With each contact of strap or buckle the white of his eye gleams poisonously and his outragedepidermis gives a sudden convulsive shudder, like a fine lady's bare shoulder vitalized by a mosquito-bite.
Layers of cells replacing the epidermis in old stems.
Showing Epidermis with Stomates from the lower side of the Leaf seen in fig.
Epidermis cells; s, stomates; v, long cells of epidermis lying over the veins.
A skin of a special chemical nature which forms on the outer wall of the epidermis cells.
Ginkgo leaf, and after treatment the cells of the epidermis were perfectly recognizable under the microscope, with the stomates (breathing pores) also well preserved.
The cuticle of the epidermis or the spores can sometimes be studied under the microscope after special treatment, but on the whole we have very little information about the later Mesozoic ferns.
In this specimen, the cells of the epidermis were fortunately sufficiently well preserved to be seen with the microscope, and there is a distinct difference in the size and shape of the cells of living and fossil species, see fig.
This colour, however, is due entirely to the thin, shiningepidermis that completely covers the valves; and if this is rubbed off the shell itself will exhibit a pale pinkish tint.
Passing now to the family Turbinidae we meet with turbinated or pyramidal shells that are of a brilliant pearly lustre within, and frequently without also when the epidermis is removed.
The epidermis covering the shell is of fibrous structure, and often extends beyond the edges of the valves in the form of a fringe.
In this interesting group the shell is oval or elongated, with equal valves, and is covered with a dark-coloured epidermis which is often distinctly fibrous in structure.
The colour of the shell is variable, the epidermisbeing of any shade from a yellow to a dark brown.
The shell is very oblique, and the valves are unequal, the right one, on which the animal rests, being somewhat smaller than the left; and the epidermis is very scanty.
An allied mollusc--Velutina laevigata, so called on account of the velvety epidermis that clothes the shell, completely surrounds the shell by its mantle folds when creeping.
They felt more attracted by the form of objects than by their colour; the latter was, in the manner of the Dutch, merely an epidermis delicately toned down.
He painted the epidermis without giving much suggestion of what was beneath.
The organs of touch are found chiefly in the epidermis of the skin and certain underlying nervous structures.
Defn: the horny scale of plate of epidermis at the end of the fingers and toes of man and many apes.
Jamaica ginger, a variety of ginger, called also white ginger, prepared in Jamaica from the best roots, which are deprived of their epidermis and dried separately.
Defn: A layer of tissue beneath the epidermis in plants, and performing the physiological function of strengthening the epidermal tissue.
Defn: A small, usually hard, tumor on the skin formed by enlargement of its vascular papillæ, and thickening of the epidermis which covers them.
Transverse section through the epidermis of an infected plum.
In Cystopus (Albugo) the "conidia" are abstricted in basipetal chain-like series from the ends of hyphae which come to the surface in tufts and break through the epidermis as white pustules.
The only method of reaching these is by the complete removal of the epidermis of the part and of the upper portion of the cutis also.
The fungus lives beneath the epidermis of the Ginseng plant; breaking the epidermis to form the black scars in which the spores, or reproductive bodies, are produced.
These spores falling upon any part of the plant above the ground will, if moisture be present, germinate very quickly, sending out germ tubes which pierce the epidermis of the host.
In liming, the whole of the epidermis as well as the hair is loosened, and is subsequently removed in depilation.
Unhairing removes the hair and the epidermis made loose in liming.
The nature of the colouring matters is but imperfectly investigated, but in the case of skin gelatine the pigment of the hair roots and epidermis is doubtless one factor.
The male on the other hand passes into a second larval stage in which there are no functional legs, but rudiments of legs and of wings are present on the epidermis beneath the cuticle, as shown by B.
When the pupal stage draws near the bud grows out of its sheath, and projecting from the general surface of the epidermis becomes covered with cuticle to be revealed, as we have seen, after the last larval moult, as the pupal wing.
The epidermis forms the best protection for the cutis, and where the skin is stuck to the linen do not tear this off, but allow it to remain and cut with a sharp scissors around it.
In the second degree, the local injury has penetrated a little deeper, and the sudden congestion of blood to the surface, raises the epidermis from the cutis in blisters filled with the serum of its vessels.
The local injury is not dangerous, and the epidermis remains to protect the surface of the true skin until a new layer is produced, as the injured one peels off.
Niel to the skin deprived of the epidermis (endermically) in the above diseases.
The epidermis is only found on the youngest bark, before it has attained sufficient age for medicinal use; it is then replaced by the corky layer.
He liked to see them well fed and clad--their epidermis shining with the exudation of its own oil.
Give an account of the structure of the epidermis and its outgrowths in the frog and the rabbit.
