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Example sentences for "regiments"

Lexicographically close words:
regiment; regimental; regimentals; regimentation; regimented; regimes; reginam; regio; region; regional
  1. Everything tends to prove that the German regiments fired on one another.

  2. The regiments of infantry were to be reduced from 9 to 7, the rifle regiment being broken.

  3. Three or four leagues beyond Essonnes the imperial cortege found the road suddenly barred by General Colbert, at the head of two squadrons and three regiments echelonned towards Paris.

  4. He could not have resisted; the regiments behind him were shouting: "Long live the Emperor!

  5. That same day he left the village; and the next time his name was mentioned it was as an officer in one of the regiments just raised and about marching to the seat of war.

  6. He wrote a letter to his partner, telling him that he had left to join one of the regiments forming in the city.

  7. Some regiments had been thrice renewed, others had been changed twice over.

  8. The regiments did not take their colours into the battle, but the officers, nevertheless, were picked off, and it did not require the colour to indicate their presence.

  9. At daylight on the 29th of May the réveillé woke up the camp of the Light Division, and the regiments were ready for inspection at five o'clock.

  10. The regiments of the Fourth Division and the Marines, armed with the old and much-belauded Brown Bess, could do nothing against the Muscovite infantry, but the Minié smote them like the hand of the Destroying Angel.

  11. Other regiments suffered in like proportion.

  12. The French cavalry, chasseurs, hussars, and two regiments of dragoons, were on our left.

  13. Our regiments marched with their colours, as a matter of course, and the enemy made the latter a special mark for the rifles.

  14. Behind the French 5,000 "Bono Johnnies" were drawn up in columns as a reserve, and several Turkish regiments were also stationed under the heights on the right, in a position to act in support should their services be required.

  15. Wellington used those regiments for the saving of Europe; but Moore made them what they were.

  16. These gaudy zouave uniforms and Christy minstrels' faces were a contingent from the West Indian regiments that had figured in so many West African wars.

  17. Connecticut had free Negroes in its regiments and formed also a regiment of colored soldiers assigned first to Meigs' and afterward to Butler's command.

  18. In 1781 General Greene reported to Washington from North Carolina that the British there had undertaken to embody immediately two regiments of Negroes.

  19. The desired proclamation was issued and soon sufficient men to form forty regiments answered the call.

  20. He sent the other regiments to occupy the Bank, the Treasury, and different Ministerial offices.

  21. Ultimately they will enter into my regiments as officers, and will naturally come in competition with those whom they regard as the plunderers of their families.

  22. The officers of the 20th and 66th Regiments were admitted first, then the others.

  23. Further, reserves do not say much of their part or, sometimes, no part of the fight, and few people know that at least two English regiments actually present on the field of Waterloo hardly fired a shot till the last advance.

  24. Early in the morning some regiments of the Allied troops occupied the north side of the Boulevard, from the site of the old Bastille to the Place Louis XV.

  25. The Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was to furnish a regiment of 1800 men, and the other little States, such as Oldenburg and Mecklenburg-Strelitz, were to furnish regiments of less amount.

  26. There he stationed himself with his staff and around this centre of glory the regiments were drawn up in lines and looked like so many diverging rays.

  27. These questions related to the regiments which had been sent into the south, and the places of their cantonment.

  28. These regiments contributed to the loss of his conquest.

  29. But in the whole of the two regiments of the Qnard not a single, objection was started to the execution of Mallet's orders (Memoirs of the Duc de Rivogo, tome vi.

  30. Can we expect our regiments to find contentment in the irksome routine of training camp with never a thought of charging the enemy?

  31. Let English regiments again move to invade the United States, English warships draw up in battle line to attack our seaports, and four billions of the earnings of the English people would bar the way.

  32. The tramp, tramp of passing regiments and the sound of martial music thrill us.

  33. The regiments in the first line moved steadily on and, at half-past seven, the guns opened.

  34. Two other regiments were at the station at the time and, consequently, there was a good deal of gaiety in the way of lawn tennis and croquet parties, small dinners and dances and, after mess, billiards and whist.

  35. As the regiments climbed up, three mountain guns massed on the Chagru Kotal; and another one, which had come in with the Northampton from Fort Lockhart, opened fire.

  36. We certainly have that reputation and, no doubt, it was for that reason we were chosen for the expedition, although there are several other regiments nearer to the spot.

