The headache, too, is much more acute than in typhoid fever, and is very apt to be associated with retraction of the head.
The headache is sometimes accompanied by vertigo and dizziness, and even by retractionof the head.
During an epidemic at Birmingham in 1875 in one case "the retraction was so marked that a slough formed from the occiput pressing between the scapulæ.
Meantime, the retraction of the uterus, the closure of the sinuses, and the formation upon the wounded surfaces of protecting granulations, all act as natural barriers to the penetration of poison-germs.
Some of you profess to think its retraction would operate favorably for the Union.
Why better after the retraction than before the issue?
I authorize the publication of this retraction and apology in the next number of the "International Journal of Ethics" without note or comment.
It goes far beyond any disavowal of malice or personal hostility, and it amounts to a retraction of the opinions which he actually holds about your philosophical system, and that retraction you surely cannot expect him to make.
Royce a specific retraction and apology; this he contemptuously refused.
Royce's real animus in this affair, I propose now that he send me such a retraction and apology as you yourself shall deem adequate, fitting, and due.
A frank retraction and apology, when unjust charges have been made as now, is not dishonorable and ought not to be humiliating; and I shall consider Dr.
And, since justice to the person defamed requires retractionor other reparation, the defamer must recall his words before the persons to whom he addressed them.
The Reformer promptly withdrew with his friends, thus declaring plainly that no retraction was to be expected from him.
Before his retraction he had found comfort, amid all his sufferings, in the assurance of God’s favor; but now remorse and doubt tortured his soul.
But this, too, was no real retraction of his error.
And when a public retraction was demanded, he even left it to Luther to formulate the recantation.
He did not yield because he was satisfied with nothing less than a complete victory of the divine truth and an unqualified retraction of error.
Refusal of such retraction would invalidate their appeal to that Synod and prove it to be nothing but a means of deception.
At all events, the Tract amounts to a retraction of his stricture on Luther's view of the Papacy.
This retraction must really retract, and not do just the contrary, make the last state of things worse than the first, which is sometimes the case.
This sincere retractionof a deed is called moral interruption and it has the mysterious power of multiplying sins.
No quarrel ever terminated in perfect re-establishment of amity without tolerance or retraction on the part of one of the disputants.
In this remarkable retraction of Santa Anna's despotic principles, Texas finds a perfect vindication of her revolt.
For he knew that, according to a law recently enacted by the Holy Office, and sanctioned by the Pope, no subsequent retraction could save a prisoner who had once confessed--he must die.
But Valer had been only sent to a monastery to die, while, by a disgraceful artifice, retraction had been obtained from Egidius.
The prepuce sometimes is not to be withdrawn, and the struggles of the animal are excessive when its retraction is attempted.
The study of years will be required to perfect that which is now commenced, and further experience will probably demand the retraction of many of the opinions herein advanced.
Proportionately to the retractionof one department, the rest, feeling themselves abandoned, are more disposed to retract.
The question as to the retraction of confession was one which exercised to no small degree the inquisitorial jurists, and practice was not wholly uniform.
The retraction of the eyeball was accompanied by a simultaneous rolling obliquely downwards, or inwards, or forwards.
The natural contraction and retraction cannot occur in vessels partially divided; hemorrhage, therefore, is more violent and dangerous from a partial than from a complete section.
They may be often employed when pressure ought not; styptics promote the contraction andretraction of the divided extremities, and thereby expedite the formation of a coagulum.
There is pain in the thighs and testicles, withretraction of the testicle on the affected side.
The circumstances which follow division of an artery are these:—The immediate effect isretraction of its ends within the investing sheath, and a simultaneous contraction of the coats, so as to diminish the calibre.
Very soon more extensive and dangerous swelling takes place, the result of inflammatory action, accompanied with startings of the muscles and greater retraction of the limb.
If it be pulled backwards, as in retraction during sawing, the formation of the second will be much impeded.
After some time the bowel retracts, but cannot leave the adhesion in the groin: by this retraction the orifices may be brought in a more direct line with each other, and the natural passage of the feces be somewhat assisted.
You demand retraction of the thought," repeated Dodge.
You couldn't insist on anything so utterly childish as the retraction of a personal thought.
Some kinds of impressed force are followed by movements of retraction and withdrawal, others by such as secure a continuance of the impression.
No legal remedy, no fines or even imprisonment, far less apology andretraction satisfied justice.
He felt he would be no longer responsible for what he did, something had to happen; something more than mere apology or retraction of words.
Some of you profess to think that its retraction would operate favorably for the Union.
The formula of retraction prescribed rendered the humiliation of the ceremony most bitter.
If you answer yes, I hereby demand of you an unconditional retraction of and apology for the same, for publication in the paper which contained the original.
You have demanded a retraction of a charge made by us or satisfaction.
The pain in the loins and along the course of the ureter from a stone is attended with retraction of the testicle in men, and numbness on the inside of the thigh in women.
We believe that the old Prophet verily told the truth: and we have no retraction to make.
Mr. Sterne, the 'Clarion' is to print a full retraction of the attacks upon my father, at once.
And you will publish to-morrow a full retraction of the article about my daughter and an ample apology for the attack upon me.