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Example sentences for "intermediary"

Lexicographically close words:
intermeddleth; intermeddling; intermedia; intermediacy; intermediaries; intermediate; intermediates; intermediation; intermedium; intermedius
  1. The province will remain as a convenient intermediary between the two.

  2. In the mystical doctrines which Confucianism transmitted from the animism of the feudal ages of China, the Emperor was the intermediary between the forces of nature and mankind.

  3. The inscription of Ramses I is much mutilated; but what has been preserved permits us to restore a formula at the commencement, which is intermediary between the formula of Seti I and that of Ramses II.

  4. The author of that remote time speaks to us directly, hand to eye, without intermediary transcriber.

  5. In a luxurious and licentious society, she was a successful intriguer in matters both of politics and of pleasure; versed in the arts of coquetry and dress, she became for the needy and ambitious a successful intermediary with those in power.

  6. Clary appears to have been ardent when Joseph as intermediary began, according to French custom, to arrange the preliminaries of marriage; and when General Buonaparte fell madly in love with Mme.

  7. But God can by Himself govern all things without any intermediary cause.

  8. Once or twice it had happened, when the housemaid was out, that he went to the door with the baby on his arm, and answered the ring of Olive and Ben Halleck, or of Olive and one or both of the intermediary sisters.

  9. Speak for yourself, Olive," said one of the intermediary sisters.

  10. The General Confederation will also serve as intermediary in international relations.

  11. The profit offered to the issuing house is too big, and the commission demanded by the intermediary is so large that it plainly points to evil practices in Barataria.

  12. In the case supposed, we have seen that the terms offered and the commission to be made by the intermediary were such that the latter would have been shown the door.

  13. Others may be found in Hindoo literature, as in Malati and Madhava, where the intermediary speaks of having dwelt on the lover's merits and rank in the presence of the heroine, in the hope of influencing her.

  14. On the island of Mabniag, after a girl has sent an intermediary to bring a string to the man she covets, she follows this up by sending him food, again and again.

  15. The intermediary comes to the bride's house and pretends that he has lost a cow or a lamb, and asks permission to hunt for it.

  16. The manner of seeking reconciliation is as follows: (a) Reconciliation can be sought either in person, or through an intermediary who is a friend to both parties.

  17. Natural law must be applied to certain cases in which restitution sent through an intermediary perishes on the way through no fault of the debtor.

  18. Whenever occasion arose, the audiencia interposed as the intermediary and arbiter between dissenting parties in the name of the sovereign, and its decrees were listened to with respect.

  19. It may be noted that the archbishop exercised complete authority over the audiencia, even to the extent of restoring oidores who had been unlawfully dismissed, and of acting as an intermediary between magistrates.

  20. It was a sanctuary both for Roman Catholic Croats and for Orthodox Serbs, and sometimes acted as intermediary on behalf of its co-religionists with the Turkish authorities, with whom it wielded great influence.

  21. Morgan undertook to negotiate with the Cunard Line through the intermediary of some British friends.

  22. Catholic religion, he announced his intention of recognizing him if he held to this engagement; and he held to his own, for he was during five years the intermediary between Henry IV.

  23. On the 12th of June, the king and the Prince of Conde appeared unexpectedly on the right bank of the intermediary branch of the Rhine, between the Wahal and the Yssel.

  24. The coffin of Voltaire was deposited between those of Descartes and Mirabeau,--the spot predestined for this intermediary genius between philosophy and policy, between the design and the execution.

  25. The men of colour, the intermediary race, springing from white colonists and black slaves, were not slaves, neither were they citizens.

  26. This city and comtal, united to France by the recent decree of the Constituent Assembly, had remained from this period in an intermediary state between two dominations, so favourable to anarchy.

  27. His great parts had long recommended him to Bocchus, and his known loyalty to Rome made him a useful intermediary with the representative of that power.

  28. To the Numidian king he was simply the grandson of the elder Africanus: And the envoys in their simplicity mentioned his name as the Intermediary of the royal bounty.

  29. As intermediary between the Tartars and Russian states he enjoyed privileges denied to his seniors, and arrogated to himself the title and position of "Prince of all the Russias.

  30. From this ignominy Cremieux hoped to free them, and he was powerfully supported by Solomon Munk, who appears to have been destined to be the intermediary between the European and the Egyptian Jews--between the past and the present.

  31. Herself unmarried, she consented to become the intermediary between him and the abandoned Pauline Wiesel.

  32. There is no such thing as a simple “Protestant opinion” on Luther; and Köstlin’s intermediary treatment is the one least likely to lead a Catholic to commit an injustice against either of the extreme parties in Protestantism.

  33. At any rate, the manner in which Luther acted in order to gain and retain the protection of the Elector, through the intermediary of Spalatin, gives some weight to the words.

  34. They also betray how he becomes gradually familiar with the doctrine that faith alone justifies, without any longer placing humility in the foreground as the intermediary of justification as he once had done.

  35. Two or three little angels, who link them to the intermediary zone of the composition, seem to be explaining to them the miracle that is taking place.

  36. Fallen to this earth we recognize it by the intermediary of the most luminous of our senses.

  37. At the second council of Macon it was debated whether woman should not be regarded as beyond the pale of humanity and as appertaining to a degree intermediary between man and beast.

  38. Lastly, religion, through the knowledge which it has of what is pious and what is impious, is love's intermediary between men and gods.

  39. But after the agreement was signed the French Government interposed its veto so far as to insist on being the intermediary through whose hands the transaction should pass.

  40. On leaving China for Rome, Mr Dunn stipulated that a competent intermediary should be appointed to interpret his correspondence to Li Hung-chang, a duty which was intrusted to the commissioner of customs in Tientsin.

  41. Accordingly an effort was made to persuade Luther by friendly means, through the intermediary of a commission consisting of certain clerical and lay members of the Diet under the Archbishop of Treves, Richard of Greiffenklau.

  42. The letter describes the painful embarrassment in which Melanchthon found himself placed as intermediary after the advances and concessions he had made at Augsburg.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intermediary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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