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Example sentences for "ejection"

Lexicographically close words:
ejaculations; ejaculatory; eject; ejected; ejecting; ejections; ejective; ejectment; ejectments; ejector
  1. It was merely an ejection of ashes, but attended with a tremendous noise.

  2. This last phenomenon is so much the more singular, as it seldom happens after an eruption, when the elastic vapours have found vent by the crater, after the ejection of the melted matter.

  3. Others think the incandescent cinders and the force of their ejection were sufficient to cause the destruction.

  4. Titus himself, when he came to Antioch, most distinctly dismissed the leaders of the movement there with their request for the ejection of the Jews, or at least the cancelling of their privileges.

  5. When in extreme danger, I will have to escape to a spot where I have concealed my ejection mortar, and send my sphere into the galactic drift on a chance that it may be found.

  6. I have located my ejection mortar, and when I know that death is finally on me, I will fire off my communication sphere and hope it will reach the galactic drift.

  7. The most powerful eruptions are called "plinian" and involve the explosive ejection of relatively viscous lava.

  8. It is doubtful, however, whether this relief is secured by the ejection of any offending matter from the stomach.

  9. If the former, nausea generally precedes the ejection of the blood by vomiting, and it is apt to be mingled with food partly digested.

  10. Afterwards, however, the later Greek alphabet had its influence, and the additional letters which it contained were more or less incorporated; and that without effecting the ejection of any earlier ones.

  11. Changed from the Anglo-Saxon hit, by the ejection of h.

  12. Let an ejection of the intervening letters bring these two syllables into immediate contact, numrus.

  13. In these words there is nothing remarkable but the ejection of a consonant.

  14. The ejection of the dative plural termination -um, and the substitution of the preposition to and the plural sign -s; as to smiths for smiðum.

  15. The ejection of -na in the genitive plural; as of tunges for tungena.

  16. The use of gamma, with the power of k, made kappa superfluous, and accounts for its ejection in the Etruscan alphabet; a fact already noticed.

  17. Summonses of ejection were served over the whole property, even on families the most closely connected with the chief; and if we now seek for the Highlanders of Glengarry, we must search on the banks of the St. Lawrence.

  18. The Sutherland clearances were commenced in a comparatively mild way in 1807, by the ejection of ninety families from Farr and Lairg.

  19. This consisted in the ejection from their minutely-divided farms of several hundreds of the Sutherlandshire aborigines, who had from time immemorial been in possession of their mountain tenements.

  20. I can prove that you are a thing apart--a fly in the stomach for whose ejection an emetic is being diligently sought.

  21. The goal toward which Mr. Dixon is striving is the ejection from America of nearly ten million of his fellow citizens, against the overwhelming majority of whom he can allege no unusual offense save that they are of African descent.

  22. I go further, and I say--pardon the illustration--that the ejection of that Senator would not bring upon this capital half the shame that the ejection of this colored officer necessarily brings upon the capital.

  23. Mr. Sumner then inquired, “whether it was the understanding of the Committee that the ejection of a colored person from a car was illegal.

  24. The rise of the lava which precedes the ejection appears at night as a brighter reflection or glow from the overhanging steam cloud—the flash seen by the mariner from his vessel.

  25. At intervals there is an ejection of steam mixed with mud and ash after the manner of a geyser (after H.

  26. It was an event without a parallel since the ejection from their benefices of upwards of two thousand ministers of the English National Church in 1662 by the Act of Uniformity.

  27. Ejection of refuse and soil from this retreat builds up the mound frequently referred to.

  28. This is the result of the continual ejection of refuse and earth as before mentioned, combined with the caving action of rains and disturbances from larger animals.

  29. The ejection of rock material, though probably on the average less in quantity than the water which escapes, is also of noteworthy importance.

  30. At one time the inhabitants were greatly plagued by a bad neighbour, the Laird of Dairsie, who had once been Provost, and who resented his ejection from that office.

  31. Five of these detonations happen in about two minutes, frequently accompanied with an ejection of muddy water.

  32. What I want to know is--Who'll shove the last man through the ejection port?

  33. The clothing that had been worn by the landing party went out through the ejection lock.

  34. The body went through the ejection port and disappeared in the vast depths of space.

  35. As far as Fort Snelling was concerned there was little call for the ejection of foreigners by force.

  36. A sudden and violent ejection of air with an audible sound, chiefly through the nose.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ejection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.