The trading account now exhibits the true trading profits with a complete segregation of profits from actual sales and commission sales.
The segregation of the various items of sales expense is desirable for the purpose of determining the percentage of each.
Note the segregationof charges to manufacturing, selling, and administrative branches of the business.
Not only does this permit of carrying footings to the end of the month with one posting to the ledger account, but it provides a convenient classification of receipts and expenditures with a complete segregation of items of a given class.
There was special hardship in the segregationat once imposed on the prisoner.
A bibliography of the student movement protesting segregation and discrimination, 1960.
The debate on school segregationin South Carolina, 1868.
Equality and beyond; housingsegregation and the goals of the Great Society.
A87] "This edition contains the full text of the Court decision (except for technical footnotes) and has been revised to bring the legal history of segregation up to date.
Compilation of Georgia laws and opinions of the attorney general relating to segregation of the races.
Education and the segregation issue; a program of education for the economic and social regeneration of the southern Negro.
Race relations in transition; the segregation crisis in the South.
Desegregation and the law; the meaning and effect of the school segregation cases.
I know how almost inevitable this is, how almost impossible it is to resist the segregation of classes according to the affinities of taste.
It is only where this segregation has been the result of lack of thought and proper attention, or other like causes, that we find a complex and unsatisfactory condition of affairs.
It was what we breeders call a Mendelian segregation of genetic factors that had been in the waltzers and albinos all the time--their original wild ancestor of the woods and fields.
I think Jim is the kind of Mendelian segregation out of which we get Franklins and Edisons and their sort.
Concretions are formed by the segregationof one or more of the constituents of a rock.
An impregnation is an irregular segregation of metalliferous minerals in the mass of some eruptive or crystalline rock.
In such cases the consolidation of the silica implies its segregation also; i.
The duplicate layers are often discontinuous and of unequal thickness, on account of the strong tendency to segregation in the materials.
Thus, a siliceous limestone becomes, by the segregation of the silica, a pure limestone containing nodules of chert, which are usually arranged in lines parallel with the stratification.
It is absurd to impose segregation in prison for small errors.
But we content ourselves by pointing out that segregation for an indefinite time has so much truth in it, that even the most orthodox of the classic school admit it, for instance in the case of criminals under age.
For the segregation of the graver criminals, the management must be as scientific as it is now in insane asylums.
Theirs was a voluntarysegregation which must have had the most direful results upon the race.
Segregation of the Criminal an Ultimate and Effectual Resort.
Segregation no New Idea, and Ultimately a Necessary Practice.
That which we speak of is an enforced segregation which would eliminate from it some of its worst qualities.
The idea of segregation is no new one, for at the call of religion man and woman have in most countries, and in all times, separated themselves from their fellows.
No one in their senses would at the present moment venture to bring in a Bill for the segregation of criminals and vagrants, for we are not prepared for such a measure.
Were this segregation proposed, it would be impossible to oppose it except by prejudice and that inertia which every change has to encounter.
Hence the segregation (with proper care) of those obviously unfit to become parents seems necessary.
An alternative to segregation (for inheritable, but not for communicable, diseases) is sterilization.
In this case and at Rat Island, the passage of the gneiss into imperfect hornblendic or into chloritic slate, seemed to be connected with the segregation of the veins of quartz.
The system of indeterminate segregation renders all special supervision useless.
After this first period, the principle of segregation for an unfixed term, as a basis for the penal system, has been supported by Despine, and developed by a few German writers.
First, care must be taken that segregation does not become or continue to be (as it is too often at present) a welcome refuge of idleness and criminal association, instead of a deprivation.
It is now necessary to inquire what form the perpetual or indefinite segregation of the criminal should assume.
This is the ideal and the typical form of segregation for criminals, against whom it would not be sufficient to exact strict reparation of damage, on the principles already set forth.
Thus the discipline of theirsegregation must vary accordingly.
It is quite sufficient, in prisons for the segregation of criminals, to provide for isolation by night, which requires buildings far more simple and less costly than those of the cellular prisons.
Allied to the principle of indeterminate segregation is that of conditional release, which with the progressive prison system, known as the Irish, is now accepted in nearly all European countries.
They grew sick of years lived without serious purpose, waiting for husband and children which sometimes never came; sick of their dependence, of their idleness, of their careful segregation from the currents of life about them.
That was Tolstoy; and that was the way, through all peoples and all times, riches had meant segregation from the Common.
His directives provided for the segregation of Jews, ultimately in ghettos.
This bulletin contained no explicit statement that the Jews were being exterminated, but it did indicate they were going to labor camps, and spoke of their complete segregation and elimination and the necessity of ruthless severity.
At the Leprosy Congress held in Berlin in 1897, Hansen again emphasised his belief that segregation was the cause of the decline of leprosy wherever it had occurred.
Segregation does not appear always to result in a decline of the disease, as we should expect if it were purely contagious.
The people who cry out against the segregation of the negro in government offices have hardly realized that non-segregation is objected to, not because of itself, but because of miscegenation.
Since the riots attempts at segregationof the sick have been practically abandoned.
Every attempt at segregation of the sick led to more or less disturbance; and finally, in March, 1898, serious riots resulted.
In the days of slavery, from commercial considerations, the West Indian planters insisted on segregation in yaws-houses, and were partly successful in keeping the disease under control.
Mendelian conceptions show us how by segregation the integrity of the factors can be in some degree maintained, but not why certain combinations of factors should be exceptionally stable.
We may conceive such differences as due to change of form in the successive "waves" of division, but we cannot yet imagine segregation otherwise than as acting by the removal or retention of a material element.
Indications of segregation have been observed in some cases, but there are several factors concerned and they are liable to some disintegration.
On this evidence I have regarded the case as one in which there is no good evidence of segregation and as conforming most nearly with the conventional view of gradual transition in response to climatic influences.
Kammerer claims the evidence as proof of Mendelian segregation in regard to an acquired character, the first example recorded.