To lie, and do all the dirty work necessary to get a divorce .
And why was the application to the Consistorium for a divorce withdrawn, just at that time--and the lawyer told not to proceed with the case?
Karénin does not produce Fédya's letter because it would have proved connivance in the divorce proceedings.
What a pity you sent me money to pay for the divorce proceedings!
If you were really in love, you'd have got a divorce long ago.
Under the Russian law divorce was only obtainable if ocular evidence of adultery was forthcoming, and a great deal of perjury was usually involved in such cases.
The one thing I can't understand is how you reconcile your desire to marry Mrs. Protásova, who has a husband living, with your religious conviction that divorce is contrary to Christianity.
Campeggio told me he did not think the divorce would be brought about, but should be dissembled well enough.
If the King of England, he said, was driven to desperation, the miserable divorce suit would be the ruin of the world; Francis would and must stand by him if the Pope proceeded to excommunication.
English scruples, however, required a judgment on thedivorce itself before force was openly tried.
The chief objections likely to be raised by Henry would be the Pope's sentence in the divorce case, the interests of his country in the annates question, and other claims upon the realm which the Pope pretended.
The Emperor, they said, had been informed when the divorce case was being tried at Rome, that England was a fief of the Church of Rome, and as the King had defied the Apostolic See, he deserved to be deprived of his crown.
He tells us," wrote Sanga, "that if the divorce is not granted the authority of the Apostolic See in England will be annihilated; he is eager to save it because his own greatness is bound up with ours.
He said that the part which the Emperor had taken about the divorce was as much for the sake of the King and the realm as for the sake of the Queen, although the Queen and Princess were as a mother and a sister to him.
Therefore he meant to pay her in flattery and in forwarding the divorce at Rome.
Murder, burglary, damage and divorce cases supply needs for a great deal of detective work.
Almost a month before the formal divorce Caulaincourt had received instructions to address the Czar on the question of marriage between his sister Anne, now sixteen years of age, and the Emperor of the French.
On his return from Austria his resolution to divorce the Empress was taken, and Eugène was summoned to convey it to his mother.
This, it was explained, was to be considered only in case the divorce should take place, and the Austrian minister declared that his master knew nothing of the project.
By his command Talleyrand and Caulaincourt were to drop the remark before Alexander that the matter of the divorce was a European question; he wished to test, he said, the temper of his ally.
After the divorce Napoleon had withdrawn in solitude to the Trianon at Versailles, as if to mourn his widowhood the appointed and decent time in silence.
During the pathetic scene of the divorce he formally asserted that having lost hope of offspring by his well-beloved spouse, he was about to sacrifice the tenderest emotions of his heart for the welfare of his people.
His dignity forbade him to abide the empress-dowager's time; the divorce had been pronounced, and state reasons made his marriage imperative.
Both accounts agree, however, that the Emperor raised his bid to the promise of Italy--always on condition that his brother should divorce his wife and rule in the interest of the imperial power.
On December fifteenth, 1809, before the grand council held in the Tuileries, the divorce was pronounced, and the next day it was confirmed by decree of the senate.
Wait till I divorce you," said Oliva, and turned her head hurriedly, so that Beale only kissed the tip of her ear.
A sense of humour is out of place in a divorce court, and that is where your little romance is going to end, my friend.
They figure in divorce suits, in financial swindles and occasionally in more serious cases.
I forgot you were married," he said suddenly, then after a pause, "I suppose you willdivorce him?
He has no secrets from me, and he has decided to divorce her; but, can you believe it, mamma, she does not wish it.
His wife lives in Paris, and has no wish to be free, and in Russia divorce can be obtained only by special influence.
Henri counted on his presence when he put the question of divorce before his father-in-law, for Samuel would be disposed to consent on condition that Mathilde would marry Jacob immediately after the rupture.
Later she descended on our little organization while we were playing in Toronto and this time she hurled accusations of all kinds at my head--any one of which would have enabled her to divorce me even in England!
The divorce proceedings instituted by my attorneys against Nella Baker Pease had been quite forgotten by me.
I asked him why he did not divorce his wife or insist on her divorcing him.
Having done all the affirmative work in two other divorce actions I thought I might as well take it easy this time and let her do it!
Think of it, you, who never divorce the actor from his character!
They were very unhappy and a divorce speedily ended their union.
Even then I think it was rather my purpose to get into the mining gamble head over heels than to make the divorce center of America my "legal residence" that led me to Nevada.
As soon as I had been served in the divorce action I began suit on my own account to cancel this trust agreement.
When the trial of her divorce action came along all these charges were disproven--but that one session in Toronto was not conducted along Parliamentary lines, so far as she was concerned.
When I decided to call off the engagement with the Kentucky lady the divorce was nearly consummated and on my arrival at San Francisco my attorneys informed me that everything was "O.
Ahead I saw only a trip of ten thousand miles to an unknown country, which I had no desire to visit, and a divorce procedure under way that had cost me thousands to bring about.
Pardon an interjection; but I must express my surprise here that so many men and women I meet are all laboring under the delusion that I have always been on the receiving end ofdivorce actions!
