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Example sentences for "preoccupation"

Lexicographically close words:
prenticed; prentices; prentis; prentise; prenuptial; preoccupations; preoccupied; preoccupy; preoral; preordained
  1. A disapproving murmur ran through the ranks of the loyal partisans, but the incident was soon forgotten amid the pleasant preoccupation over the trip on the following morning.

  2. She instinctively felt the preoccupation vulgar and selfish, though she shrank from putting that feeling into words, and felt almost guilty in thus judging.

  3. To Hester the days had brought no mitigation of her pain, although her husband seemed to take it for granted that she shared his preoccupation concerning the ball.

  4. She remembered sadly that the glad old greetings would sound for other ears than hers in the dear home far away, while to her husband, the chief preoccupation seemed the success of the impending dinner-party on which he had set his heart.

  5. In fact, there seemed to be some absorbing preoccupation filling the minds of all the bystanders.

  6. His preoccupation regarding the coming entertainment caused her some surprise.

  7. This preoccupation gave him an object; he reached the Rue Louis-le-Grand thinking more of Phillis than of himself.

  8. This was his strong point, this power to work, that was never disturbed or weakened by anything; not by pleasure or pain, by preoccupation or by misery.

  9. You see now why, in spite of your gayety, I have not been able to hide my preoccupation from you.

  10. We must reflect, weigh the pro and con, compass the situation from divers points of view; that is what I try to do, which is the cause of my preoccupation that astonishes you.

  11. To any person familiar with her character the signs of some unusual preoccupation were clear enough in Mrs. Leyburn during this Thursday evening.

  12. In her preoccupation she let her fork veer away from her plate.

  13. Little did the prosaic lawyer suspect the preoccupation of his pupil during the next quarter of an hour.

  14. Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development.

  15. The moment we reached the country and he sniffed the scent of the gardens the anxiety and preoccupation fell away.

  16. It is not exactly preoccupation but a highly developed concentration.

  17. He went out to the street and there his earlier preoccupation returned.

  18. At first she feared that his preoccupation might in some way be connected with the episodes at Biarritz, but this fear faded.

  19. After that incident it was impossible for her to suppose that her husband's preoccupation was in anywise connected with the intimacy which had subsisted between the young man and herself.

  20. The first poets, if one may find their images in the Kalevala, had not Homer’s preoccupation with things, and he was not so full of their excitement as Virgil.

  21. This preoccupation with moral ideas lent a marked intensity to his narrow temperament.

  22. Love is the absorbing preoccupation of this society, the ultimate ground of all undertakings.

  23. It is no accident that with the clearer recognition of sharp and absolute loss Browning shows increasing preoccupation with the thought of recovery after death.

  24. His personal story impresses itself upon his poetry only through the preoccupation which it induces with the love-stories of other people, mostly quite unlike his own.

  25. But his very preoccupation with Art and with Love itself sprang mainly from his peculiar joy in the ardent putting-forth of soul.

  26. He paused behind the yew at the corner to adjust matters, and gazed down at his legs with a keen preoccupation that left no room for anything else.

  27. There gleamed out the preoccupation of Sally’s existence—the endeavour to prevent Jimmy’s behaviour reaching a pass where the often-threatened policeman really would do his duty.

  28. Preoccupation with the soul may lead to superstition, indifference about the body to cruelty.

  29. Doubtless in the minds of both there was something besides a preoccupation with formal combinations; but Giotto has allowed that "something" to dominate his design, Cimabue has forced his design to dominate it.

  30. The quarrel between significance and illusion seems to be as old as art itself, and I have little doubt that what makes most palaeolithic art so bad is a preoccupation with exact representation.

  31. Ages in which the sense of formal significance has been swamped utterly by preoccupation with the obvious, will turn out, I suspect, to have been ages of spiritual famine.

  32. Formal significance loses itself in preoccupation with exact representation and ostentatious cunning.

  33. At this point his preoccupation seemed to strike her.

  34. Yet, since he was actually obtuse enough to misunderstand her preoccupation and to be even mildly hurt thereby, she exerted herself for his sake to respond intelligently to his remarks.

