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Example sentences for "pulling"

Lexicographically close words:
pullets; pulley; pulleys; pullies; pullin; pulls; pully; pulmonalis; pulmonary; pulmonate
  1. Well, little woman," he said, pulling up the mare as he spoke.

  2. I kept pulling my eyes open to stay awake for the purpose.

  3. Turk thrust his hand in his pocket, and pulling forth his flask of grog, eyed it wistfully and anxiously.

  4. One of them seizing the pole, gave it a sudden jerk, thus pulling the young man off into the water!

  5. Finally the seamen were obliged to get off the raft on the rocks, and draw the planks after them, as the only means of pulling the lashings away from the teeth of the troublesome monsters.

  6. Carefully locking his door and pulling down the window curtains, the third officer drew the iron box from the chest.

  7. Brand, pulling forth his bottle of gin, drank deeply, not offering a drop to the rest.

  8. Scarcely was she anchored when a boat containing, besides the rowers, a female and a young man, was seen pulling towards her.

  9. Then pulling from his pea-coat pocket a canvass bag filled with dollars, he counted thirty down, and shoved them across the table.

  10. He placed his hand within his jacket, and then slowly pulling out several written documents, selected two or three, and then proceeded with his address.

  11. For this purpose it was using its powerful jaws, as well as its snout, and strong forearms--now pulling the body along a bit, then pushing and rolling it over towards the bank.

  12. Patient as was the young philosopher, the ridicule of his companions nettled him a little; and suddenly pulling up on the plain, he challenged them to a measurement.

  13. It's just sixpence," she added with a laugh, and pulling out her purse.

  14. The magnet represents the earth pulling with unequal force upon different parts of the moon.

  15. She was seated next to Lady Verney, whose daughter, the Lady Georgiana Higginbotham also stood near, languidly pulling a splendid gloire de Dijon rose to pieces.

  16. She pottered round her plants, pulling up a weed here, and removing a withered bud there, in the most comfortable fashion, and only once she made a remark to herself with regard to the occupants of the drawing-room.

  17. When they were out in the sound a wind came down on them, and the man in the curagh couldn't turn her to meet the waves, because the hooker was pulling her and she began filling up with water.

  18. It was a strange way of the Providence of God, that it should come about that these little meetings for prayer in remote places of the land, should grow to be so mighty a power for the pulling down of strongholds.

  19. So up the Deuch Water we rode, the little birds making a choir about us, and young tailless thrushes of the year's nesting pulling at reluctant worms on the short dewy knowes.

  20. But there was no time for speech, so pulling me farther within, she bent and whispered: "William, I will go and bring your mother.

  21. But he took his foot and turned the bit clerk over, pulling him out of the moss with a cloop like the cork being drawn out of a brisk bottle of small ale.

  22. It was situate by the chapel wall, but of late years it has been much filled up with rubbish since the pulling down of the Chapel Royal by the mob in the riots of the Revolution year.

  23. The entire voyage was nothing but a series of insults; the officers paid more attention to my own daughter than they did to me; and the sailors, when they were pulling the ropes--what good they did by it I never could find out!

  24. I saw a most interesting method of laying a foundation of a native building--two dozen women pulling on a fan of ropes, and singing in a weird way, half drawing and twisting between each pull.

  25. There those who come to see the lotus worship in their simple way, pulling the temple bell and clapping their hands to ensure that the gods hear the short muttered prayer and put to their credit the half-farthings they bestow.

  26. The bulldog must have seen that the danger line had been reached, for he was erect again, and pulling ferociously at his tether, gnashing his ugly white teeth together with an ominous sound, and showing his red open mouth.

  27. I might retort in kind, sir," returned Adrien, pulling his scattered thoughts together, and smiling faintly.

  28. My father has been pulling me up--quite rightly, of course.

  29. Ada, pulling or rather tugging off her mask viciously, as she spoke.

  30. Then I shall call the police," returned Vermont, pulling out his silver cab-whistle.

  31. Pulling a couple of cartridges from his pocket, Phillips loaded; then, every sense on the alert, he moved cautiously forward.

  32. Leader Atherton looked at the Scout to see if he could detect any signs of "pulling his leg" on Green's part.

  33. Let's have your name and address," continued the sergeant, pulling out his notebook.

  34. Pulling back the hatch he remained by the companion, his gaze directed towards the frowning cliffs by the Tea Caves.

  35. On a sudden he stood still, and pulling the donkey's rein, caused him to stand still also.

  36. I looked up; he had already forgotten my presence, and was engaged in pulling off his boots and coat.

  37. He had anticipated this, however, and now began to work his way back against the current by pulling himself from one bush to another.

  38. Meanwhile Winn was pulling the skiff swiftly beyond reach of danger.

  39. While thus thinking, Mr. Gilder had stepped into a light skiff that was moored near the boom, and was pulling towards the stranded raft.

  40. In another moment he was in the skiff belonging to the raft, and pulling with all the strength of his stout young arms in the direction of the cries.

  41. At the end of each nipple there was a man-sized baby pulling away at the nipple.

  42. Japanese, and pulling out his sword, cut off her head, killing her instantly.

  43. It is assumed that if a person falls into the river that is the River God pulling him in.

  44. True," said Lord Davenant; "I never saw a strong-pulling fancy better thrown upon its haunches.

  45. Then Debby said her prayers like any pious child, and lay down to dream of pulling buttercups with Baby Bess, and sinking in the twilight on her father's knee.

  46. He will next be likely to romp away, pulling you much harder than is at all agreeable, and seemingly inclined to take head with you altogether.

  47. Be cautious, however, in pulling him up, that you do so over smooth ground.

  48. He carried me two seasons to hounds, never making a mistake nor pulling in the least.

  49. In a former number I endeavoured to tell them the proper method of managing or dealing with a pulling animal: neither to drop their hands to him, nor to pull one ounce against him.

  50. A beginner is frequently puzzled to distinguish between the curb and the snaffle when riding with a double rein, and mistaking one for the other, or pulling equally at both, is apt to cause the horse much unnecessary irritation.

  51. I do not advocate it, nor do I deem it advisable ever to pull against a pulling horse.

  52. He was pulling like a steam-engine, head down, ears laid backward, neck set like iron.

  53. I might as well have been pulling at an oak-tree; it only made him go the faster.

  54. His Hair came down to his Shoulders, by the aids of Art, which was by pulling it out with a quill, and keeping it comb'd; of which he took particular care.

  55. It was the living soul of her that was pulling me here.

  56. He stopped, and Marette Radisson tugged at his hand, pulling him after her, insisting that he follow.

  57. Well, they shan't have you now," cried Nic, pulling up.

  58. Nic had jumped up, to begin dancing about, slapping his legs, shaking his trousers, pulling off his shoes, and trying hard to get rid of something that was giving him intense pain.

  59. I'll get it," said the doctor; and pulling his horse sidewise, he reached over and drew out the gun.

  60. I didn't mean that," said the doctor, pulling up and turning back.

  61. Full of fun and spirits, it would sport about as playfully as a kitten; and it was very amusing to see how it would tease the dogs, pulling them about with its sharp claws, and trying to roll them over on the ground.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pulling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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