Let British Pharisees study the working of their own Divorce and County Courts: they will not find much evidence of superior virtue!
The husband binds himself to refund a fictitious dowry, generally far above his means, in case he should divorce his wife for no fault of hers.
It was easier for a man to get a divorce for one act of adultery by his wife, than for a wife to get one for habitual unfaithfulness.
To these causes for divorce were added idolatry, heresy, schism, heinous crimes, leprosy, and insanity.
When the large dower she brought her husband had been spent by him, he sought pretext for a divorce from one with whom he could feel no sympathy; but for this her blameless life furnished no excuse.
Henry attached great importance to securing a decision in favour of his divorce from [thorn]e chief universities of Europe.
And divorce on such a trivial ground as a salary is quite impossible.
Other people tell me that I can get a divorce because Ivan Matveitch will not get his salary now.
I feared to find--the full report of our divorce trial!
As for the divorce I so much lamented, it was to be regretted only for the sake of the son whom it had outlawed, for he was the son of a lawful marriage in the eyes of the world, if not a sacred one in the eyes of the church.
At that time there was no divorce court, and little necessity for one.
It was an infamous, a fraudulent subterfuge to divorce my poor mother, and so delegalize me a few months before my birth.
Then and there I told him the whole secret history of my life, including every detail of my two unhappy marriages, and the fatal divorce preceding the birth of my son.
And nothing is left for me to do but to kill the man and divorce the woman.
Of the Duke of Hereward, her second husband, and of her divorce from him, they knew nothing.
Her punishment was not long delayed, for the divorce proceedings made her notorious and started terrible rumors regarding her private life.
The request for the divorce was probably not made by Lucretia, but by her father and brothers, who wished her to be free to enter into a marriage which would advance their plans.
These reports began to circulate at the time of the murder of Gandia and of her divorce from Sforza; the cause of both these events was stated to have been an unmentionable crime.
A 90-day divorce law was in effect, and the city became the temporary abode of many wealthy people who came to establish residence and obtain a separation from their mates.
This fad may have been due to the divorce colony which flourished in Fargo then.
Visions of a heavy fee flashed before him, and he encouraged the lady to make a full statement of her grievances, promising to do his best to secure the desired divorce in the shortest possible time.
The acts of the divorce Ring are no secrets in New York.
It may be asserted at the outset, that those who are fairly and justly entitled to such a separation, never seek it through the Divorce Ring.
The manufacture of 'a case' by the contrabandists of divorce is often such a marvel of unscrupulous audacity, that its very lawlessness constitutes in itself a kind of legal security.
Whether the 'trial' is to take place in New York or Indiana, however, there is but one system commonly adopted in offering proof of the truth of the complaint upon which a divorce is demanded.
The law of New York allows a divorce with the right to marry again, upon one ground only--that of adultery.
It is open to poor little Nancy to go to America, to become naturalized there, and then to divorce her husband, in one of your States, for desertion.
Is it not most extraordinary to see the Dissenters calling themselves the descendants of the old Nonconformists, and yet clamouring for a divorce of Church and State?
If any modification of the Union takes place, I trust it will be a total divorce a vinculo matrimonii.
Think what you're saying, think what it means, to abandon a wife of ten years for a woman you met but three weeks ago, the dragging of your name through the mud of the Divorce Court.
No, that's not the reason, because she won't divorce me.
The power to divorce remains notwithstanding any formal promise by the husband not to exercise it, and it is even said that a divorce pronounced in a state of intoxication, or by a slip of the tongue, or under coercion, is valid.
Some very low castes are, however, said to allow a husband to divorce his wife, and even to allow the divorced wife to marry again.
The husband may even empower the wife to divorce herself.
With many tribes, however, the husband could divorce his wife at will, but Farrand and Lowie in their discussion of Indian marriage (Handb.
A Mahommedan has the absolute right to divorce his wife whenever he pleases without assigning any reason whatever for doing so.
The divorce can, however, be revoked by the husband, but not after it has been three times pronounced, or after the iddut has been passed by the woman.
If she is pregnant it lasts until the child is born; if not, then in case of divorce it lasts through three periods of menstruation; if she is a widow it lasts for four months and ten days.
The power to divorce a wife may be entrusted by the husband to an agent acting on his behalf, and this contrivance is sometimes made use of to enable a woman's friends to rid her of her husband if he ill-treats her.
Turn your platitudes prettily, but write no word that could offend the chaste mind of the young girl who has spent her morning reading the Colin Campbell divorce case; so says the age we live in.
She was fully informed that divorce had been urged upon him as one of the stern necessities of state.
Mr. Andrew Jackson Allen, who was one of the prominent witnesses in the recent Forrest Divorce case, is evidently an original.
After the divorce of Josephine, the Palace of Malmaison, which Napoleon had embellished with all those attractions which he thought could soothe the anguish of his wounded, weeping, discarded wife, was assigned to Josephine.
Divorce yourself from her, and I will take her back.
If you so much regret the condition to which you have brought my daughter, divorce yourself from her.