The crust usually falls off between the fifteenth and the thirty-fifth day.
A crust torn off prematurely should never be used, {480} and the same may be said of secondary crusts--i.
The crust into which the pock ultimately becomes converted is not, as is commonly supposed, mere dried lymph and nothing else; it is dried tissue enclosing concrete lymph.
It has even happened to the writer to cut open a crust that to all appearance was typical and innocent, and to find in its interior a cavity occupied by a pulpy, stinking slough.
A convenient way of powdering a crust is to rub it on a file or between two files.
The insertion of a solid piece of crust into a valvular incision is not to be recommended.
After the crust falls off a reddened surface is left of a cicatricial nature, usually somewhat depressed below the level of the surrounding skin, and frequently showing lesser pits, which latter appearance is termed foveolation.
No reliance can be placed upon characteristics described as connected with a certain stuck-on appearance of the crust regarded by Fox as characteristic of the crusts in impetigo contagiosa.
In some cases even the subcutaneous tissue undergoes necrosis, a sort of core being included in the substance of the crust that ultimately forms.
When dried lymph or a crust is to be sent by mail or other conveyance, it should be wrapped in some impermeably envelope, for which purpose gutta-percha tissue is very convenient.
It must be confessed, however, that when once a crust has proved itself active it may be trusted to retain its infective property for a very long time.
Notes Toward the end of the reaction, a crust of potassium bromide may tend to cover the melted potassium hydroxide.
One can break the crust by shaking the distilling flask gently, or by using a glass rod inserted through a second hole in the stopper holding the dropping funnel.
An occasional turn of this stirrer breaks the crust and facilitates the operation.
Before it is put to the fire the cooks often slash it, and rub it with cayenne pepper, onions, turnips and the crust of black bread so as to give it some recondite flavor, with the merit of which we are unacquainted.
A separation of the crust of the hoof from the laminae, the result of laminitis.
An inflammation of the parts between the crust of the foot and the pedal-bone, including the laminae, which cease to secrete horn.
Yet there it was printed in the hard crustof mud, and as clear as writing on a slate.
Here the prints were very clear by reason of the crust of mud caused by the dampness usually found near logs and fallen trees.
They were in the middle of a large salt lagoon, having a crust of limestone, under which the water was, and if broken open, in many places where there was no sign of water, a beautiful supply could be obtained.
It is now more than two miles broad, with a white crust on the top, composed of soda and salt, but mostly salt.
Round about them there is a thincrust of saltpetre, magnesia, and salt.
It is caked with a crust of salt, and is dry; it is seven miles long by three broad, running north-west and south-west.
There, Bet--we'll make no pie-crust promises to you.
The choicest material of the builder and the sculptor is limestone baked by the fires under the earth's crust into marble.
The wrinkling of the earth's crust was the result of crushing forces which produced tremendous heat.
As an element of the earth's crust it is not very plentiful, but it is a part of all the chlorides of sodium, magnesium, and potassium.
When the earth's crust is thrown up in mountain folds, and between them valleys are formed, the level of rivers is sometimes lowered and the rapidity of their flow is checked.
But the upheavals of the crust have broken open and erosion has uncovered these strata in different regions.
The crust has been cooling for millions of years, and mountain-making was the result of the shrinking of the crust.
The earth is growing cooler as it grows older; thecrust thickens and grows stronger as centuries pass.
The cooling of the earth made it shrink, and the crust began to be folded into gentle curves, as the skin of a shrunken apple becomes wrinkled on the flesh.
The lime rocks are the most important group in the list of rocks that form the crust of the earth.
Tremendous pressure and heat due to shrinking of the earth's crust have crumpled and twisted the strata containing coal in eastern Pennsylvania, and thus changed bituminous coal into anthracite.
The weight of the crustis a burden the under-rocks bear.
This style of pot-pie was made more in our grandmother's day than now, as most cooks consider that cooking crust so long destroys its spongy lightness, and renders it too hard and dry.
The crust, both upper and under, should be rolled thin; a thick crust to a fruit pie is undesirable.
When the crust is made, it makes it much more flaky and puff much more to put it in a dish covered with a cloth and set in a very cold place for half an hour, or even an hour; in summer, it could be placed in the ice box.
This may be cooked before it is put into the crust or not, but it is rather better to cook it first in a double boiler or dish.
Cover with an upper crust and bake slowly in a moderate oven.
Preserved fruit requires no baking; hence, always bake the shell and put in the sweetmeats afterwards; you can cover with whipped cream, or bake a top crust shell; the former is preferable for delicacy.
Remove the upper crust of pastry and fill the dish with the oysters and gravy.
Some prefer baking the upper crust on a pie plate, the same size as the pie, then slipping it off on top of the pie after the same pie is filled with the oysters.
Can be made the same as "Cranberry Tart Pie," or an upper crust can be put on before baking.
The top crust should be cut off before slicing the cake as it is used for a lid.
They produce beautiful calcareous skeletons, often very complex, or sometimes are content to cover themselves with a crust of agglutinated grains of sand.
This has the merit of approximating to Sir William ThomsonaEuro(TM)s calculation, based on the rate of cooling of the earth, that a minimum of 100 millions of years may represent the time since a solid crust first began to form.
They are mostly inhabitants of fresh water, and destitute of a hard crust or shell.
The first and most elementary of these is the study of the different kinds of rocks which enter into the composition of those parts of the earth which are accessible to us, and which we are in the habit of calling the crust of the earth.
Roll out on floured board and use for bottom crust of pie, being careful to fold the paste well over the edge of pie plate.
If glazed crust is desired, brush edges after baking with boiling hot syrup (2 tablespoons syrup and 1 tablespoon water) and return to oven for 1 or 2 minutes until syrup hardens.
Bake in hot oven until apples are done and crust golden brown.
Such a hollow tunnel or arch had been formed wherever the interior of a large mass of lava, once cooled, had become heated again, and had flowed out, leaving the outside crust standing.
The past has yielded up its secrets, and has shown them that the animals now peopling the earth are but the successors of countless populations which have preceded them, and whose remains are buried in the crust of our globe.
It is only a sort of crust upon the skin, made chiefly of carbonate of lime.
Then a fresh crust is gradually formed upon the skin, and two or three days later the animal is once more clad in a coat of mail, and is ready to leave its retreat and face its enemies.
If one man had a crust and his neighbor none, why then each had half a crust without questions.
That inner flow had continued, and left the tubular crust intact.
Then one foot, heavier than another, sank as in a crustof snow in a calcareous soil.
With that he disappeared in the forest cleft, and the snowy crust ceased to crackle under his horse's hoofs.
It seemed to dawn on him that, under our rough clothes and crust of brine and grime, we were two mad and wealthy aristocrats, worthy protégés of a high official.
Nevertheless, as I plied the towel, I knew that I had left in those limpid depths yet another crust of discontent and self-conceit.
Underneath this crust an approach to the old surface temperatures is still maintained, and the existence of a certain degree of fluidity is demonstrated to us from time to time by the phenomenon of volcanism.
A more permanent relationship between the lowland, the upland, and the ocean level will never be attained until the forces that warp and wrinkle the earth's crust shall have ceased forever.
Mappo was shut up in the box, with only a little water, and that one piece of bread crust to eat.
While he was thus talking the man thrust Mappo into a box, that was not very clean, and tossed him a crustof bread.
The child was innocent enough, but it seemed treacherous and unfair to listen, and made Eve despise herself, and shiver with a sense of nearness to those sexual problems that are covered with the merest crust of make-believe.
And as I'm not quite as hungry as our friend here, a crust of bread and a piece of cheese.