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Example sentences for "desuetude"

Lexicographically close words:
destructive; destructively; destructiveness; destructives; destructor; desultorily; desultoriness; desultory; desuper; desyr
  1. With these exceptions, there are no terramara mounds of the Iron Age, and the system is supposed to have flourished in the early Bronze Age and to have fallen completely into desuetude before the commencement of the Iron Age.

  2. Laws that have fallen into desuetude are the most terrible of all laws, when the cause of the desuetude is the badness of the law.

  3. When in my bureaucratic capacity I have come across some legislative ordinance that has fallen into desuetude because of its manifest absurdity, I have always endeavoured to apply it.

  4. A political society, which recognises custom as one of the bases of law, must recognise desuetude as equally valid.

  5. They appear to have fallen into desuetude in the sixth century before our era.

  6. On this side there is no such fear; the peace and desuetude are eternal; and the winding sheet of the Arabian sands is ready always for its burial office.

  7. Our contemporary desecrators have up till now respected the infinite desuetude of the place, and, for the tourists who begin to haunt it, no one yet has dared to build a hotel.

  8. A man of the breadth of acquaintance, of the breadth of interests, that was John Schuyler's may not fall to desuetude unwatchful.

  9. A drop to desuetude may of its last half be far more silent than of its first.

  10. It cannot be shown absolutely, in the present state of our knowledge, that the Aryan, Semitic and Uralian families of mankind formerly possessed the Turanian system of consanguinity, and that it fell into desuetude under monogamy.

  11. This fell into desuetude with the rise of the monogamian family, as I shall endeavor elsewhere to show.

  12. They then fell into desuetude and it became customary merely to paint up the statue with clothes, jewels and other accoutrements in as realistic a manner as possible.

  13. There was a very curious rite, fallen into desuetude since our occupation in 1888, which accompanied the gathering of the precious essence known as eagle-wood or aloe-wood.

  14. Thus it happened that when that institution was falling into desuetude in the lands of its birth, it was for the first time regularly organized in Germany and given a substantive existence.

  15. His chief business, as he conceived it, was with practical morality, and the reform or restoration of ritual where it had fallen into desuetude and decay.

  16. It was also a maxim of the Roman jurists that laws may be abrogated by desuetude or contrary usage;[16] and in modern times the same doctrine is acted upon in Scotland.

  17. According to the rigour of the law such a forfeiture might have been exacted even in the year 1828, when the law was finally abolished after having fallen into desuetude in the course of the previous century.

  18. It has fallen into desuetude for many years now.

  19. Its use in the new liturgy was sparingly permitted, and the little that was tolerated soon lapsed into desuetude in the great majority of churches.

  20. He rekindled in Austrasia the national spirit and some political life by beginning again the old March parades of the Franks, which had fallen into desuetude under the last Merovingians.

  21. England wherein the principle of desuetude has been avowedly set up against an unrepealed enactment.

  22. And finally, should he yield to the solicitation of Europe, and enact liberal laws one day, only to let them fall into desuetude the next, diplomatists are once more disarmed.

  23. I am aware that nepotism fell into desuetude at the commencement of the eighteenth century; but there was nothing to prevent Pius IX.

  24. It was by desuetude that the irregular habit had first come in, until it obtained recognition by the Canon of 1604: it was to desuetude that they trusted for the removal of it.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desuetude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstention; abstinence; cessation; desuetude; discontinuance; disuse; end; evacuation; jettison; leaving; retirement; withdrawal