave in.

  60. It's fur sale an' to rent, both, ef anybody wants it.

  61. I didn't go to bed at all, and I've been at the barn fur an hour.

  62. I'm sorry about you, too, fur it was a nice tavern, when Dave kept it.

  63. The man stood before him in top-hat, a cutaway revealed through the folds of his fur coat.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    furnished apartments; furnished house; furnished room; furnished with; further advance; further development; further examination; further increased; further information; further legislation; further north; further notice; further period; further progress; further question; further questions; further reduction; further remarks; further resistance; further resolved; further said; further says; further still; further supply; further than; fury upon