Strange as it may appear at first, the entire lining of the internal ear is, at an early stage, continuous with the general epidermis of the animal.
The epidermis is continued over the outer face of this as a thin, transparent epithelium.
Beneath the epidermis are layers of circular and longitudinal muscular fibres, the latter arranged in the tail as two bands.
The epidermis of the anterior part of the larva is simply thrown off, and has no share in forming the epidermis of the adult.
The first part of the muscular system to be definitely formed is the ventral band of longitudinal muscles which arises on each side of the nervous system in contact with the epidermis (fig.
A), which offers an example of an extreme case of the kind, there is present within the ciliated epidermis a fully developed independent worm.
It gives rise to the whole of the general epidermis and to the epithelium of the organs of sense.
Six-hooked embryonic stage after the embryonic epidermis has been thrown off.
This larva makes its way on to the gills or into the body of some Mollusc or other host, throws off its epidermis and becomes a Redia or Sporocyst.
These valves are chitinous, and have a fenestrated structure, owing to the chitin being deposited round the margin of the separate epidermis (hypodermis) cells.
The discs become very much thickened, and then divide into two layers, which become theepidermis and subjacent muscular layers.
In its hinder part a provisional paired byssus-gland is developed from the epidermis in Cyclas and other forms.
This is no doubt the primitive mode of origin, but in other cases, which perhaps require confirmation, the sacks are stated to originate from a differentiation of solid thickenings of the epidermis or of the tissues subjacent to it.
They are, however, then absorbing from the plant the nourishment it should have; piercing with the point of their trunks the epidermis of the leaves or stalks, and drawing from them a nourishing liquid.
One atom of this matter applied to the skin, and particularly to the lower lip, makes the epidermisrise instantaneously, and produces a small blister filled with a watery liquid.
Over the surface of the skin which covers the dropsy we find a slight serous sweating, which loosens the epidermis and dries so as to simulate the eruption of some cutaneous disease.
In these cases the hair may fall out and the epidermis peel off, but the inflammation soon subsides, the swelling disappears, and only an increased sensitiveness to cold remains.
They are readily procured from the epidermis or outer membrane of the leaves or stems of plants, by section with a delicate knife.
This separation takes place whenever, from a burn, or other cause, a blister is formed; a watery fluid is poured out between the two layers, and lifts the epidermis from the true skin.
Examples of this may be found in the stalk or culm of grasses, as in straw, the shining epidermis of which is siliceous; or the epidermis of canes.
Arising from the epidermis are the hairs of plants.
The structure may be best understood by reference to the epidermis of the leaf of a geranium (Pl.
The mycelium consists of inconspicuous, fine filaments, which run beneath the epidermis and bark of leaves and stems, or exist in the intercellular passages, the fruit bursting through the surface.
Moreover, the cells of the prothallium resemble those of the parenchyma of a leaf, the epidermis with its wavy-margined cells being absent.
It forms sooty masses, bursting through the epidermis of the stalk and ears of the corn, and soiling the fingers when handled.
These are thread-like or filamentous prolongations of the epidermis beyond the surface of the leaf (Pl.
In this plant they consist of a thick-walled cell, bulbous at the base, which is imbedded in the epidermis (Pl.
Each point is the orifice of an open capsule (peridium), which has burst through the epidermis of the leaf (Pl.
These hairs spring from theepidermis of the seeds.
It is the epidermis which is raised and covers the bladders formed by the action of a blister applied to the skin.
Some feed upon the leaf epidermis only; some eat holes in the leaf-surface, or gnaw irregular notches from the leaf-edge; while the grosser feeders completely devour the whole.
These, which must on no account be confused with antlers, are hollow cases of hardened epidermis fitting on to bony outgrowths of the frontals.
Nails= arise in the interior of the epidermis by the thickening and cornification of the stratum lucidum.
The Malpighian and horny layers of the epidermis get rubbed off the enamel cap, so that it comes to project freely on the surface of the body.
The epidermis is divided into two principal layers, an outer one, the horny layer or stratum corneum, and an inner one, the stratum Malpighii.
This vesicle is formed by the epidermisdetached from the dermis, and elevated as a half sphere by serous liquid within.
Experience proves that if the imagination is stimulated to excessive activity, it can produce changes in the nature of the epidermis or even of the mucous membrane, which resemble in everything the symptoms of genuine diseases.
In man, the colouring matter seems to be deposited in the epidermis by the roots or the bulbs of the hair:* (* Adverting to the interesting researches of M.
Its use, as is well known, is to secrete the cocoon in which the eggs are deposited; and the epidermis which forms it is thickened and more glandular than that in other regions of the body.
That too is his view of certain peculiar but different cells found in the epidermis of Pontoscolex.