This being so, introversion is for him an essential part of man's spiritual development.
Now the self which has achieved this degree of transcendence has achieved, too, considerable experience in that art of contemplation or introversion which is the mode of its communion with God.
This is the secret of our introversion and our perversion to-day.
And the fatal round of introversion and "complex" starts once more.
The introversion type only knows the thought principle, and the extroversion type only that of feeling.
Attempts to make her talk and to draw out the truth by means of artful questions were futile, so resistance is placed against resistance, and the introversion of love begins.
Jung develops his ideas of introversion and extroversion, a contribution of the first importance to psychology.
This view corresponds exactly with my own way of understanding the theory of the libido, in attempting to keep the true balance between the two psychological opposites of introversion and extroversion.
The second stage consisted in the recognition of the fact, that these two theories correspond to two opposite psychological types, which I have designated the introversion and the extroversion types.
This introversion of the eyelid is generally owing to a tumor of the cellular membrane below the edge of the eyelid, and though a very troublesome complaint may often be cured by the following simple means.
This disease is sometimes produced by the introversion of the edge of the lower eyelid, which bends the points of the hairs of the eyelash upon the ball of the eye, which perpetually stimulate it into painful sensation.
The introvert is not a simple one with complete range both in eversion and introversion, but is arrested in introversion by the fibrous bands at c, and similarly in eversion by the fibrous bands at b.
Does the Maintainer have an Introversion telltale?
And as those in the know have told me, Introversion is the end as far as those outside are concerned.
Introversion accordingly is accompanied by a desire for symbolic form of expression (the mystical education is carried on in symbols), and causes the infantile imagos to revive—chiefly the mother image.
Introversion is an excellent road to lazy phantasying in the regressive direction.
The impulse corresponding to the religious incest symbols is preeminently to be conceived in the trend toward introversion and rebirth which will be treated of later.
So, as it were, a treasure can be gained (by practices having a significant introversion character), a treasure which permits an increased thinking and feeling activity.
The bad conclusions are the active way of magic and the passive one of schizophrenia (introversion psychosis).
Introversion fulfills here clearly the aim of bringing to reality, i.
Introversion (seeking for the uterus or the grave) is a necessary presupposition of regeneration or resurrection, and this is a necessary presupposition of the mystical creation of the new man.
The umbilical region plays no small part as a localization point for the first inner sensations in mystic introversion practices.
After we have sought the mother through introversion we must escape from her, enriched by the treasure which we have gotten.
A mythological representation of introversion with its danger and with regeneration was given previously [see Vishnu’s adventure].
Interview With a Mahatma The Secret Doctrine Historical The Puranas on the Dynasty of the Moryas and on Koothoomi The Theory of Cycles Scientific Odorigen and Jiva Introversion of Mental Vision "Precipitation" "How Shall We Sleep?
The introversion under notice will, moreover, be found to take place only in the instance of such images which cannot be corrected by the already acquired sense-experience of the sensitive.
Dharanidar Kauthumi Introversionof Mental Vision Some interesting experiments have recently been tried by Mr. F.