When we were born into this world, we were brought from insensibility to an existence entirely new.
This, instead of being true tenderness of heart, was infatuation and the worst species of hardness and insensibility to the welfare of their offspring.
If Abraham, Issac and Jacob are not raised--if they are yet wrapped in the insensibility of death, then God during that period is not their God.
So in order to enter the kingdom of God, which is not of this world, we must be born again from the insensibility of death into a new and happy existence beyond the grave.
He drops to a state of insensibility in death, a reorganization of the spiritual body takes place to the natural eye imperceptible, and its nature indestructible.
Obstinacy and insensibility were great sources of the crimes either perpetrated, or, by their lying historians, pretended to be perpetrated, under the name of Roman virtue.
Insensibility to the power, we have observed, is no index of anything virtuous or elevated.
As for the King, his perfect insensibility at the death of a mistress he had so passionately loved, and for so many years, was so extreme, that Madame de Bourgogne could not keep her surprise from him.
Very frequently were they reproached for this insensibility by Kitty and Lydia, whose own misery was extreme, and who could not comprehend such hard-heartedness in any of the family.
The undoubted insensibility of the girl was tested in a very practical but remarkably barbarous manner.
The insensibility of the body in this state, we are informed by Increase Mather, led to a cruel test for demoniacal possession.
Shortly before the discovery of chloroform, it was found that when the vapour of ether was inhaled it gradually produced insensibility to pain.
It is now chiefly used as an anaesthetic to produce insensibility to pain during surgical operations.
Many cases have, nevertheless, occurred of persons being submerged for 15 or 20 minutes, and even longer, and where perfect insensibility has existed, in which recovery has taken place.
Carbonic acid, even when greatly diluted with air, cannot be inhaled without insensibility following.
Young men sometimes fall into the impression that a mocking insensibility to human woe is manly--something grand and distinguished.
Whether this insensibility was more than apparent is not perfectly clear: the memoirs of Klopstock are not quite accurate or satisfactory in this part of his history.
Speaking of one of those to his friend Bodmer, he says, "She who could best reward it, has not seen it; so timid does her apparent insensibilitymake me.
And indeed our insensibility and unconcern need such monuments of the wrath of God.
But the fact is that such insensibility benumbs the minds of men, so that you may see them glorying in their very evils themselves.
Therefore all these recent frauds are derived naturally out of that baseness andinsensibility to right bred of Slavery.
Senators who hesitate show insensibility to the character of the question.
Lydgate was too hasty in attributing insensibility to her; after her own fashion, she was sensitive enough, and took lasting impressions.
Rosamond had the double purchase over him of insensibility to the point of justice in his reproach, and of sensibility to the undeniable hardships now present in her married life.
Insensibility could have been produced only by swallowing large quantities of the liquid, which dripped into the nose and mouth when the sponge was applied, and a lethal quantity might thus be swallowed.
Arnald also revived the search for some anaesthetic that would produce insensibility to pain in surgical operations.
But that ancient mariner might have been excused his insensibility to the treasure as it rolled away.
Her insensibility is as proof against a brother as against every thing else,' said Mr Dombey to himself He seemed so confirmed in a previous opinion by the discovery, as to be quite glad of it.
He revived from the stupor and insensibility of the first attack, and lay afterward for several days upon his bed, wandering in mind, helpless in body, full of restlessness and pain, and yet conscious of his condition.
He had been long endeavouring to retrieve his extravagance by marriage, and therefore soon paid his court to Melanthea, who after some weeks of insensibility saw him at a ball, and was wholly overcome by his performance in a minuet.
I am afraid that I may be taxed with insensibility by many of my correspondents, who believe their contributions unjustly neglected.
They succeeded apparently, even with such crude means, in producing insensibility to pain without very serious dangers.
Vice had not so depraved my heart as to excite in it an insensibility of so much paternal affection, though so unworthily bestowed.
Ferdinand listened to the first of these suggestions; but showed a strange insensibility to the last.
Witness also his insensibilityto the virtues and long attachment of Isabella, whose memory he could so soon dishonor by a union with one every way unworthy to be her successor.
Evil, on the moral plane of consideration, is as entirely a result of ignorance and absence of good as blindness on the physical plane of actuality is the consequence of perpetual darkness, or insensibility to light.
To be unable to suffer would entail insensibility to pleasure, and no moral meaning could in this case be evolved from and attached to the idea of feeling.
Frank was carried out in a state of insensibility on the broad shoulders of his friend Baxmore, while Dale rescued the old man.
Oh, Albert—” she cried, and sunk in a state of insensibility on the door step of Forest House.
Ada watched her for a few minutes across the swampy waste, then, the excitement being over, she burst into a passion of tears, and dropped into a state of half insensibility in the passage of the old house.