Personal modesty was early cultivated as a safeguard, together with a strong self-respect and pride of family and race.
Modesty is the virtue of a poor-souled country gentlewoman.
It was not indecent enough for them," said the poet, who promised "not to offend in the way of modesty again.
We rather see in the above fashion an innate modesty born in the female breast, and we detect in it a disposition ever present to go back to the far off past.
The bold Buccaneer with a characteristic modesty adopted the lion as his emblem, and as his motto "God and my Right.
This advanced lady showed none of the modesty or timidity usually found in women.
Evidently each one was revolving in his own mind as to upon whom the selection ought to fall, and no doubt each could have solved the momentous question to his own entire satisfaction; but modesty kept their thoughts locked up.
She was in short introduced to life with a liberality in which the selfishness of others found its account, and there was nothing to avert the sacrifice but the modesty of her youth.
He acted the part of an ingenuous young man; after they had come before the judges, he was not able to say what he had intended, so much did his modesty confuse him there through his bashfulness.
Vaughan always used this exaggerated modesty as an armour against envy, for envy, as a rule, is of success rather than of merit.
In Belgium we are getting on, but we have not reached, as yet, the point of freedom combined with modesty that you constantly see over here.
In these early pictures she is generally exhibited as veiled, and expressing dignity and modesty in her attitude and 308 dress, and only in her historical relation to the divine child.
In their recoil from the abominable licentiousness of the heathen, the Christians regarded modesty as the crown of all the virtues, and against its violation the heaviest ecclesiastical penalties were threatened.
The mingled cruelty, idolatry, and indecency of the performances were obnoxious alike to the humanity, the piety, and the modesty of the Christians.
Her virtue was by no means ostentatious, but there was in her an air of modesty which would certainly have put a restraint upon anyone disposed to fail in respect towards her.
His wife, on the other hand, was all meekness and simplicity, and had thatmodesty which adds so much to the charm of feminine beauty.
She had all the appearances of modesty and noble birth, and something of virginal innocence, which inspired one with attachment and respect at the same time.
In our day, pens, tongues, and consciences are less strictly bound, and many truths may now be avowed without fear of bringing the flush of anger or of indignant modesty to the cheek.
Her air of modesty and reserve was what principally drew him toward Miss Milbank.
His modesty was such that he almost went so far as to see, in the enmity stirred up against him during his latter years, a symptom of the decay of his talent.
Modesty constituted a beautiful quality of his soul.
This modesty sometimes even carried him so far as to lead him into most extraordinary appreciation of things.
Gifford's criticisms were always received by Lord Byron not only with docility and modesty but even with gratitude.
Of all things human, modesty is the most fumigated or brimstoned to death, and many a commendation is as harmful as a calumny.
Unluckily Gustavus pleased him, because he regarded the young man's youthful good nature as an exclusive attachment to himself, his modesty as lowliness before the Oefelian grandeur, his virtues as weaknesses.
The matured modesty of a lost five years did not cloak her actions now.
There you are--and nothing to shock the modesty of a grown-up woman or any other when a life's at stake.
One cold fact like this will inoculate one of the faithful with more modesty than an hour of usual argument based upon the assumptions of the clergy and the ignorance of his hearers.
With certain of these laws--the worst ones--I cannot deal here for obvious reasons; but a few of them I may be permitted to give without offence to the modesty of any one.
They also decided that she who was so far lost to modesty as to become acquainted with the multiplication table "was an unfit associate for our wives and mothers.
Throckmorton, who was modesty and respectfulness itself in the presence of the woman he loved, was far from being nervous or diffident with her family.
However, having got a bad name for cleverness, neither the most sincere modesty nor the deepest courtesy availed her in keeping it quiet.
I know it,” responded the girl, casting down her eyes with a modesty so admirably assumed that it would have deceived the most experienced individual.
The modesty of the Prince,” he thought, “concealed the fact that nearly all the reforms which he detailed, were suggested by himself.
His very modesty was appalled, for he felt as if he had exhibited his soul in utter nakedness.
I should always like to think that at that precise moment Reggy's sense of modesty came to his rescue.
In our modesty we had forgotten to expect the mellow flavoured wines which clung to the sloping sides of glass as delicate as a spider's web, or rich Havana cigars and real Egyptian cigarettes.
Thus far I thought necessary to say relating to the great hands which have been concerned in these volumes, with relation to the spirit and genius of the work; and am far from pretending to modesty in making this acknowledgment.
Lord Bath and Lord Grenville spoke vehemently for it: the former in as wild a speech, with much parts, as ever he made in his patriot days; and with as little modesty he lamented the scrambles that he had seen for power!
Indeed, he struck me forcibly by his great modesty and sweetness of manner.
The answer came laden with the samemodesty which is so prominent a characteristic of the man.
And the Muse Sappho of the honeyed smile Glittered before me, pure and violet crowned; And her strange modesty bewitched my tongue With power unwonted until then; and I, The strong, silently feasted on her beauty!
Though he is not the most famous--owing to his overshadowingmodesty and to the language he writes, which is little read beyond the borders of Hellenism--he is incontestably the greatest.
Her good manners, her excellent character, and the modesty of her demands in the matter of wages, rendered it easy for her to find a situation.
When the ladies got brilliant in their conversation, he smiled upon them with a deferential modesty and polite Grandisonian admiration that froze the blood of "us youth" in our veins.
But Hugh was marvellously saved from this, partly by a real modesty which was not only never marred, but which I used to think increased with the years.
The modesty of certain players is all upon the surface and the mistrust of themselves, which they proclaim, is transformed into excessive confidence as soon as the game has begun.
Sexual modesty is an advance over the exhibitionism of monkeys.