Interesting features of this instrument are two inscriptions engraved on the brass strip on the top of the dial.
These are featureswhich were not designed primarily for land surveying.
Minor features of the scene are touched up in red, presumably printed, since they are consistent in all of the cards.
The lighthouse is unusual in construction in that it features twin towers rising from a large rectangular wooden building.
Most of them took seats well down in front, I supposing that the educational and scientific features of the promised entertainment had drawn them together.
It is conceded by all to be one of the strongest and best features in our system of government.
During the narration Jack's features lighted up, and an expression, which would have been in vain looked for in repose, was instantly caught and depicted by the skilful artist.
Amongst the ring-leaders was Blueskin, whose swarthy features and athletic figure were easily distinguished.
The Painter blessed her for not being talkative; her nasal voice irritated him, although her beautiful features were a constant delight.
Her features and complexion were certainly pleasing, but the untidy mass of straggling hair topped by a battered straw sailor hat diverted the attention of a casual observer from her really unusual delicacy of feature and coloring.
I have tried to show that one of the distinctive features of the present era is the stress it lays on the worth of the moral life of man, and the new significance it has given to that life by its view of the continuity of history.
Ages, as well as nations and individuals, have features of their own, special and definite modes of thinking and acting.
Her complexion was exquisitely fair, but the noble cast of her head and features prevented the insipidity which sometimes attaches to fair beauties.
If the most attractive features of an art room are its wall decorations, five paragraphs describing the room may be as follows:-- 1.
It is evident that at least the essential features of this mental picture must stand out clearly and definitely, or we shall be unable to make our description accurate.
The natural features of the country combine the beauties of prairie and of mountain scenery.
His features were heavy and set; his manner was brooding and depressed; he did not alertly follow the conversation; on the contrary, he seemed oblivious of it as his full dark eyes rested absently on the fire.
Dundas wondered if these features were of possible significance in Keenan's estimation.
She recognized the situation instantly, and the features that sleep had relaxed into inexpressiveness took on a weary apprehension, which they wore like a habit.
Ask any man born in the fifties, or even the later forties, what he thinks of Byron's Titan agony, and his features will probably wear a smile.
Let us now envisage the scene of such a totem meal and let us embellish it further with a few probable featureswhich could not be adequately considered before.
In this connexion some features were formed which henceforth determined the character of every religion.
In the Orders of nuns, certain corresponding featureswere becoming usual.
In illustration of this assertion, appeal might be made to several of the most salient featuresin the social life of the period.
Its social featureswere naturally in accordance with the course of the national history.
The features are mild but expressive, with just a suspicion--certainly no more--of saturnine or sarcastic humour.
These features are especially un-canal-like on the first crooked bend beyond Windmill Hill towards Aldershot.
An hour's sharp walk would bring us to Warlingham above the Caterham valley, where the Church, with its ancient yews, has among other old features a faded fresco of St. Christopher.
The Sutton of Surrey seems more prosperous than picturesque, its old features overlaid, and its parish monuments packed away into a handsome new Church.
Severer featuresof interest are shown by Witley Church, standing a mile nearer London than the station.
Reigate, then, may prove a spot to "delay the tourist," certainly for the charms of its situation between the varied features of chalk and sand closely facing each other from either side.
But on the right of Spital Street was passed the Grammar School, founded at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and still preserving some of its old features that make it worth a visit.
But Croydon has still relics of the past among its smart modern features displayed by electric light round the tower of its Town Hall.
Like them, it possesses Italian features of a fancy and grace as remote from the Gothic as from the classical world.
The county's variedfeatures run from north to south in zones a few miles broad, whose characteristic beauties not seldom dovetail into each other with fine effect of contrast.
As they left the window, Platzoff added: "One of the most annoying features connected with my loss arises from the fact that all my labour will have to be gone through again--and very tedious work it is.
His hair was black, his eyes were dark brown, his features and manner prepossessing, and he spoke as a man accustomed to good society.
His hair was that of a genuine African--crisp and black, and was one mass of short curls; but except for a certain fulness of the lips his features were of the ordinary Caucasian type.
Gaining the hall-door with slow and gentle steps came a young man, whose beautiful features were wasting more perceptibly day by day, and their hectic growing of a deeper crimson.
It is one of the remarkable buildings of Brittany, possessing certain distinguishingfeatures peculiar to the Breton churches.
There are others that have political purposes for an end, but these combine such objects with the more important features of the mere social organizations.