  37. Three days later the two friends went up to town and, after undergoing a medical examination, were told that they must rejoin their regiments in a couple of months.

  38. The two regiments were both numerically strong, each company amounting to a hundred and fifty men.

  39. Followers with baggage animals were constantly hit, as they came up but, at half-past ten, the rear guard regiments marched out of camp, under cover of artillery fire.

  40. General Westmacott, however, defended his right with energy; the rear-guard regiments supporting each other, while the batteries were in continual action.

  41. On their arrival at Khusalghar, they found that several regiments were already there, with an enormous amount of stores and baggage.

  42. As both regiments were in India, they decided to return in the same ship.

  43. At this game play sometimes ran high, and there was a captain in one of the other regiments who scarcely ever sat down without winning.

  44. Lisle received many hearty congratulations on his return, and many officers of other regiments came in to shake his hand.

  45. Colonel Washington, with two regiments of dragoons and one of riflemen, formed a reserve for the right flank; Colonel Lee, with his command, was in reserve on the left.

  46. When Lord Cornwallis advanced he had left the Seventeenth, Fortieth, and Fifty-fifth regiments there.

  47. Several regiments were sent forward, but artillery could not be spared.

  48. We have but two regiments in the whole colony.

  49. Lord Rawdon had been forced to remain at Charleston until the arrival of three fresh regiments from Ireland enabled him to leave that place in safety and march to the relief of Ninety-six.

  50. Eight regiments entered Canada, but they found that, instead of meeting, as they had expected, an enthusiastic reception from the inhabitants, the population was now hostile to them.

  51. The ground was very hilly, the wood exceedingly thick, and the English line became broken up into regiments separated from each other, each fighting on its own account and ignorant of what was going on in other parts of the field.

  52. The Seventh and Twenty-sixth regiments and a company of grenadiers attacked on one side, the Sixty-third Regiment on the other.

  53. The vast majority of the inhabitants made their submission to the British government and several loyalist regiments were raised.

  54. So fiercely did the English regiments attack that the Virginia and North Carolina troops who opposed them quickly gave way, threw down their arms, and fled.

  55. By two o'clock the whole British fleet was at anchor, and signal was made for all the grenadier companies of eleven regiments to embark on board flat-bottomed boats and assemble round the Commodore's ship, the Essex.

  56. I promise you a few good English regiments would make the white-coats run.

  57. Our two regiments both served in Scotland, where I dare say Mr. Dempster knew the colour of their facings.

  58. A couple of regiments were raised and paid by the king in America, and a fleet with a couple more was despatched from home under an experienced commander.

  59. Our six regiments did wonders; and our horse would have done if my Lord George Sackville only had let them.

  60. Those two famous regiments which had fought in the Scottish and Continental wars, had fled from an enemy almost unseen, and their boasted discipline and valour had not enabled them to face a band of savages and a few French infantry.

  61. Not above a score passed me; indeed there were not fifty in the accursed action in which two of the bravest regiments of the British army were put to rout.

  62. We did not reach Wilmington until the end of May, by which time we found Admiral Parker's squadron there, with General Clinton and five British regiments on board, whose object was a descent upon Charleston.

  63. Mr. Braddock, with his two veteran regiments from Britain, and their allies of Virginia and Pennsylvania, were more than a match for any troops that could be collected under the white flag.

  64. But only two regiments of the latter class appear to have come under Major Brooks's observation at all.

  65. Such was the enthusiasm of two cavalry regiments at Niort that Becker was induced to send a despatch to the government, pleading that an army, rallied in Napoleon's name, might still exert an important influence in public affairs.

  66. Bluecher was apparently doomed, for he had only three regiments of cavalry, and while facing one powerful enemy he would be forced to break the ranks of another in order to open a line of retreat.

  67. Other regiments followed in rapid succession, and when we had gotten on top of the ridge we found that the enemy was disappearing in the distance as fast as their flying horses could carry them.

  68. I think it was about the first of February an order had been sent from headquarters allowing a certain number of regiments a furlough.

  69. Several fresh regiments of our cavalry came up and took positions, ready for attack or defence, whichever it might be.

  70. The bugles sounded "saddle up" all through the camp, and several regiments of cavalry were soon in line and crossing the river.

  71. A short time after the regiment had returned from its fruitless march down the pike, the four regiments composing the brigade under Gen.

