Place in roaster with a little water and bake about two and a half hours, carefully turning it frequently and baste with water and salt.
Roast about one and one half hours and baste occasionally.
When it begins to brown baste frequently with the pan drippings.
Touch a match to the brandy, and let each guest baste the sugar with the brandy until the alcohol has burned away, then pour the remaining liquor and spices into the coffee.
Roast the same as tame duck and use dressing for stuffing fowl with a little onion added; bake about one half hour in very hot oven, carefully turning them, baste them and add a little water if necessary.
Dredge the meat with flour, one teaspoonful of salt and pepper and baste with pan drippings and butter until meat is nicely browned.
Lift the paper and baste every fifteen minutes with melted butter and hot water.
Baste often and allow fifteen minutes to each pound.
Now by the pewter platter of Saint Dunstan," cried the Tinker, "I have a good part of a mind to baste thy hide for thine ill jest.
Flour partridges prepared in this manner when first laid to the fire, and baste them plentifully with butter.
Half boil large potatoes; drain the water; put them into an earthen dish, or small tin pan, under meat roasting before the fire; baste them with the dripping.
About a quarter of an hour before you think it will be done, take off the skin or paper, that it may get a pale brown colour, and then baste it, and flour it lightly to froth it.
When first laid down it is to be basted; baste it again occasionally.
If this is neglected, tie a sheet of paper over it; baste the strings you tie it on with directly, or they will burn.
Hind-quarter of eight pounds will take from an hour and three-quarters to two hours; baste and froth it.
Baste often with the sauce in the pan until nearly done; then add 1 pint of sour cream and let bake until done.
After dipping them into a mixture of two eggs beaten with one-half cup milk, place them in a dripping pan into which you have put a little butter; place them in the oven; baste frequently with eggs and milk; bake till a golden brown.
Bake three-quarters of an hour, and baste with butter and water.
These may be boiled or roasted the same as chickens, only cover the breasts with thin slices of bacon; when nearly done, remove the bacon, dredge with flour, and baste with butter.
Roll the fowl loosely in a piece of clean linen or muslin; tie it up; put it in the oven, and baste every fifteen minutes till done.
Oi nivver heerd such a baste in me loife fur talkin', to bay sure!
If we put the meat close to the fire and baste it with hot fat for a few minutes at the beginning we shall harden the outside.
So it will in a little time, but we want some hot fat to baste the meat with immediately.
Above all things, however, we must be careful to baste it well.
If you baste the meat well, it will not shrink or become dry and hard, it will be juicy and savoury, and it will be a good rich brown colour.
Baste close to headsize wire on top with stab stitch.
Cut an oval of crinoline two-thirds as large as the top of crown, baste a piece of silk lining over this.
Baste with a stab stitch close to the headsize wire on the outside; remove all pins as soon as possible.
Baste close to headsize wire and finish edge by following same method as used in finishing sailor brim.
Slip the edge of the veil between, pin carefully in place, baste and slipstitch the edges to the veil.
Next turn both raw edges down toward the inside one-quarter of an inch and baste separately.
Fold this strip lengthwise in the middle and baste with fine running stitches one inch from the fold to hold the fold flat.
Cut the two pieces the same size and before removing the pins baste closely all over the brim with fine thread, making one inch stitches.
Pin in place and baste all the way around until the center back is reached.
Stretch snugly because the inside of the crown is smaller; pin the fullness to the crown top all around, gather between pins, and baste in place.
When one side of the brim is to be covered with fabric, fit this to the brim, baste at the headsize wire and cut the edge, allowing one-quarter of an inch to lap over the edge.
Hold the wrong side toward you and turn the bottom edge up on the wrong side toward you and up to the center and baste close to the edge.
Baste with silk thread at the top and bottom, and press on the wrong side.
Baste once with the gravy, and dredge again, the whole operation requiring about half an hour.
An hour before a roast of beef is done, lay in the pan, and baste them when the beef is basted.
At the end of three, remove the paper and paste, dredge and baste till well browned.
Allow half an hour to a pound in roasting, and baste very often.
Three or four thin slices of salt pork may be laid on the top; or, if this is not liked, melt a tablespoonful of butter in a cup of hot water, and baste with that.
An’ it’s sad an’ sore me own heart is whin I think o’ niver seeing the little baste at its purty thricks no more.
Roast in a quick oven, and baste every 15 minutes during the roasting.
During the roasting baste the duck every 15 minutes; also, as in roasting a young duck, remove the bacon or salt pork in plenty of time to permit the part underneath to brown.
Baste the chicken every 10 or 15 minutes with this water, until it is well browned and the breast and legs may be easily pierced with a fork.
Add water as the water in the pan evaporates, and baste the heart frequently.
After it has been in the oven for about 15 minutes, baste with the fat that will be found in the bottom of the pan and continue tobaste every 10 minutes until the fish is done.
During the roasting, turn them so as to brown all sides; also, baste every 15 minutes during the roasting with the water that has been poured into the roasting pan.
When its surface is well browned, reduce the heat and baste every 15 minutes until the turkey is cooked.
Baste every 15 minutes, basting during the last hour with hot water in which has been melted a small quantity of butter.
Bake 12 minutes for each pound andbaste frequently while baking.
Baste frequently, first with butter and water and later with drippings.
Baste frequently with water to which has been added a small amount of bacon or ham fat and which should be put in the pan with the meat.
During the baking, baste frequently with hot water to which a little butter has been added.
Bake about 3 hours, depending on the size of the roast, and baste every 15 minutes with fat from the bottom of the dripping pan.
