The shell heaps of Florida have had unusual attention.
One ought not to omit mentioning the chapel of the Campo Santo, which has a strange façade with three great conventional shell forms above a rose-window, and a carved architrave with Renaissance motifs above the door.
Remove a part of the shell from the large end of the egg without breaking the skin beneath.
In this way remove the shell from the space about the size of a nickel.
The colored water in theshell will pass through the skin and color the water in the bottle.
Fill the egg-shell partly full of clear water and set it on the bottle of colored water.
Prepare another egg in the same way, but put colored water in the shell and clear water in the bottle.
This is easily done by gently tapping the shell with the handle of a pocket-knife until it is full of small cracks, and then, with the blade of the knife, picking off the small pieces.
Remove the shell from the small end of the egg over a space about as large as the end of the glass tube.
Remove the shell from the large end of an egg without breaking the skin, break a hole in the small end of the egg and empty out the contents of the egg; rinse the shell with water.
A Handsome new Eight day Clock which shows the Moons Age, Strikes the Quarters on Six very Tunable Bells & is in a Good Japann'd Case in Imitation of Tortoise Shell & Gold.
Two Cases with a knife and fork in each; one Turtle Shell Tackling; the other long with Ivory Handles squar'd cost four shillings sixpence.
Little earthen porringers of red pottery and tortoise-shell ware are also found, but are not plentiful.
It's too far, Ben," I replied, as I jammed the last shell in the receiver.
He had a way of poking the base of a shell straight down into the receiver and making it snap forward and down.
There she was, her shelljust showing, like some old hulk in the sand alongshore.
He has passed into the Guardian Spirit of the tree, warring in the green leaf against worm and grub and slug, and in the dry leaf hiding himself, a heart of life, within the thin ribs, as if to save the old shell of a tree to another summer.
The log, a mere shell of a mighty white oak, had been girdled and felled with an axe, by coon-hunters probably, and still lay with one side resting upon the rim of the stump.
These shells, also, illustrate the Nation of Tyrus, for the spiralshell is found upon nearly all the coins of that ancient country!
Presently a small shell came along and struck the driver of the lead horses.
The diary is too full of detail to record here, so I will merely remark that the everlasting fire continues on my picket line, and their guns shell my redoubts.
Sometimes the Armstrong gun, at the same elevation, would not throw a shell more than halfway across the river; then again far over the river.
As we were leaving the field and the doctor had his hands on the latch of the gate to open it, it was opened by a three-hundred-pound shell striking the post that the gate was hung to, demolishing it.
There was dejection of spirits on the faces of all present; but Ord rose with the occasion, and ordered Mingo to have three bushels of oysters in the shell prepared, and to bring on the accompaniments.
In the afternoon there was considerable firing, and all the chests of one of my caissons were blown up by shell from the enemy, and by the explosion of a shell in one of the chests a gunner was killed.
Yesterday the impolite followers of Sherman came near spoiling our dinner as we sat on the ground eating, by sending a twenty-pound Parrott shell near enough to throw the sand about and over it.
This morning when I was at Ward's Battery there was some artillery-firing, and a shell exploded overhead, striking Gen.
A heavy gun flashes, and a shell bursts over the city from a captured cannon.
The grub might as well try to understand the life of the butterfly, or the chick in the shell the life of the bird.
He appeals to our power to see below the surface of things, and through the outer shell of this world's life to the Spirit of good that is at the root of all and that manifests itself in Him.
He recognised that there was that in him which could render useless his best natural qualities, and that the sinfulness which could make his strongest natural defences brittle as an egg-shell must be serious indeed.
Charley found the shell of a Cytherea on an old camping-place of the natives, which indicated our approach to the salt water.
A fine shellof Dolium was in their camp, which we passed through.
Mr. Calvert collected a great number of Limnaea in the water-holes: its shell is more compact than those we have before seen, and has a slight yellow line, marking probably the opening at a younger age.
He saw a little boat with a fine Cymbium shell floating on the water.
The shell and bones of the turtle indicated its presence in the shady ponds fringed by drooping tea trees.
We saw the bones of a Jew fish, and a brokenshell of Cymbium, in an old camp of the natives near the lagoon.
