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Example sentences for "dissension"

Lexicographically close words:
disseminated; disseminating; dissemination; disseminator; disseminators; dissensions; dissent; dissented; dissenter; dissenters
  1. But those in whose hearts is doubt pursue, forsooth, that which is allegorical seeking (to cause) dissension by seeking to explain it.

  2. P: Say: He is able to send punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet, or to bewilder you with dissension and make you taste the tyranny one of another.

  3. Wherever this lord bishop went, dissension and anarchy followed in his train; but mark him now.

  4. To attack the monarchy now only hurt the bigger issue, lost sight of the great goal in mists of schism, brought bitterness and dissension where discipline was all important for the day of trial.

  5. Never again must dissension about means paralyze the country in front of the enemy.

  6. No sooner had Rivadavia assumed the presidency under the new order of things than dissension at home and warfare abroad threatened to destroy all that he had accomplished.

  7. In the example of other systems founded on the will of the people we trace to internal dissension the influences which have so often blasted the hopes of the friends of freedom.

  8. We have seen the fell spirit of civil dissension rebuked, and perhaps for ever stifled, in that Republic by the love of independence.

  9. Many, through this mistake, act as though dissension were of the very nature of affection, and as if the one must necessarily react on the other for good.

  10. Much of our dissension is due to misunderstanding, which could be put right by a few honest words and a little open dealing.

  11. On one point alone could, possibly, some ferment of dissension in the family have been found.

  12. Yet Abdullah's tribe was numerous, and it was easy to see that if the dissension grew into a strife of arms the fight would be long and fierce on both sides.

  13. This church had not proceeded very far before there arose some dissension in the ranks.

  14. As there were a number of disputes, owing to the fact that the denomination as a body was far from unanimity on this subject, some dissension in the ranks followed.

  15. To such causes of dissension was added as time went on sheer fatigue of the war, and strangely enough this influence was as powerful with a few Radicals as it was with the ingrained Democratic partisans.

  16. But if Anan's sect had sown the seeds of dissension amongst the followers of the more ancient sect, it was itself not by any means free therefrom.

  17. But internal dissension was not thereby lessened.

  18. The task of organizing the church was not easy and dissension was rife.

  19. Fifty three accepted this condition but the rest decided to remain and hardly had their friends set sail, when a dissension broke out among them and the party broke up.

  20. This course was highly unwise as it caused dissension in the army just at the time when the Burmese ranks were being augmented by numerous Siamese deserters.

  21. It was by this time winter; and while Titus Quinctius, after the reduction of Elatia, had his winter quarters distributed in Phocis and Locris, a violent dissension broke out at Opus.

  22. At first, they did not push forward their operations with any great degree of vigour, because they had hopes of a dissension breaking out between the townsmen and the king's troops.

  23. The Ephors judged rightly that this runaway soldier and foul-mouthed Ionian satirist might corrupt the Spartan youth, or sow dissension in the State.

  24. At this moment my only anxiety arises from a desire to prevent dissension and bloodshed after my decease.

  25. Such were the unhappy affairs which clouded the last days of the celebrated Black Prince, and even tended to sow dissension between him and his father.

  26. The citizens of London, indignant at the loss of their charter, witnessed the dissension between the king and Gloucester with great satisfaction, and when the earl took up arms they opened their gates to receive him.

  27. The dissension amongst the barons themselves, whilst it added to the evil, made the remedy more obvious and easy.

  28. Peter des Roches had, however, in the meantime found means of sowing dissension amongst them, and succeeded in bringing over to his party the Earls of Cornwall, Lincoln, and Chester.

  29. The news of it was spread amongst the disaffected in various quarters of England, and the Scots prepared to make a descent on the country under advantage of the internal dissension produced.

  30. But the victory was prodigious, and if duly improved by the Crusaders, without dissension or defection, would have decided the fate of Palestine and of that Crusade.

  31. The King's recovery extinguished the dissension at once, and the hand of government fell with severe but well-deserved penalty on its deserters in the season of difficulty.

  32. In all probability the blame for this later and more bitter dissension must, as usually happens, be divided between the two factions.

  33. I also felt concern, not only that there should be a dissension between old friends, but lest Mr. Coleridge should be inconvenienced in a pecuniary way by the withdrawal of C.

  34. The merits of the question involved in the dissension between Ann Yearsley and Mrs. H.

  35. When the before noticed dissension occurred, Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd, between whom a strong friendship had latterly sprung up, became alienated from Mr. Coleridge, and cherished something of an indignant feeling.

  36. The Carlin children had come to tea, and a great dissension had arisen between the two parties.

  37. Finally, Adela and Tom Loring had a rather serious dissension because--well, just because Tom was so intolerably stupid and narrow-minded and rude.

  38. The jealous men of Ephraim, who sought to foment dissension among the seventy sons and grandsons of Gideon, found in Abimelech, one of his sons, an unscrupulous ally.

  39. By this means Joab unconsciously sowed the seeds of dissension in the house of David.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissension" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alienation; antagonism; antipathy; apostasy; argument; belligerence; bickering; breach; collision; competition; conflict; contention; contradiction; contrariety; controversy; difference; disabuse; disaccord; disagreement; disapproval; discord; discrepancy; disharmony; disparity; dispute; dissatisfaction; dissension; dissent; dissidence; dissonance; disunion; divergence; diversity; division; enmity; faction; feud; fight; flak; fray; friction; hostility; inequality; infighting; irascibility; lawlessness; mischief; misunderstanding; negation; nonconformity; obstinacy; opposition; quarrel; rejection; repudiation; repugnance; rivalry; secession; strife; underground; variance; vying; withdrawal