  72. Among the killed that day was a handsome young colonel of one of the regiments of our brigade.

  73. These two regiments entered the woods, one on the right and one on the left, and stretching out on either side, poured a volley into the advancing enemy that caused them to halt for awhile.

  74. There was also a strong guard inside the camp, while artillery and regiments of infantry were stationed near the camp to guard it from outside attack, and one or more gunboats patrolled the waters that nearly surrounded the camp.

  75. In Bengal, however, since the raising of Sepoy regiments after the recapture of Calcutta, the English had clothed them in red.

  76. The four grenadier companies of the white regiments were withdrawn from the fighting line; and, with two hundred Sepoys on each flank, were held as a reserve.

  77. The three English regiments now advanced in line, and entered the enemy's camp without the least opposition.

  78. As soon as the Australian Infantry had passed the Green Line, the four American Regiments who had participated in the capture of the Green Line, would be concentrated, refitted and rested for operations eastwards.

  79. From prisoners we learned that many Battalions now had only three Companies instead of four, many Regiments only two Battalions instead of three, and even the Company strengths were at a low ebb.

  80. The battle troops of the two American Divisions will thus comprise three Regiments or nine Battalions for each Division.

  81. Regiments are now considerably intermingled and disorganized.

  82. The two remaining regiments shall be billeted in the town or encamped upon the Common.

  83. Elizabeth decided that the time had come to act, when the regiments devoted to her were ordered to the frontier.

  84. While the king's military force consisted of a few regiments of household troops, with high pay, desertion was not to be apprehended, and military offences were sufficiently punished by dismission from the service.

  85. He strode faster than the regiments with their load of prisoners, and presently he found himself abreast the little file of dragoons who were guarded by some of Blair's men.

  86. The northwest is chuck full of regiments you fellows at Washington won't accept,' said I.

  87. Says he, 'Pope has no business to be at Osterville, and Steele here at Sedalia with his regiments all over the place.

  88. The regiments marched through the streets and aboard the boats, and pushed off before a levee of waving handkerchiefs and nags.

  89. Some other regiments went by another route.

  90. Stephen stood among the angry, jeering crowd that lined the streets as the regiments marched past.

  91. Trembling young ladies of Union sympathies presented colors to regiments on the Arsenal Green, or at Jefferson Barracks, or at Camp Benton to the northwest near the Fair Grounds.

  92. The Brinsmade place was not far from the Fair Grounds,--now a receiving camp for the crude but eager regiments of the Northern states.

  93. You can hear his name running from file to file; and some times the new regiments can't resist cheering.

  94. Some weeks later, five regiments were mustered into the service of the United States.

  95. Stephen," said he, "they are serving out cartridges and uniforms to the regiments at the arsenal.

  96. See the gray regiments marching silently in the tropic heat into the folds of that blue army whose grip has choked them at last.

  97. The five Hessian regiments have surrounded the camp.

  98. When the regiments passed Carvel & Company on their way riverward to embark, Mr. Hopper did not often take the trouble to rise from his chair, nor was he ever known to go to the door to bid them Godspeed.

  99. And then the regiments marched through the streets with bands playing that march to which the words of the Battle Hymn were set, and those bright ensigns snapping at the front; bright now, and new, and crimson.

  100. The Marines, with their fine traditions and honorable history, were likewise recognized, and regiments of Marines were added to the first forces dispatched.

  101. As late as Wednesday there was a possibility of troops being sent against Petrograd, but all the regiments for miles around joined the revolution before they entered the city.

  102. Accordingly nine such regiments were organized and have for some months been rendering active and important service along the actual battle front.

  103. But though half the regiments in Petrograd were on the point of revolt and their sympathy with the people was evident even to a foreigner, Sunday was mismanaged like the days before.

  104. On the morning of October 27 the Turks made a strong reconnaissance towards Karm from the direction of Kauwukah, two regiments of cavalry and two or three thousand infantry, with guns, being employed.

  105. Few white regiments make a better appearance on parade than the First and Second Louisiana Native Guards.

  106. Sometimes I go down on picket with the regiments I know best.

  107. Do gentlemen know that (leaving out all the border States) there were fifty regiments and seven companies of white men in our army fighting for the Union from the States that went into rebellion?

  108. Most of the regiments lodge in the flimsy little shelter-tents.

  109. The next forenoon I saw the Tennessee and Indiana regiments marching down the Avenue.

  110. The Western regiments contain many of them.

  111. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regiments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.