Morton's features became rigid as he watched; his haggard eyes started from their sockets and the drops of an icy sweat pearled upon his brow.
When it was removed I saw a round, full face, the features small and delicate.
During my experience I had one case which for certain strange features I have never had surpassed.
The smouldering embers fell together upon the hearth, emitting one expiring lance of flame, illumining his pallid features grown tense and rigid with resolution.
Now looking from the man's grim features to this murderous cord, Beltane blenched and shivered, whereat Black Roger laughed aloud, and pointed a scornful finger.
The distinguishing features of church work should be, in the first place, its devotional spirit, and, in the second, its consummate workmanship.
A Gothic practice, and not the least happy one, was to show the flesh in the naked linen of the ground, only just working the outlines of the features in black or brown.
The object of this book is to furnish students with a concise account of Historic Ornament, in which the rise of each style is noted, and its characteristic features illustrated.
Historical features of the monument recall the only major Indian war ever fought on California soil and one of the most costly of its kind in United States history.
The eclipse of 1883 was at a time of rapidly decreasing solar activity, yet the Corona had the features of a Sun-spot maximum.
In the year 1858, two central eclipses of the Sun occurred, both presenting some features of interest.
The totality only lasted one minute, and the general features of a total eclipse do not appear to have been very conspicuously visible.
Except Yen Sin, perhaps; he may have smiled, though the mask of his features did not move.
One of the best features of Throckmorton was, she hadn't any feelings; you might treat her like a galley-slave, and she would show the least dejection.
He stooped to pick it up, and I saw his features contract as if in pain, as he laid it back upon the table.
His features were irregular and unnoticeable, but the sum-total of them gave the impression of force.
The moon utilized impartially natural and artificial features of landscape as detail for the picture of gray, black, and silver.
She was a woman of fifty-odd, a typical Vermonter, with the angular frame and features peculiar to her class.
There were doctors of indisputable skill who were also fired by the mere histrionicfeatures of the case.
The alarming thinness and sharpening of the delicate features was he saw, actually becoming less marked day by day; the transparent hands were less transparent; the movements were no longer languid.
Two families of Massassagas had squatted somewhere in the neighbourhood of the present St. Lawrence Hall when General Simcoe removed to little York with his canvass palace, and drew around him the incipient features of a Court.
Springing from the twin rootage of Magna Charta and the Declaration of Independence, his judicial statesmanship finds no parallel in the salient features of its achievement outside our own annals.
His mediocre stature, thinning locks, and undistinguished features created an impression which was confirmed by his slovenly attire and ungrammatical speech, which seemed "shackled by a preternatural secretion of saliva.
The Missouri is a very wild and turbulent river, possessing the ruder features of the Mississippi, but destitute of the gentleness characteristic of the latter in many places.
The peculiar features of the region occupied by these rocks have been minutely described in the narrative of our journey.
In some of the unpublished drawings by Mr. Seymour, these peculiar {294} features of the scenery of the fletz trap formation, have been preserved.
From the minute account given in the narrative of the expedition, of the particular features of this region, it will be perceived that its eastern portions bear a manifest resemblance to the deserts of Siberia.
Mr. Seymour has taken numerous landscape views, exhibiting the characteristicfeatures of various parts of the country, besides many others of detached scenery.
The foregoing are among the most common features in the general character of the western Indians.
The soldier looked up and recognized the familiar and benevolent features of the good priest of the village, his old tutor and pastor.
His strictly classical features were enhanced by the luxuriance of his hair, which he wore flowing in its native curls, while his full beard and mustache relieved his face from the charge of effeminacy.
She sat apart, and the rising moon shone down upon her dusky figure, and threw her wild features into bold relief.
Before the honeymoon was over, the bride began to display some of the less amiable features of her character.
His daughter, Miriam, had the commanding beauty, the dark eyes, the flowing hair, and the bold features of the daughters of Israel.
As they obeyed, and every face was uncovered, his quick glance caught the pale and handsome features of the young cavalry colonel.
We scanned their wan and haggard features with curiosity and pity.
She advanced to the farther easel, and, lifting the curtain, disclosed the featuresof the English lady.
Crouched near the table, her features dimly lighted by a tallow candle, sat a woman advanced in life, clad in faded but cleanly garments, whose hollow cheeks and sunken eye told a painful tale of sorrow and destitution.
He was a handsome man, of middle age, whose features bore the impress of dissipation.