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Example sentences for "repudiation"

Lexicographically close words:
republishing; repudiate; repudiated; repudiates; repudiating; repugn; repugnance; repugnances; repugnancy; repugnant
  1. But if this first expedient shows how naturally a "fiat" money system runs into despotism, the next is no less instructive in showing how easily it becomes repudiation and dishonor.

  2. The acute suffering from the wreck and rain brought by assignats, mandats and other paper currency in process of repudiation lasted nearly ten years, but the period of recovery lasted longer than the generation which followed.

  3. Now undoubtedly the repudiation of error is not at all the same thing as embracing truth.

  4. We see this repudiation before our eyes every day.

  5. But St. Luke's Gospel is utterly opposed to the main tenets of these heretics, which were a repudiation of Christ's real Divinity and an insistence upon the necessity of circumcision for all Christians.

  6. To doubt humanity,--such was the Great Refusal, the sin against the Holy Ghost, the repudiation of the only true God!

  7. The very interest, the eagerness with which she took part in their discussions seemed to him in the nature of an emphatic repudiation of any ties to him which might have been binding.

  8. But the mockery of government exhibited by the Federal establishment at this period of chaos impressed Marshall even more than the spirit of repudiation of debts and breaking of contracts which was back of the anti-debt legislation.

  9. His scorn and repudiation of her gave Carley intense relief.

  10. Would not the next step in this painful metamorphosis of her character be a fierce and passionate repudiation of herself and all she represented?

  11. The repudiation should take place in "the presence of the minister and other grave selected elders.

  12. The right of repudiation which the husband had always possessed was, as we have seen, in the Republic never or very rarely exercised.

  13. One-sided divorce with remarriage is allowed each party, under penalty for repudiation without legal cause.

  14. At one bound Cossington's papers passed from apologetics varied by repudiation to triumphant praise.

  15. It is to me the strangest of conventions, this assumption of unreal loyalties and traditional respects, this repudiation and concealment of passionate interests.

  16. Faced with this choice of evils, it was unfortunate that ministers selected the alternative which carried with it the repudiation of their own bond.

  17. He ate nothing, looking with a vague gaze of repudiation at the plate of bread and butter and the cooling scones.

  18. The depth of her repudiation yesterday gave her her warrant.

  19. As marking a final repudiation of every kind of papal authority, Henry, after the suppression of the Geraldine rising, assumed the style of King of Ireland.

  20. The Sovereign had claimed and enforced his own supremacy, involving the repudiation of papal authority, the submission of the clergy to the Supreme Head, and the appropriation by the Crown of Monastic property.

  21. It had threatened the papacy, till the threats issued virtually in an ultimatum followed by repudiation of papal authority.

  22. They had realised that the repudiation of the authority of the Holy See, and the assertion of the supremacy of the sovereign in matters ecclesiastical, were essential.

  23. He faced the Diet, reaffirmed his heresies, and emphasised his flat repudiation of Papal Authority.

  24. And the repudiation of her children, against which the glowing egoism of maternity always rebelled, remained a cruel dart in her bosom as long as she lived.

  25. Equally with the Discourses, the Social Contract is a repudiation of that historic method which traces the present along a line of ascertained circumstances, and seeks an improved future in an unbroken continuation of that line.

  26. There arose even a repudiation of 'principles' of action, and a type of worker which proclaimed itself 'Opportunist-Socialist.

  27. The least that such a repudiation could mean, would be that even if the picture were good in Fielding's time, it is bad now.

  28. And it is perfectly characteristic of the inherent weakness of Thackeray that he should so utterly fail to see the true significance underlying society's repudiation of his proposed natural picture.

  29. And although he carefully avoided any express repudiation of the doctrine of the Trinity, it can scarcely be doubted that he and all his friends and followers favoured antitrinitarian views.

  30. The preacher Rothmann of Münster had for some time maintained the Zwinglian theory of the Lord’s Supper, and then he took a further step in the repudiation of infant baptism.

  31. This view of a Sanctificatio in utero, with repudiation of the Conceptio immaculata, was also maintained by Alex.

  32. For almost seven months was he harassed by private examinations, in which, notwithstanding his decided repudiation of many of them, he was charged with all imaginable Wiclifite heresies.

  33. The polemic of Servetus, however, extended beyond the doctrine of the Trinity to an attack upon the church doctrine of original sin, and the repudiation of infant baptism.

  34. Calvinistic confession, with decided repudiation of the Zwinglian as well as the Lutheran theory of the Lord’s Supper, describing the latter as an insania sarcophagica.

  35. The Saxon delegates insisted upon a distinct repudiation of the interim and the insertion of other details, which gave the Catholics an excuse for putting an end to the negotiations.

  36. In the face of the act of repudiation the Union made this amendment: "We believe in arbitration" .

  37. In view of the fact that it was the award of a committee which the Union had created, its repudiation was a startling act.

  38. In any other case the marriage may be repudiated when the minor arrives at the age of puberty, but the repudiation is not effectual until confirmed by a judge of the civil court.

  39. This was the first formal repudiation of the doctrine of unarmed traffic laid down by Sir Thomas Roe in 1616.

  40. A woman is forbidden by Mahommedan law to marry any one who is not a Mahommedan; but if the marriage took place in conformity with the Act of 1872 it might be valid, if it amounted to a repudiation by the woman of her Mahommedanism.

  41. Had he not issued his appeal, the election would have been regarded as a repudiation of the Democratic Congress, but not necessarily as a repudiation of the President.

  42. He was not a friend of repudiation and still he did not court a loss of public esteem by proposing substantial direct taxation.

  43. There were some in the Legislature who boldly favored repudiation of the whole State debt.

  44. But although Aunt Caroline's repudiation of his suggestion had been unhesitating there was a gleam of new uneasiness in her eye.

  45. She hardly heard the injured tones of the little man who had embarked upon a heated repudiation of a feminine mayoralty.

  46. Their direct repudiation of pantheism may not be apparent to Western minds.

  47. Steadily in these centuries Christianity was progressing in spite of contempt for its adherents, philosophic repudiation of the doctrines of the superstitio prava, and official persecution unknown in British India at least.

  48. In actual practice the repudiation of caste no doubt varies greatly.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "repudiation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.