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Example sentences for "elimination"

Lexicographically close words:
eligibly; eliminate; eliminated; eliminates; eliminating; eliminations; eliminative; eling; eliris; elision
  1. The humiliation of Turkey in this Italian war led to another and far larger contest, and to that practical elimination of Turkey from European affairs which had been anticipated for over a century.

  2. The Democratic Control of Industry" contemplates the progressive elimination of the private capitalist and the setting free of all who work by hand and brain for the welfare of all.

  3. But in view of the fact that the trend of evolution is towards the elimination of commercial competition, the question which must seriously concern us today is--What in the future shall be the spur of individual initiative?

  4. In both also the survival and strengthening of some native tendencies, the weakening and even the complete elimination of others, depends primarily upon the satisfaction which flows from their practice.

  5. Abstraction is of course nothing else than an elimination of the qualities attaching to things which are not necessary for general purposes, in other words, the individual and special differences.

  6. In consequence of my elimination in Part II.

  7. The chic woman is the one who understands the art of elimination in costumes.

  8. For sharp contrast we suggest that our reader turn at once to the portrait by Sargent (Plate XV) which is distinguished for its clean-cut outline and also the distinction arrived at through elimination of detail in the way of trimming.

  9. This precipitation can be brought about by a reduction or elimination of the potential difference between the disperse phase and the continuous phase.

  10. A short insertion in a bath of weak acid would secure the elimination of surface lime and the disappearance of this difficulty, but there are other purposes in deliming.

  11. The loss falls upon the community, and the time is ripe for the community to insist upon the elimination of these defects.

  12. In mountainous regions, the topography of the land prevents the elimination of all steep grades, but nevertheless the attempt is always made to follow the easiest grades.

  13. Moreover, he has spoken and written words which seem to show that he understands the need of providing for such a course of conduct between the nations as will assure us of coöperation for the elimination of future wars.

  14. Bismarck's clear political vision saw the menace in a movement which openly aimed at the establishment of a German republic and at the eventual overthrow of all bourgeois governments and the elimination of local patriotism and state lines.

  15. They follow: "Ruthless elimination of all Majority Socialist leaders and of such Independents as have betrayed the Soviet system and the revolution by their cooperation with Majority Socialists.

  16. Such a world is devoid of value because of the elimination of the bias of life.

  17. Development is now due to a moral rather than to a mechanical principle; that is, the surviving type of life is due not to pressure and elimination from without, but to a provident concern that emanates from within.

  18. Its faith lies in the expectation that the world shall become good through the elimination of evil; it manifests itself in the resolution to hasten that time.

  19. We have therefore no real choice between Temperance Reform by the abolition of drink, and Temperance Reform by the elimination of the drunkard.

  20. With the elimination of the coloured vote by educational or other tests the honesty of elections has increased.

  21. The reform of the civil service and the gradual elimination of the vicious principle of "to the victors belong the spoils.

  22. Thus, to carry on normal elimination from the body, the breathing, digesting, urinary and cutaneous systems must be kept working normally.

  23. Any stoppage in the process of elimination means that some fault has crept into the work of one of these excretory systems.

  24. Hence, the importance of maintaining normal and constant elimination throughout the body.

  25. It must be plain now why a disorder of any one of these organs of elimination means so much more profound disturbance to the whole organization than merely disease in one structure.

  26. Elimination is kept up by the alimentary tract, the kidneys, the skin, and the lungs.

  27. To make certain that elimination is going on naturally, it is necessary to secure perfect functioning of lungs, bowels, kidneys and the skin.

  28. The "isolation" of the great passage in Matthew and Luke, as to its essential content, is thus made out only by a thoroughgoing process of elimination running through the whole story of the Gospels.

  29. The method of a progressive reduction of the sources and elimination of unacceptable material has been only pushed by the Radicals to an extreme.

  30. The successful elimination of such injury appears to lie in the thorough poisoning by this method of areas to be seeded, once or oftener in advance of sowing.

  31. The total area varies slightly from time to time, due to the addition of lands that have been found to have value for forestry purposes, or to the elimination of lands found to be chiefly valuable for agricultural use.

  32. As a Temperance man he is coming to rely more on the indirect effect of social improvement on the one hand and the elimination of monopolist profit on the other, than on the uncertain chances of absolute prohibition.

  33. But when all this is allowed for it must be admitted that we have throughout contemplated a considerable measure of public expenditure in the elimination of poverty.

  34. We may have a good object lesson in the elimination of the unfit going on about us constantly.

  35. They had been court-martialed under the most implacable, the most impartial law in the world--the survival of the fit, the elimination of the unfit.

  36. His report, duly filed with those of Chick’s instructors and his Flight Commander, must be reviewed at the next meeting of the elimination board.

  37. Accordingly if one may draw a conclusion from Assyrian usage for the Old Testament, the effort often so zealously made to restore by elimination of lines a uniform strophic arrangement, is a grievous error.

  38. Actual experience is on record that the total installation cost of the Sperry Gyro-Compass has been saved many times over by the elimination of special metals and special run of electric leads.

  39. Due to the elimination of the many uncertainties of the magnetic compass, insurance companies are favorably disposed toward the use of the Sperry Gyro-Compass, which ultimately will result in a reduction of insurance rates.

  40. To acquire this cultural education requires time and the elimination of the less valuable from the accepted course of study.

  41. But industry on a large scale requires large capital, efficient management, capable, interested workmanship, and elimination of waste in material and human life.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elimination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abolition; amputation; annihilation; annulment; blackout; cancellation; castaway; choking; clearance; clearing; departure; depletion; destruction; detachment; discard; discharge; disjunction; dispersion; disposal; disposition; dissipation; dissolution; drainage; draining; eclipse; egress; ejaculation; ejection; elimination; emission; emptying; erasure; evacuation; evaporation; excision; exclusion; excretion; exhaustion; exile; expulsion; extermination; extinction; extrusion; fading; flow; flux; going; holocaust; homicide; jettison; liquidation; melting; murder; mutilation; negation; nullification; occultation; omission; ostracism; outlawry; passing; purge; purging; refuse; reject; rejection; removal; riddance; secretion; settlement; severance; strangulation; suffocation; suppression; suspension; unloading; vanishing; wipe; withdrawal