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Example sentences for "warned"

Lexicographically close words:
warmth; warn; warna; warnd; warne; warners; warneth; warning; warningly; warnings
  1. The priest told me the truth when he warned that here a still greater wrong was in store for me.

  2. But out of hatred for Martsian they warned her against him, censuring her at the same time for yielding to his wishes, for they saw that with nothing could they wound and offend her so painfully as with this implication.

  3. I have warned thee not one time but ten not to loiter in that mansion and now the blow strikes thee.

  4. Why leave Radom, or at least why not pass the night in Yedlina since they had been warned of the danger?

  5. We had set a dead line, and warned them not to cross it.

  6. In a panic of repentance, she had told Dick of her confession to the ranger of the names of the Squaw Creek raiders, and France had warned his confederates.

  7. Well, then, if you won't be warned you'll just have to take me and risk it.

  8. He is warned against talking too much, turning his back upon any one, standing in a slovenly position, and speaking evil against any one.

  9. The inhabitants of Pretoria, warned by experience, and knowing the value of water, have caused plenty of it to be conveyed into their town.

  10. Never state as a fact anything you are not certain about," the great editor warned the new reporter, "or you will get us into libel suits.

  11. He was warned what would be the consequences of his contempt of the law, but he obstinately persevered, and was accordingly sentenced to the press.

  12. She was warned by some of his fellow-servants against trusting herself alone with him, but "she said she had no fear of him, as he had treated her with unusual kindness.

  13. It seemed the lady and gentleman, Lewis's first victims, had warned Pope that a highwayman was about, and the police officer had ridden forward quickly and seized Lewis at the critical moment.

  14. An accused person who persistently stood mute was solemnly warned three times of the penalty that waited on his obstinacy, and given a few hours for consideration.

  15. Greene was warned to keep silent, but he said "he would abide by it, for he had it from a substantial man who would also abide by it.

  16. In Gloucester he was again recognized as the man who had killed his wife on Hounslow Heath by a gentleman who promised not to betray him, but warned him that he would be taken into custody if he remained in the town.

  17. This was a problem never propounded to his wife save under dire provocation, and the answer invariably warned him not to expect his own high standard from the world.

  18. Here the deserted appearance of the streets beguiled her into pushing on and on, until close to the big mosque a blare of conches, and the throbbing of ceaseless drums mingled with cries, warned her of an advancing procession.

  19. She is in an awful rage, of course; but I warned you, Marsden, you know I did.

  20. Warned by his early fall, he redeems his character and wins the Victoria Cross.

  21. He gave her a push from him, and again she warned him.

  22. Hinzelmann also informed and warned others of the future.

  23. She warned him that he had struck her once.

  24. He frequently warned the maids of their mistress's displeasure, and reminded them of some piece of work which they should set about doing.

  25. The natives had been warned of what would take place, but doubted the prediction.

  26. Now comets sometimes move very rapidly (especially when they are near the Sun), and had it been possible to have warned some observer to the E.

  27. Then there is the striking passage where Christ warned His hearers that even working miracles in His name, without a good life, would not ensure their salvation.

  28. In the same way Christ warned His followers that if they denied Him before men, He would also deny them before His Father.

  29. You can joke," warned Vera, "but my grandmother insists that what everyone says must be true, and everyone says Baldy Sanders is freakish.

  30. Scarcely had Washington taken his oath of office when David Stuart warned him that "nothing could equal the ferment and disquietude occasioned by the proposition respecting titles.

  31. The latter ridiculously explained, evaded, and, in general, acted according to the expectation of those who warned Adams against his appointment.

  32. But if Marshall had not brought peace, he had warned America against a government "whose touch is death.

  33. For Mr. Hamilton had warned his son not to get too intimate with Simon.

  34. Vanderhoof, alias Bond Broker Bill, had been warned by some confederates, perhaps, and had fled, after securing large sums of money from Dick and his father.

  35. The clock on the mantel of an inner room warned him that time was flying swift-winged past him.

  36. The flashing fire in his hard black eyes might have warned her that he was an edged tool, and that it was dangerous to encounter him.

  37. Warned by experience, however, Baron Massy (such was the Prefect's name) was careful to avoid any further interference in religious matters.

  38. At last, at a quarter to eight o'clock, Madame de Jonquiere warned her charges that they would do well to prepare themselves.

  39. She sat in her hard seat like one in a trance, and paid no heed to the lapse of time, until the piteous whining of Leo warned her that night was near, and the poor dog was hungry.

  40. The landlord had warned him out that very morning.

  41. Very well;" he made a desperate effort to seem calm, for the servant's observant eye warned him that he was not acting himself.

  42. But prudence still warned those who were loyal to Mary to wait before they declared themselves; the event was still uncertain; and the disposition of the Earl of Pembroke might not yet, perhaps, have been perfectly ascertained.

  43. If she broke the law to please the prejudices of the latter, Renard was warned that her present popularity would not be of long continuance.

  44. The strict limitations which were placed on her husband's powers should have warned her of her danger.

  45. But prudential arguments produced no effect on the eager queen; Renard had warned her not to resist Northumberland; she had acted on her own judgment, and Northumberland was a prisoner, and she was on the throne.

  46. He had been warned to behave himself; but would he?

  47. According to his story, Graves, the Warren lawyer, had warned the children of his coming.

  48. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

  49. And being warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, 23 and he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the Prophets might be fulfilled, "He shall be called a Nazarene.

  50. Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

  51. And Jesus sternly warned them, "See that no one knows it.

  52. No matter if you haven't had a chance to eat a single carrot, if I tell you to run you must obey instantly," his mother warned him.

  53. Hadn't Jimmy warned him not to move--not even to open his mouth, or chew his cud, or wink?

  54. But he didn't, because Jimmy Rabbit had warned him to keep perfectly still.

  55. Had he seen her face then, it might have warned him to take care; but he heard her words only, and they were not at all in keeping with her face.

  56. I warned you it would be so as soon as I felt that I had done anything really big, and I have.

  57. Had he known in time he would even have warned her against it.

  58. He seems often to have warned ladies against this essentially womanish tendency to the sentimental.

  59. The reward, were the Jaimihr-sahib warned in time, would be a great one.

  60. They stayed still then for what may have been a minute, and another sense--smell--warned him and stirred up the man in him.

  61. It was Cunningham's mare, gaining on him stride over stride, that warned him he would be cut down like a dog from behind unless he surrendered or let go his prize.

  62. I have warned the government frequently, in writing, but for reasons which I do not profess to understand they have made no move as yet.

  63. She had been warned before she came to bear no tales to any one.

  64. He first pointed out the possibility of advancing; he warned them of the approaching scarcity of provisions; he showed how they might replenish their exhausted stock &c.

  65. The letter had just come with a special delivery stamp, and it warned them that she had sent another good-by letter with some flowers on board.

  66. He warned March against the appearance of industrial prosperity in Germany; beggary was severely repressed, and if poverty was better clad than with us, it was as hungry and as hopeless in Nuremberg as in New York.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.