While Glenning was making his brief preparations Uncle Billy's tongue was going.
What did these sinister preparations mean in the dead of night?
She was surprised at her own coolness, and the deliberateness with which she went about her preparations to retire.
He ceased these preparations long enough to toss his hat upon his coat and discard tie and collar.
I consider that Percy is mistaken, although I have no doubt that you have made the best preparations for defence," said Crawford, inclined to treat the whole affair as a joke.
The oxen were accordingly offspanned, the horses were knee-haltered, and the other usual preparations made.
He therefore with unabated energy continued the preparationsfor defence.
At length, to the unbounded satisfaction of all hands, it was announced that, all preparations being completed, an expedition into the interior of the island would be made early in the following week.
By dint of much elbowing we succeeded in gaining admission to the house, and, to my inexperienced eyes, the scene within was strange and pathetically interesting, as preparations were made to dispose of our friend's goods and chattels.
Let the men have shore leave if they ask for it; do nothing beyond the daily routine, for should those rascals smell a rat, all our preparations would count for naught.
I think that will not soil your hat," Anderson said, when the preparations were complete.
He had never felt himself so distinctly in the background as during these preparations for his sister's wedding.
Charlotte blushed painfully at the thought that she had been hasty about making preparations for the marriage, and had shocked Mrs. Anderson.
She began thinking about the boy as she went on with her preparations for bed.
Various new preparations are coming on the market for the destruction of greenhouse pests.
Make the necessary preparations to begin forcing early or succession crops by the last week of this or the first of next month.
Several new effective preparations of tobacco have been brought into use.
Philip, soon after the adjournment of the assembly, had completed the preparations for his departure.
The early part of the year 1559 was spent by Philip in organizing the government of the provinces and in making the necessary preparationsfor his departure.
But she had kept her connected and informed, from week to week, in spite of preparations and absorptions.
Maggie's too wonderful-- her preparations are on a scale!
No one knew better than Jackson that this was to be the deciding round of the contest, and he accordingly made his preparations to win it with a solar-plexus blow.
The preparations made for this expedition were in themselves startling.
While considering these different factors, preparations were quietly carried on, so that all might be ready for the attack if I found it possible to carry it out.
All necessary preparations were completed in time, and with a secrecy reflecting the greatest credit on all concerned.
The ground there was, on the whole, favorable for the employment of tanks, which were to play an important part in the enterprise, and facilities existed for the concealment of the necessary preparations for the attack.
To maintain the necessary lead and not to become dependent, to preserve the supremacy of the sea, which Britain must have in order not to go down, she had to undertake preparations and expenses which weighed heavily on the taxpayer.
To preserve the supremacy of the seas which Great Britain must have in order not to go down, the Prince adds, she had to undertake preparations and expenses which weighed heavily on the taxpayers.
It was the earth-shaking thunder of the big gun that hastened their final preparations and made McGuire tremble with suppressed excitement where he helped Sykes to draw off a syrupy liquid into heavy crystal flasks.
I sent for you," Grodman said, "to tell you that on the night Wimp arrested Mortlake I had made preparations for your arrest.
A newsboy passed along, clamoring "The Bow murderer, preparations for the hexecution!
All the same, he gave us much matter for mirth, though the Second Act, which promised so well, was dragged out by interminable trivialities over the preparations for tea.
A column of recipes for making delicious preparations of it had been going the rounds of Confederate papers.
The leader, who could only be selected from Riario’s intimate friends, must at the same time make preparations in Florence.
At the news of the warlike preparations which threatened them, and relying upon the support of the majority of the people, the Signoria determined to be beforehand with their opponents.
The king, who had made considerable preparationsfor war, did not ratify the compact till January 26 of the following year.
Even the preparations of Florence were insufficient.
Commines found the city in the midst of preparations for war.
In the Colleonic war, only Naples and Florence were united, and Piero had actively influenced this good understanding: but for him the distrust awakened in the councils by the backward preparations of the Neapolitans would have prevailed.
Relations with Florence and the Papacy—Preparations of the Allies against Colleone—Colleone in the Romagna.
To the right stood the great gateway, about which several moving lanterns seemed to show that the news of their coming had anticipated them, and that due preparations were being made to receive the archbishop.
He has told us that no preparations are being made for bringing the siege to a conclusion.
But the skirmishers, exceeding Nicholas's instructions, had gone too far and were seen from Karitaena, and all that night the Turks made preparations for a long-headed manoeuvre on the morrow.
The siege still drags on," he said, "and where are the preparations to bring it to a conclusion?
This was made of wood, but preparations were in hand for replacing it with one of iron, and several girders were lying about on the bank for the approaching work.
The youth gazed with awe at the dead warriors and watched with childish wonder the preparations for burial.
Preparations were rapidly made for a movement against Detroit, and on the morning of the next day, August 15, the British and Indians marched towards Sandwich.
But Tecumseh's keen eyes soon detected signs on land which aroused his suspicions, for hasty preparations were being made for retreat.
A halt was called within a quarter of a mile of Maguaga, at a place favourable for an ambuscade, and preparationswere made for battle.
By this adroit speech the Prophet succeeded in allaying suspicion, and thus under the guise of peace and religion Tecumseh was enabled to continue his preparations for war.
The old gentleman went to look after his affairs while his daughter superintended the preparations for the table.
Edward had now made preparations for the jovial evening which he had concerted with Eulenboeck.
In the midst of the preparations for the war with Pompey, (B.
The people were, however, with Scipio, and though he was not able to make such complete preparations as he wished, by the year 204 he had made ready to set out from Lilybæum for Africa.
His preparations were made as promptly as possible, but Rome was ahead of him, and her army was superior, excepting that the Grecians brought elephants with them.
That the latest French loans to Russia were accompanied by instructions seriously to take up the anti-Austrian and anti-German preparations no one doubts.
The Russian military preparations cause the German papers much concern in the month of April also.
A glance at the methods of training the infantry will give some idea of the care and thoroughness with which the Germans have made their preparations for war.
But in three years all the enormous preparations would be completed, and already “it is openly said even in official military periodicals, that Russia is arming for war against Germany.
In 1851, however, great preparations were made to throw further light on the subject.
He scouts the idea of danger, goes about hispreparations deliberately, and promises himself a good time.
All these preparations are not made without money; and when they are made, we have the bitterness of feeling that what is luxury to us is to them contemptible and mean.
The next morning the preparations for the little dinner were in hurried progress, Lucy busily working with gloomy resignation, and the kitchen given over to the woman who had come to cook.
Their fire was re-kindled, and they were making preparations for a fresh pot of rock-tripe, when they were startled by the note of a well-known bird.
He then announced that he had no further preparations to make.
Lucien did the cooking, while Norman, assisted by Basil and Francois, made his preparationsfor the hunt.
Once their resolution was taken, they lost but little time in making preparations to carry it out.
Already they felt the pangs of hunger--for they had not eaten since their breakfast of the preceding day, the wolves having interrupted their preparations for dinner.
Then consider what a blighting effect these multitudinous preparations and ceremonies have upon the pleasures they profess to subserve.
Imagine a gourmand obliged to witness with gaping mouth all, even the most prosaic details of the culinary preparations for a grand dinner.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preparations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.