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Example sentences for "once that"

  • George, with his hands in his pockets, walked or paused as the others chose; and it struck Letty at once that he was talking with unusual freedom and zest.

  • George saw at once that she, not the policeman, was in command.

  • Other people might have the gifts for managing them; it seemed to him that it would be better for him to take up the line at once that he had none.

  • But Jeff was not glad to be found there, apparently; he said at once that he expected to get a room in the Yard the next year, and eat at Memorial Hall.

  • Westover saw at once that when he made his studio tea for the Vostrands he must ask Jeff; it would be cruel, and for several reasons impossible, not to do so, and he really did not see why he should not.

  • It is easy to see at once that a tailor of such renown, instead of running after customers, made difficulties about obliging any fresh ones.

  • On returning it to the queen, she will see at once that we have not betrayed her; and consequently, as we shall not rouse the distrust of Mazarin, we shall have nothing to fear from him.

  • He tried to learn from Gamba whether the Illuminati had a lodge in the city; but on this point he could extract no information.

  • Or was she but the flighty girl he had once imagined her, driven hither and thither by spasmodic impulses, and incapable of consistent action, whether for good or ill?

  • Like you she blossoms over dark abysses, And close to ruin bloom her sweetest kisses, And on the brink of doom.

  • Now the Abbot of the Barnabites was the Belverde's brother, and I saw at once that to obey his order would place me in that lady's power.

  • You told me once that a woman's reasons are only impulses in men's clothes.

  • The wind was contrary, but Odo welcomed it, for he saw at once that it would be quicker work to tack to the other shore than to depend on the oars.

  • His face told me at once that he had met with no success.

  • Every word of which is true," I answered firmly, and I knew at once that he believed me.

  • Now go and tell him at once that a lady is waiting to see him.

  • The boy had a duplicate proof in his other hand, and Ernest saw at once that it was his own leader, as altered and corrected by Mr. Lancaster.

  • Harris, will you tell Jenkins at once that I shall want the carriage at half-past eleven?

  • And even if he hadn't been, one might have known at once that such a man as he is would never go and marry a girl whose name's in the peerage, when he could strike out a line for himself by marrying a grocer's daughter.

  • I consent to take you as one of my pupils, but I must let you know at once that I am very exacting.

  • He saw at once that he might offer these hot and weary warriors the unexpected pleasure of a cool resting-place.

  • I felt at once that he had become acquainted with grief.

  • Then his seeking eye made out a crumpled paper in her left hand, and he knew at once that it must be Davy's letter.

  • She made out at once that he was a foreigner and in the book trade, and then she let him know by a passing expression or two that naturally she understood why he was lounging there in that plight at that hour in the morning.

  • It reawakened in Ancrum at once that impression of something alien and unusual which both David and his sister had often produced in him while they were still children.

  • Bok saw the little comedy, realized at once that he had discovered the author of The Breadwinners, and stated to the publisher that he intended to use the incident in his literary letter.

  • She took him into the garden, where he saw at once that he was seated under the apple-tree of Miss Greenaway's pictures.

  • Miss Greenaway conveyed the unmistakable impression that she had been trapped, and Bok realized at once that he had a long and difficult road ahead.

  • He saw at once that a mistake had been made, that some difficult conditions had pushed this troubled creature into his presence, and his interest was enlisted.

  • When they were shown their room Carrie saw at once that he had secured her a lovely chamber.

  • Carrie saw at once that an average speed was necessary or the work would pile up on her and all those below would be delayed.

  • It was agreed at once that it was impossible that so large a body could find subsistence in the mountains of Athole, cooped up as they were by their foes.

  • It was plain to me at once that if Cluny could go to your aid, so could I, and I at once told him that I should accompany him.

  • Edward declared at once that he for one would not take to sea again; and this decision settled the matter.

  • You ought to have told her at once that I thought nothing of the kind!

  • Cautious as he was, the doctor's manner of receiving my remark satisfied me at once that my suspicions of an estrangement were well founded.

  • I assured him at once that I was ready to travel as soon as he pleased.

  • Mr. Gillingham Gets Out at the Wrong Station Whether Mark Ablett was a bore or not depended on the point of view, but it may be said at once that he never bored his company on the subject of his early life.

  • I saw at once that I had not spoken a moment too soon.

  • On reading the names of the speakers Mr. Lavender felt at once that it would be his duty to attend.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "once that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    appear before; boat could; greatly fear; hand fight; might easily; once agreed; once and; once asked; once became; once began; once commenced; once despatched; once for; once heard; once made; once ordered; once perceived; once proceeded; once resolved; once said; once sent; once started; once they; once took; our ears; torian guards