Twelve hours later, at noon, a shell came speeding down the Potomac, with a young athlete jauntily pulling at the oars.
Our steps were towards the "Shell Road," and soon our feet crunched upon the fragments of unios and bivalves that strewed the path.
Gossoon, another shell iv malt, an' dhraw it more slow,' he says.
Barranca has been used as, but is not well adapted to be, a military post; gunboats could lay out of sight below, around a bend of the river, and shell it without being themselves exposed to its fire.
Before a second shell fell, Sturge and Jackson, assisted by a party of Arabs, had removed the gun from the threatened position to another about twenty yards away.
He had reason to be thankful for the precautions he had taken when the enemy, after sendingshell after shell into the vacant emplacement until it was thoroughly demolished, got to work on the bridgehead.
At this moment a shell burst a few yards away; he was struck below the knee, and sank to the ground.
That's the only risk--unless the enemy bring up artillery and shell us.
Tearing off the canvas cover of the missile, Burnet found a small shell case, within which was a slip of paper.
While the Arab returned for more petrol, Burnet went on to the piles of ammunition, and brought back a shell in its case.
The bursting of a shell drowned all other sounds, but when the rumbling echoes had ceased, Burnet caught a faint drone far away.
I had but fairly started, when I was struck on the right side by a piece of a shell almost spent, which yet came near ending my earthly career.
Both the percussion-shell and the gun had burst, and hence the destruction of life.
His heavy and strong cavalry saddle, and probably the bursting of the shell downward, saved him.
When I had come within about ten rods of Johnson's staff, a shell burst in the air about equidistant from myself and the staff.
Quicoy waited a long, long time and then knocked on the shell in the hope that some one would hear him.
Then Captan knew that his messenger had stolen the shell and escaped.
In his struggles the shell fell from his mouth, but a little Tamban caught it and brought it safely to Captan.
Quick as a flash, he placed theshell in his mouth and dived down into the water, at the same time changing himself into a huge crocodile-shaped Buaya with scales like armor of steel.
The whole of Kerguelen seemed to burst like a bomb-shell with a blaze of light shewing islands and sea.
A tortoise-shell cat which had been watching swallows, disturbed by his entrance, withdrew from the window beneath a chair.
For he had the kind of moral courage found in those who live retired within the shell of their own aspirations.
He thought about it that night when once more back at his work he and his head nurse discussed a case of shell shock--a pitiful case of fear, loss of memory, complete prostration.
She had intuitions about the people who came to buy, and this tall spare man with the slight droop of his shoulders, his upstanding bush of gray hair, his shell glasses on a black ribbon was, she was aware, having the time of his life.
This again is inapplicable, for no line can be drawn between the shell which was buried in yesterday's tidal deposit and that which has lain in the strata through geological ages, and each may be equally useful to the geologist.
A shows a freshwater shell (Vivipara) with entire mouth, whilst B exhibits the shell of a marine gastropod (Pleurotoma) with a notched mouth.
And just a little cream on a small open shell of pie-crust filled with preserved fruit, makes it what the late Delia used to call 'a stylish dish.
This reminds me to say that a half-can of fruit or left-over cranberry sauce can be put into a pie-crust shell with strips of crust over the top; they make very good pies.
When it is done you cool it, take off the white cake of fat on top and save it for frying purposes; heat the soup again and clarify it by stirring in a washed and broken up egg-shell and a little of the white.
Heap this in the shell and bake it with a covering of crumbs and butter.
One very exceptionally fine relic of this far-off age is a toilet box complete with vases of unguents, eye paint, comb, and bronze shell on which to mix unguents, and other trinkets.
These boxes were mostly fashioned in accord with the furniture, many having the well-known Sheraton shell design on the lid, or on the front of the box.
By the time General Blair’s brigade emerged from its cover of cypress forest, the shell were dropping fast among the men.
Our artillery also plumped shot and shell into the breastwork, and strove to clear the hill in Corse’s front.
Several men were killed by the shell and grape that swept the copse.
They lived through the entire bombardment, became accustomed to the howl of the rushing shell and its sharp explosion, and paid no rent, although the buildings they occupied suggested heavy rents.