But Cnemon foreseeing this has filched his sword and presently the light of Cnemon's torch reveals the truth and there ensues a happy reversal of fortune.
This is an exact reversal of the policy which safe finance dictates if we are to preserve parity between gold and silver and maintain sensible bimetallism.
It can not be shown, however, that it affects all our cities, nor that it is permanent; nor does it appear that this condition where it exists demands as its remedy the reversal of our present immigration policy.
It seems to me that the provisions of this bill amount to a legislativereversal of the judgment of a regularly constituted court and a legislative pardon of the offense of which this soldier was convicted.
There is little doubt that the reversal of the commercial ascendancy by the legislation of 1782 was regarded by the English Ministry as a merely temporary setback, to be repaired at the earliest convenient opportunity.
This reversalof the proper sequence of affairs would doubtless strike those around as an instance of setting the banquet before the horse.
Had to use full reversal of the gravity force to get away.
Utilizes gravitational attraction and reversalas a propelling force and can go like the Old Boy himself.
In 1989 Guyana launched an Economic Recovery Program, which marked a dramatic reversalfrom a state-controlled, socialist economy towards a more open, free market system.
This may change--the reversal of a single vote would leave the House "equally divided.
More than this carries with it a reversal of the whole history and character of our polity.
The act of reversing; the causing to move or face in an opposite direction, or to stand or lie in an inverted position; as, the reversal of a rotating wheel; the reversal of objects by a convex lens.
Bill of review (Equity), a bill, in the nature of proceedings in error, filed to procure an examination and alteration or reversal of a final decree which has been duly signed and enrolled.
Defn: the reversal of the natural direction in which the current or contents flow through a tube or cavity of the body.
Reversible process (Thermodynamics), any process consisting of a cycle of operations such that the different operations of the cycle can be performed in reverse order with a reversal of their effects.
We are, in consideration of the reversal of the Scotch attainders, to signalize his visit, but this is all undecided as yet.
It is perfectly true that his objection to reversal of attainders was supported by no one.
The question was the reversal of Scotch, not Irish attainders, but he so little pressed his objection, and was so little supported, that I do not think it likely to have been the ground of such serious complaint.
This reversalof the natural situation was in itself full of laughable possibilities, had the book gone on simply as a burlesque.
In fact, it is this very reversal of usual procedure that renders it difficult for the average mind to instantly grasp the full significance of the principles involved and the results attained.
Had it been possible, by some tremendous reversal of the ordinary laws of nature, to dissociate the cause of England from the cause of the House of Vipont, the Colonel would have said, "Save at least the Ark of the Constitution!
I ask no reversal of man's decree, except before the Divine Tribunal.
To be sure, in Christian love and forgiveness lay some reversal of Saxon morality, for instance of the duty of revenge.
Eriugena does not press thatreversal of the Christian position.
Here, for Marius, there was a strange reversal of situations.
He feverishly examined the four lines imprinted on the blotter, the reversal of the letters converted into an odd scrawl, and he saw no sense in it.
But I should still call it a development and not a reversal of the previous process.
The reversal of the lines of the spectrum was seen repeatedly before Kirchhoff, and had been mechanically explained.
No symmetry exists for the ear, because a reversal of musical sounds conditions no repetition of sensations.
This transferred portion can, upon the reversal of the process, with the same expenditure of work, again be brought back to the level T₁.
Another reversal of the relations, which derives the Holy Ghost from the Father, the Father from the Son, and the Son from the Holy Ghost.
The eye follows the finger as it would follow a pistol; this occasions a reversal of the head proportional to that of the hand.
Reversal of the Processional Relations and Confusion Which Leads to Reversals.
Certainly such a proposition seems scarcely reasonable, for its admission would entail the reversal of what are called the sound notions of logic!
If the people, politically, willed the reversal of the Dred Scott decision, it was sure in time to be judicially reversed.
But a few days later, March 13, more correct information caused the reversal of these orders, and March 17 found Grant again in command.
That there might be no reversal of the judgment, he removed all the parties interested.
As you know him in such friendly way, fair Egyptian, tell me, would he do for me, there being a reversal of the conditions, that he asks of me?
This curious reversal of the usual opinion is of course open to serious objection.
This procedure constitutes a curious reversal of the procedure which is applied by the very same scholars to Christianity.
The Hermetic doctrine, he says, is nothing but the necessary philosophicreversal of the Gnostic doctrine that the soul is the garment of the spirit.
This reversal of the pacific policy which had marked the first two and a half years of Henry's reign was not exclusively due to the King's zeal for the Church.
This striking reversal of the course of railway charges was not, of course, an isolated phenomenon.
So greatly had this traffic expanded that it aided, if not actually produced, a reversalof the direction of transcontinental empties.
But to interpret the reversal of the original decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission by this tribunal as in the slightest degree involving incompetence or judicial unfairness is a misrepresentation of all the facts involved.
The suddenreversal from apparent prosperity to very real distress, such as occurred during the fall of 1907, is thus explained.