Their separatism as a covenanted people may be excused in view of the unbelief prevailing in the Protestant church, but it has not been overcome by the reawakening of spiritual life in the Church.
The Negro in American business; the conflict between separatism and integration.
Kinzer and submitted [under title: Separatism or Integration: the Dilemma of the Negro in American Business] to the Graduate School of Business Administration of New York University .
Into this lodge Nilad or the lodges formed therefrom, passed all the members of the committee of propaganda and of the local delegations, the work of the propaganda of masonry and that of separatism being carried on in the same lodge room.
But few, if any at all of the propagators of the doctrines of separatism labored outside of the four walls of the masonic lodge room.
This doctrine of separatism was the doctrine disseminated by Filipino masonry, a daughter of Spanish freemasonry.
He was the director of the workings of separatism and was the chief provider of arms for the revolt, as was testified by innumerable witnesses.
It was a most rabid anti-Spanish publication and advocated separatism openly, and yet in spite of the press censorship it circulated freely in the Archipelago.
The aims of separatism may be classed as direct and indirect.
With rare exceptions the Filipinos who left their native soil to finish their education in the Spanish peninsula, were those to whom the real work of separatism is owing.
In the new Constitution complete freedom of religion is being guaranteed to all sects; the monarchy will be strictly constitutional; and all political ideas except separatism and Bolshevism will be tolerated.
I was at pains to inquire the general opinion of educated people and there seemed to be no separatism in Bavaria, no sentiment of the kind, and there was apparently no Roman Catholic propaganda in favour of Bavarian separatism.
If the spirit of sedition, of lawlessness, and of wild individualism and separatism had conquered, then our history would merely have anticipated the dismal tale of the Spanish-American republics.
The wise statesmanship typified by such men as Washington and Marshall, Hamilton, Jay, John Adams, and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, prevailed over the spirit of separatism and anarchy.
With such a foundation the State was little likely to plunge into the perilous abysses of anarchic license or of separatism and disunion.
But the evil effects of political and economic separatism in the eighteenth century were still unremedied when the whole economic policy of Union was abandoned.
It has been shown, first of all, that the factor of success in our Colonial policy was not the factor of separatism implied in Home Rule, but the factor of responsible government already secured for Ireland by the Union.
In other words, the evils of economic separatism, aggravated by the social evils surviving from the separatism of an earlier age, united to revive a demand for the extension and renewal of the very cause of these evils.
The articles upon the Ulster question by Lord Londonderry and Mr. Sinclair show that the Northern province still maintains her historic opposition to Irish Separatism and Irish intrigue.
Thus the spirit of separatismand of universalism work in opposite directions.
But the inefficiency of separatism was plainly evident in the Air Force.
The Marine Corps began with the idea that separate but equal service was not discriminatory, but when equal service proved unattainable, black marines were left with separatism alone.
For the order of the New England churches crystallized rapidly into a systematic and definite church polity, far removed from mere Separatism even in the temperate form in which this had been illustrated by Robinson and the Pilgrim church.
The condition of the church illustrated the Separatism of Williams reduced to the absurd.
Though Separatism had been almost extirpated from England by the close of Elizabeth's reign, there remained even yet one vigorous society in the north which was destined to exert a remarkable influence on the course of history.
The beginning of Separatism was probably in the little conventicles held by devout Puritans who, in the words of one of their own writers, "met together to sing a psalm or to talk of God's word.
In Robinson the centrifugal force of Separatism had already spent itself, and his practical wisdom had set bounds to the course of his logic.
Separatism in some form existed before Browne's zeal made it a thorn in the side of the bishops.
The great body of the Puritans seem to have agreed with Bishop Hall that it was "better to swallow a ceremony than to rend a church," and they agreed with him in regarding Separatism as criminal.
Separatism was the outward manifestation of this tendency, and according to Ralegh's estimate, cited in the text, there were about twenty thousand declared Separatists in England in 1593.
But Separatism was undoubtedly promoted by persecution.
The beginning of Separatism has been commonly attributed to Robert Browne, a contentious and able advocate of Separatist doctrines.
The hand which dealt out blows could not disseminate enlightenment; the hammer which was lifted to shatter Jewish separatism had only the effect of hardening it.
The members of this group were hankering after German models and were anxious to renounce the national separatism of the Jews which was a standing rebuke in the mouths of their enemies.
All the Jewish defects, their separatism and one-sided economic activity, are merely the fruits of this oppression.
Shortly afterwards the question of Jewish separatism was the subject of discussion before the Council of State.
The old charge of separatism against the Jews thus found a companion in a new accusation: their economic "exploitation" of the Christian population of the Pale.
The separatismof geography has in this case triumphed.
Separatism of this type is a very ecstasy of nonsense, and none of my readers will think so cheaply of his own intelligence as to stay to discuss it.
THE preceding chapter has outlined the growth of Separatism in England, and prepared the way for the story of the fortunes of that remarkable congregation which has given a new significance to the name “Pilgrim.
No whisper of suspicion has imputed separatism to General Pai, but should he desire it, he is one of the few men left in China still to have the means.
His emphasis on separatism instead of on integration struck a harmonious note with their disillusionment.
Therefore, black separatism grew in popularity and became a platform from which to maintain a sense of identity and individual worth.
He noted that the conflict between integration into a biracial society and withdrawal into black separatism had existed throughout American history.
The same reasons which favoured separatism from the point of view of the feudal lords allowed the spirit of the guilds to assert itself more energetically than in the neighbouring countries.
Separatism is never gracious; yet it may be right.
The doctrine of separatism is monstrously exaggerated.
In 1647 Portsmouth withdrew "to be as free in their transactions as any other town in the colony," and the spirit of separatism was still dominant.
The leading centers of Separatism were in London and Norfolk, but the seat of the little congregation that eventually led the way across the sea to New England was in Scrooby in Nottinghamshire.
Rhode Island continued to be the colony of separatism and soul liberty, where Seeker, Generalist, Anabaptist, and religious anarchist of the William Harris type found place, though not always peace.
Rhode Island, as a seat of separatism and heresy, was not invited and perhaps not even considered.
Now he confounded the extreme separatism of the abolitionists and the constitutional opposition of the Free-Soil party, and involved all opponents of slavery in a common condemnation.