As in them, it proceeds from reservoirs, into which it is secreted in the form of a viscid gum: but in the mode of its extrication is very dissimilar, issuing not from the mouth but the hinder part of the abdomen.
Such, in brief, were the sad results of that investigation to which the Knight's affairs were submitted, nor could all the practised subtlety of the lawyer suggest one reasonable chance of extrication from the difficulty.
Our chance ofextrication lies in the front we can show to the enemy.
This heat, we must now observe, is always very sensible before the extrication of any gas.
The extricationof the garrisons was supposed to affect our "National honour.
In their dilemma the Government saw a chance of extrication in the person of Gordon, the one man recognised by the public and the press as capable of coping with a difficulty which seemed too much for them.
That ruler had reached a stage in his affairs when extrication was impossible, if the creditors of Egypt were to receive their dues.
Disagreeably surprised at such willingness, where he had wished and expected opposition, Steinfeld strove to recede, but found extrication impossible from the trap he had rushed into.
He had already arranged the extricationof Hart and now the extrication of Long called for immediate action.
Continue to inform me of the progress of events; I will be warranty for his safe extrication from all his difficulties.
True: but observe that the sensible heat which is disengaged in this operation, is not owing to the decomposition of the water, but to an extrication of heat produced by the mixture of water and sulphuric acid.
The slakeing of lime is another remarkable instance of the extrication of latent heat.
After this extrication of caloric, the water must exist in a state of ice in the lime, since it parts with the heat which kept it liquid.
If the emphysema is slight, and confined to the neighbourhood of the injured part, farther extrication is prevented by the timely and accurate application of a bandage; the air already in the cellular tissue speedily disappears.
The only hope of extrication from this dilemma, without disaster and discredit, lay in the advance of the two other regiments, with the Sikh guns and the Sikh auxiliaries.
Suddenly she admitted her strength, and thought it possible that by her help means of extrication might be contrived.
To kill a bear, portends extrication from former entanglements.
To see money on your desk, brings you unexpected extrication from private difficulties.
He may be warned of approaching conditions or his extrication from the same.
The extrication of the Le Cateau army from a position which, on paper, was all but hopeless, was undoubtedly a very fine piece of generalship on the part of Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien.
On paper the extrication of Sir Horace's force seemed in truth an impossibility.
The work of extrication was horrible, many of the passengers being so crushed and battered as to be absolutely unrecognisable, but they were eventually laid out on the bank with care.
Nor did he desist until the trains had almost met, when he sprang off just in the nick of time to save his own life, and worked arduously in the extrication of the dead and injured.
These letters arrived but yesterday; and as we lay cogitating upon their contents, and praying to Alla to enable us to devise some means of extrication from the difficulty, our eyes closed and we fell asleep.
It is not less a question of life and death to the insect than it might be to him; yet its extrication is accomplished, not only in a very simple, but in a very easy manner.
We must now spend a short time in narrating the particular circumstances which attend this interesting event,--the extrication of the insect from its pupa case.
It is time that we spoke somewhat upon the extrication of insects from their pupa cases, even when under water.
God send the good King, to whom I owe so much, as safe and honourable extrication as the circumstances render possible.
At the same time, and by the same means, a clearing was made at the other end of the tank, in which it had space for the evolutions which were subsequently necessary for the extrication of its body.
Thus far the extrication had commenced at the front of the abdomen, and had progressed from before backwards.
Reaumur of the longitudinal splitting of the shell in the neighbourhood of the joints of the claws in Astacus, so as to allow of the extrication of the hands.
The extrication of the claws, however, was attended with much and violent exertion.
Mexico has had the advantage of these arrangements, though made by a captive chief, in the unmolested retreat and happy extrication of her troops from their perilous position.
The extrication of bubbles around the zinc strip ceases entirely or almost entirely, while the other strip (silver, copper, or graphite) becomes immediately the seat of the evolution of the gaseous bubbles.
The meshes were woven round him with consummate ingenuity, and every effort at extrication only drew them tighter and tighter.