A liberal future compensation has been granted to all the veterans of the World War.
We should continue to foster our system of compensation and rehabilitation, and provide hospitals and insurance.
We have recently provided increases in compensationunder a method of reclassification and given them the advantage of a liberal retirement system as a support for their declining years.
One of these is the protective tariff, which enables our people to live according to a better standard and receive a better rate of compensation than any people, any time, anywhere on earth, ever enjoyed.
The classification act of 1923, with the subsequent legislative action providing for adjustment of the compensation of field service positions, has operated materially to improve employment conditions in the Federal service.
Compensation had been promised by the secret treaty.
Italy, for example, whose population is almost equal to that of her French sister, demanded compensation for the vast additions that were being made to France's extensive possessions.
Thus the ministers in some of the Allied countries bound themselves to compel the Germans not only to pay full compensation for damage wantonly done, but also to defray the entire cost of the war.
I find in your speech grand compensation for the long postponement to which you have been constrained.
She had obtained the, otherwise, obdurate father's consent, and demanded compensation for her services.
The first one that he examined conferred certain valuable privileges, in perpetuity, upon a corporation without requiring any compensation for the franchise.
In particular, when Valentine recounted the history of Jigerdilla, Michal did not grudge him an ample compensation for the kisses which, for her sake, he had refused the Turkish lady.
Rich and poor alike gave their money freely; and doctors and nurses from every part of the country offered their services for no greater compensation than the privilege to serve suffering humanity.
She received nocompensation whatever, other than the gratitude of her charges and the high commendation of the surgeons.
If it resulted in a break-through it would be justified as good strategy; if not, a number of prisoners and miles of ravaged territory have been taken, with no compensationfor the costs.
Ample compensationwill be paid to the Dutch owners of the ships which will be put into our service and suitable provision will be made to meet the possibility of ships being lost through enemy action.
I will pay you fifteen per cent on the net profits of the enterprise for the first six months, which ought to be regarded as a liberalcompensation for the small amount of time that you will be obliged to give to the work.
Darrell silently drew her nearer himself, feeling that even in this foretaste of joy he had received ample compensation for the past.
Have I ever offered youcompensation for anything that you or your sister have done for me?
Granted that, he was willing to promise fair compensation for the Navajo who had been slain, and amnesty for the subsequent outrage of carrying off the girl; and also he was ready in person to guarantee these terms.
I've fixed it up with them about compensation for their dear departed, and we 're all going back to San Remo together, to take her home and get the silver for them.
I don't see why he shouldn't pay a decent compensation to this Mahletonkwa here.
To stand upon the edge of this stupendous gorge, as it receives its earliest greeting from the god of day, is to enjoy in a moment compensation for long years of ordinary uneventful life.
But the subject of compensation could not be passed by.
In December the two Houses passed a bill granting compensation to those who had suffered losses in the Stamp Act riots, but, on the suggestion of Joseph Hawley, accompanied it with a general pardon, indemnity and oblivion to the offenders.
He was offered a salary and compensationfor losses if he would join the American cause.
Compensation is made for the omission of the two great northern prophets by inserting accounts of several prophets whose messages were addressed to the kings of Judah.
Imagine Joash requiring Jehoiada to make compensation for pulling down a high place!
A good man's other misfortunes might be compensated for by prosperity in his latter days; but in a theory of retribution which required a complete satisfaction of justice in this life there could be no compensation for a dishonourable death.
The present depression of the clergy exposed them to all injuries; and the laity never stopped till they had reduced the church to such poverty, that her plunder was no longer a compensation for the odium incurred by it.
We left the terms to him, and he suggested a compensation far greater than we should have asked.
We left the dead men by the roadside, but took with us two fine horses as compensation for our trouble.
He will pay to Your Highness such compensation as may be agreed upon when His Majesty meets you, which he hopes may be within a month.
Our contract with Franz provided that we should receive no compensation until after his merchandise had safely reached Basel, but then our remuneration was to be large.
Why not accept it as compensation for that broken rib, and that bullet I put through your left shoulder, the dislocated right shoulder, the loose teeth and the split lip?
Was there to be no compensation for the garage and other improvements that they had made under the assumption that all would be theirs some day?
Of late decades we have become ashamed, tried in awkward fashion to render somecompensation for the wrongs done, but the larger part of the story is sad indeed.
That would be some compensation for the waste and destruction of the War.
Eternity holds ample compensation for all of Earth's waiting.
And what compensation would you demand for 'assisting' me?
Well, he shall have a most gratifying compensation at the theatre to-night," said Frederick Augustus to himself.
As a slight compensation for the severity of the regulation, he adds that the "good humoured lasses, to make amends, will kiss the offender in a corner.
It is therein stated that, if any one accused of a capital offence takes refuge in a church, his life shall be spared, but the criminal is directed to make compensation for his crime.