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Example sentences for "outlawry"

Lexicographically close words:
outlaw; outlawe; outlawed; outlawes; outlawing; outlaws; outlay; outlays; outleap; outlet
  1. All thought that he deserved outlawry except Bikk, who did not shrink from giving a more terrible vote against his life, and declaring that the perpetrator of an infamous seduction ought to be punished with hanging.

  2. Contempt of fyrd-summons or call to military service involves outlawry and exile.

  3. The declaration of outlawry was followed, on March 25th, by the conclusion of treaties between the Powers, which virtually renewed those framed at Chaumont.

  4. One of the deputies, General Augereau, fiercely demands that the motion of outlawry be put to the vote.

  5. Then his outlawry has ended here," said the collier.

  6. My outlawry would not be known till the people had got home from Brent, and then but by hearsay, till the sheriff's men had proclaimed me in the townships.

  7. He had studied for the bar and had been driven to outlawry because, failing to pass his final examination, he had shot his teacher through the head at the first opportunity.

  8. Outlawry of William of Orange, by Philip II of Spain, inviting his assassination.

  9. The day after the outlawry John Knox preached a sermon in the parish church of Perth, his theme being the idolatries of Rome, and the duty of Christian men to put an end to them.

  10. This is one of the last islands to continue in a state of outlawry and disorder.

  11. The mutilation of the hostages at Sandwich, the slaughter and outlawry of earls and ethelings in the early years of his rule in England, the assassination of Ulf in Roeskild church suggest a spirit that could be terrible when roused.

  12. In those same years Canute decreed in England that whoever committed a deed of outlawry should forfeit his lands to the King.

  13. Added protection was given to churches and to the ministers of the altar: outlawry was to be the punishment for slaying a priest.

  14. They on their side undertook, if he would do this, to get his sentence of outlawry reversed, and to furnish him liberally with money.

  15. Grettir replied, "I do not much relish such company as yours, for you have got into outlawry through very infamous deeds.

  16. Believe me, I will not leave this island till the time of my outlawry is expired, unless I be carried from it dead.

  17. He suggested that the fine should be let drop, and that Grettir should be held scatheless, that the outlawry should be set aside, and the slaying of Thorbiorn be put against the slaying of Atli, and so reconciliation be made.

  18. He laid down that no man might by law be in outlawry more than twenty years.

  19. They said that he had been outlawed first in 1011 for the slaying of Skeggi, and that he had been in outlawry ever since, which made nineteen years.

  20. He had been in outlawry altogether fifteen years, three for the slaying of Skeggi, then he had been outlawed by King Olaf in 1016.

  21. And it was decided in this manner: Flossi was condemned to outlawry for his high-handed proceeding, and because of the death of Ufeig Grettir; but the question of the rights was thus settled by the judge, Thorkel Moon.

  22. The outlawry along the Mexican border within the last three years has not been as great in proportion to size of territory and population involved as has been the destruction of lives in Breathitt County at intervals for years.

  23. As in Rowan County, many of the court officers were rank partisans, who used their power to protect in outlawry their own particular friends and kindred.

  24. Outlawry Along the Gila The Mormons of the Gila Valley maintained most amicable relations with their neighbors, but occasionally had to participate in some of the ordinary frontier episodes.

  25. Outlawry is often a fit companion for treason and anarchy, for which the lowest seats of hell should be reserved.

  26. The man who chooses the career of outlawry is either a natural fool or an innocent madman.

  27. The sentence of outlawry proved to have the greater force.

  28. This indeed is by no means unnatural for writers of the cloister, starting from Wallace's outlawry and his guerrilla warfare, and cherishing a full share of the virulent international enmity.

  29. Sir Reginald Crawford would have had the outlawry annulled, but Wallace was obdurate and irreconcilable.

  30. But the sentence of outlawry got itself pronounced, and a decree of excommunication followed from the Church.

  31. The rule affirmed by the statute of King Edgar, whereby sentence of outlawry was pronounced only after opportunities had been granted for repentance, continued to be in force all through the Middle Ages.

  32. In case of outlawry or attainder, the waste reverted to the Crown, which, according to custom, held possession of it for a year and a day.

  33. It may be well to recall that outlawry did not date from the commission of the crime or the flight of the criminal; and up to the time of conviction, judgment going by default, the law gave no countenance to his assassination.

  34. Now towards the close of the third year of his outlawry the heart of Count Antonio of Monte Velluto had grown very sad.

  35. And it was also said that their outlawry might be proclaimed either at the Harvest-Thing or Spring-Thing, whichever men chose; and Flosi was to stay abroad three winters.

  36. It shall be outlawry if such things are proved openly against any man; but if these things are done by stealth, then it shall be blameless.

  37. I give notice now of this suit, and of full forfeiture and outlawry against Gunnar Hamond's son.

  38. Thou too, Geir the priest, shalt know that this suit of outlawry which hangs over thee shall not fall to the ground if thou wilt not listen to my words.

  39. He declared his suits for outlawry in the same shape before the Fifth Court as he had uttered them when he summoned the defendants.

  40. I give notice of this suit to be pleaded this summer, and of full outlawry against Glum Hilldir's son.

  41. I now declare this suit of outlawry in this shape before the court of the Eastfirthers over the head of John, as I uttered it when I gave notice of it.

  42. He remembers the lost home, the sacrificed wealth, the undeserved hostility, the sentence of outlawry which should have been a meed of honor, thought the enthusiastic young patriot.

  43. Once again we have reminded the world of Democracy, the futility of oligarchies, the outlawry of Caesarism.

  44. But they came to Burgstead and found the Alderman, and in due time was a Court held, and a finding uttered, and outlawry given forth for the manslaying and the ransacking against certain men unknown.

  45. This year returned the bishops home from Rome; (65) and Earl Sweyne had his sentence of outlawry reversed.

  46. The sentence of outlawry against Earl Elgar was reversed; and they gave him all that was taken from him before.

  47. Young, handsome, rich, but recently from the patrician circles of Roman society, it is easy to think of the world besetting him with appeals not to give more to onerous duty or ambition attended with outlawry and danger.

  48. Christianity, in the face of outlawry and severe persecution, had spread steadily and marvellously, and particularly among the substantial people of the Empire.

  49. Much emphasis has been laid on the fact that that epoch of outlawry ended by the adoption of Christianity by the Empire.

  50. For outlawry and murder," the General answered abruptly.

  51. Outlawry and murder," he answered, carelessly turning over some papers.

  52. The king and the council having waited in vain for his answer to the charges, made proclamation of outlawry against him, and declared him a public enemy unless he returned and appeared before the court at its next sitting.

  53. He passed a statute of provisors, making it penal for bishops or clergy to receive bulls from Rome, and menacing with outlawry any who appealed to Rome against judgments passed in England.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outlawry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anarchy; banishment; clearance; degradation; deprivation; detachment; discard; disjunction; disposal; disposition; ejection; elimination; exclusion; exile; expulsion; extradition; lawlessness; liquidation; ostracism; outlawry; prohibition; purge; removal; riddance; severance; suspension; transportation; unlawfulness; withdrawal