  35. His eyes glowed, and he fought off with difficulty a great preoccupation that seemed to be settling over him.

  36. Occasionally in his darker hours Neilson foresaw even more sinister possibilities in this change in Ray: the abnormal intensity manifest in every look and word, the weird, evil preoccupation that seemed ever upon him.

  37. A great preoccupation seemed to hold them both.

  38. But if any one wishes to come to her work with a comfortable preoccupation in favor of herself, he should begin with her Letters.

  39. The Rector of Giessen sees in the diffuse style of German scholars and in the bitterness of their polemical writings an effect of the habit they have contracted of "excessive preoccupation with little things.

  40. In reality there do exist modest and kindly scholars: it is a question of character; professional "preoccupation with little things" is not enough to change natural disposition in this respect.

  41. Taking advantage of the preoccupation of the Court, they had quietly slipped out of the door.

  42. When I returned, my colleague was standing with his hands behind him, gazing with intense preoccupation at the footprints.

  43. Politics became the principal preoccupation of the educated classes.

  44. The principal subject of public preoccupation during 1903 was the negotiation with the United States concerning the permission desired by the latter to continue the work.

  45. In some people even milder degrees of preoccupation with a {225} single subject may work harm.

  46. Archimedes, the great ancient mathematician, lost his life because of preoccupation with mathematical problems that kept him from telling the Roman soldiers, who had strict orders to spare him, who he was.

  47. They were given a new idea which occupied them very much and so saved them from that preoccupation with themselves and their feelings and whatever slight ailment might be present that was the physical occasion for psycho-neurotic symptoms.

  48. Where there are children the interests are much more urgent and there is little time for such preoccupation with self as gives one "that tired feeling.

  49. In the midst of intense mental preoccupation one may hold so cramped a position as would be quite impossible for the same length of time with the faculties normally engaged.

  50. As may be readily understood from our discussion of this problem of mental preoccupation during digestion, this may seriously hamper digestive processes.

  51. He confessed that the intense preoccupation of mind had completely driven away his blues and had even done much to relieve him of various digestive symptoms to which he had previously attributed his depression.

  52. When so preoccupied, painters walk off scaffolds, and such preoccupation of mind is extremely dangerous, not only for the man himself, but for those who are working with him.

  53. Any strong preoccupation of mind will greatly lessen pain at any time.

  54. Simply enough I asked him why he should call my mother's preoccupation fortunate to him.

  55. Madame wondered what had brought so grave an air of preoccupation over the beautiful young face.

  56. That sudden coming back from whatever his own preoccupation might have been to a vivid concern for her father.

  57. They look at the continual preoccupation of the old-fashioned Christian with the salvation of his soul as something sickly and reprehensible rather than admirable; and a sanguine and "muscular" attitude.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preoccupation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absorption; abstraction; adoption; alienation; anxiety; apathy; application; appropriation; assiduity; assumption; claim; colonization; colony; complex; compulsion; concentration; conquest; constancy; contemplation; daydream; dejection; depression; detachment; diligence; dream; dreaming; elation; emotionalism; endurance; engagement; fantasy; fascination; fetish; feud; fidelity; fixation; foible; freehold; haze; hold; holding; hypochondria; hysteria; immersion; indent; indifference; industry; insensibility; insistence; intentness; involvement; lease; leasehold; lethargy; life; loyalty; mandate; mania; meditation; melancholia; melancholy; monomania; mooning; muse; musing; obsession; obstinacy; occupancy; occupation; patience; pensiveness; permanence; persistence; pertinacity; plodding; plugging; possession; preemption; preoccupation; prepossession; prescription; property; relentlessness; requisition; resolution; reverie; squatting; stability; stamina; stubbornness; study; stupor; subjugation; submersion; tenacity; tenancy; tenure; thing; thoughtfulness; title; trance; twitching; usurpation; villenage; withdrawal; stability; stamina; stubbornness; study; stupor; subjugation; submersion; tenacity; tenancy; tenure; thing; thoughtfulness; title; trance; twitching; usurpation; villenage; withdrawal