Every 10 or 15 minutes baste the meat with the fat and the juice that cooks out of it; that is, spoon up this liquid and pour it over the meat in order to improve the flavor and to prevent the roast from becoming dry.
Cut two pieces of chamois from these patterns, lay the smaller one against the larger, with the rounded ends of both together and the edges of the sides fitted evenly, and baste them so.
Finish the top of the bag with drawing strings as follows: Turn in a hem three-quarters of an inch wide at the top of the bag and baste it.
Cut a piece of flowered cotton the same size as the lining, and, turning in the edges of both pieces for a quarter of an inch all the way round, lay them together with the raw edges in and baste them evenly one above the other.
Now baste the flowered silk cover against the other side of the wadding, turning in all rough edges, and making sure that the edges of the lining and cover are quite even, one above the other.
First baste the strip of cotton wadding on the lining silk through the centre, then turn quarter of an inch of the edge of the silk up over the wadding and baste it securely around all four sides.
Turn up an inch at each lower edge of the upper part of the shirt and baste the doubled edge of one side against the top of one of the lower parts, keeping the pencil marks at the middle of each together.
It now only remains to place it in the oven, watch over the cooking, baste it with gravy, and serve.
Cook it; then put it in a saucepan with some honey and garum; make several incisions in the bird; baste it with its own gravy, and sprinkle with pepper previously to its being served.
If a receiving tuck has been made, turn it down over the raw edge of ruffle and baste and stitch on very edge of tuck.
Pin together and baste one-fourth inch seams, to within 8 or 9 inches of each length; this will be left open under each arm.
Baste from bottom up with bias edge towards worker.
Hold the gathers towards you, and baste with a one-fourth inch seam, not any more.
Baste flat to the left portion of front, and stitch nearly one inch from edge, to within 8 or 9 inches of the top.
Baste also one-fourth inch hems at the outside edges of the side lengths which are raveling.
If a tuck has not been made, baste over the raw edges of ruffle a band of finishing braid or beading or a bias strip of the same cloth as the skirt, ⅜-inch wide; stitch on both edges.
Baste and stitch this top and bottom to hold gathers.
After folding and pinning, baste carefully through the two thicknesses of material.
Then baste the hem very carefully, turning to wrong side.
Baste flat to the seam so that the edge of the turned lining just covers the sewing of the yoke seam.
Baste on inside of waist over these adjusted gathers a straight band ¼-inch wide, with edges turned.
Turn hem at the bottom the desired width and baste carefully.
Baste carefully, laying little plaits neatly where necessary on account of extra fullness.
Baste the last time with a tablespoonful of butter; cover and leave in the oven ten minutes longer before transferring to a hot dish.
Shut the door until the flour browns, then baste abundantly, and dredge again.
Cook slowly half an hour, lift the cover and baste plentifully with the butter water in the pan; cover again and leave for twenty minutes more.
I'm not worryin' meself about the little baste any more than I would if it had been a mad dog foaming up that cliff at ye.
In all my days I don't think I have seen a meaner-looking little baste of a car.
Roast, andbaste with butter; set a dish under your veal, with vinegar, a few sage leaves, and a little rosemary and thyme.
Baste the sheet of paper with butter, and let the venison roast till done enough.
Well rub into the tongue two ounces of saltpetre, a pound of common salt, and a quarter of a pound of treacle; and baste every day for three weeks.
Take off the caul, dredge, baste it with butter, and serve it with venison sauce.
Next morning rub it well with three quarters of a pound of bay salt rolled, on the lean part; baste it often every day for fourteen days, and hang it up to dry.
Drain the maccaroni, and toss it till the cheese be well mixed; pour it into a dish; sprinkle some more grated cheese over it, and baste it with a little butter.
Roast the breast with the caul on it till almost done; take it off, flour and baste it.
Lay it in a hollow tray with the skin downward; baste it every day for a fortnight; then roll it in sawdust, and hang it in wood smoke for a fortnight.
Then cover beef and all with finely grated bread; baste it with butter, and brown it with a salamander.
Stew them with the mutton very slowly for two hours and a half; baste it with the liquor very often; skim off the fat, and send the gravy in the dish with the mutton.
That he was a member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, anxious to "sell the poor baste where he would get something to fill out his dimples.
In the meantime boil the stock until it is reduced one-half, add the butter, baste it over the eggs and send to the table.
Baste it with the burning rum until the alcohol is entirely burned off.
Put into a saucepan all the other ingredients, bring to a boil, put one poached egg on each slice of pate de foie gras; baste with the sauce and send at once to the table.
Cover the bottom of a baking dish with ordinary white sauce, stand in the eggs, put over the bread crumbs, baste them with the remaining butter, melted, and stand in the oven long enough to brown.
With a tablespoon, baste the water over the yolks of the eggs, if they happen to be exposed.
Baste with a little melted butter, dust with salt and pepper and send at once to the table.
Boil the stock until reduced one-half, baste the eggs carefully, run them into the oven until hot, pour over the remaining hot stock and send to the table.
Arrange the lettuce over a platter, stand the whites in the lettuce, and at serving time baste thoroughly with French dressing.
Dish the egg plant on a platter, put on the ham, and on each piece of ham an egg; baste with sauce and send to the table.
When the eggs are done, baste them with the browned butter, and send to the table.
Dust with salt and pepper, baste with melted butter, and send to the table.
And me sittin' listenin to him tellin' ould McKillop what a grand action the foal had and the shoulders the baste had, and the way it could draw thirty hundred up Killainey hill without a pech.
Why is it not necessary to baste meats cooked by these methods?
If the baking-pan is uncovered, baste every 10 minutes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.