As matters now stood, the whole of the 33rd Division was concentrated together, the artillery covering for once its own infantry on the Passchendaele Ridge-Crest Farm-Meetcheele Line.
Group of the artillery covering the divisional front and was placed under the command of 158th Brigade Headquarters, while Lieut.
Gunners were usually kept in the line almost continuously, staying on after the infantry of their division had been relieved and covering the incoming troops.
It was only a small operation, however, and the batteries covering it merely fired on their S.
For over six long weeks the batteries had been fighting, advancing and fighting again, covering in all a depth of 30 miles and never once enjoying rest of any kind.
Not wishing to use the bridal bed, decorated for the occasion, I lay down on a hard sofa, without even sufficient covering on me, and froze valiantly while awaiting the happiness of the following day.
Each sort of fruit should be planted by itself, for the sake of orderly arrangement, and in order to facilitate protection when necessary by a covering of nets.
Stake up peas; blanch sea-kale and rhubarb in the open air by covering with straw or leaves.
They should be protected from frosts by a covering of ashes over the crown during winter.
Celery in trenches should receive the final covering for the winter, which is best done by leaves or light stable litter; in the latitude of New York it should not be less than 12 in.
Now the prevalence of small houses involves spreading out and the covering of much ground with many little streets, which produce a monotonous effect; a smoky atmosphere makes them grimy and dull skies contribute to the general dinginess.
Strawberries that have been covered up with straw or leaves should be relieved around the plants, leaving the covering between them.
Cabbages will keep this way until March if the covering has not been put on too early.
The soil covering the roots may be gently pressed down, but the tree should not be pulled up and down, as is sometimes done, to settle the soil.
Its grounds, covering several acres, were enclosed by a high oak paling, within which stood a thick belt of trees, effectually concealing what lay beyond.
Character= Sub-Action: covering and involved in the Rise: | Banquo.
This Dramatic Centre is, according to Shakespeare's favourite custom, placed in the exact mechanical centre of the drama, covering the middle of the middle Act.
The enemy was approaching fast; he was devastating all before him and covering the banks of the river with the slain, who were being swept down the rapid streams by thousands.
It is a singular fact that they had the same device as the Chinese, for catching wild ducks in their lakes and rivers, covering their heads with perforated gourds, and wading among the flocks.
One of the legs of the rider was so caught beneath the animal as to pin him inextricably in the morass, covering him with water and with mud.
Tiring at length of this sport, they let her down with a sharp fall upon the beach, beat her again unmercifully, and finally covering her with a door, pressed her to death (Jan.
Then off flew the covering of lead and iron, and there lay the witch, pale and horrible to see.
In covering such diverse subjects, the very best and most recent research seems to have been sought for, and the work is remarkable for intelligent industry.
Place thin slices of salt pork on the breast of a prepared turkey, covering it entirely, and fastening the slices with twine; then the turkey is roasted or baked, and served with the gravy.
This is a fricassee also, but instead of covering the chicken with broth or water, it is covered with white wine.
Fold it in three by turning over one-third of its length toward the other end, and thus covering another third of it; fold or turn over the remaining third, so as to cover the first third turned over.
Then he quickly moved to go, and as he turned away the covering for an instant dropped from his face, and Oowikapun had a glimpse of it, and it vividly reminded him of Memotas.
But there were more outlandish personages than these to be seen; tall, lank men, with nothing on them but a scarlet blanket wound around the naked body, at times covering the shoulders, at times drawn only around the waist.
I filled the frying- pan with hot ashes, and covering them with green leaves, carried it in.
Some of the bead-work worn by the men was very handsome; it consisted mostly of garters below the knee, waistbands and tobacco-pouches worn round the neck and covering the front of the body.
Soon the platoon was merely a squad; the squad melted to a spot; there was a swirl, covering the spot; and the spot had been washed out.
He was enveloped in a buffalo robe, covering his head, so that he would be taken for an Arikaree.
He offered no trouble; the guns of the pursuing party were covering him again, and he obeyed the orders.
He lurched heavily over the snow, his ungainly body rolling to his gait, but he was covering ground in much the same way that a racing elephant might.
Now the thick bush, which surrounded the village, gave place to a sparser covering of scattered bluffs, and the grey-white aspect of the country became apparent.
As far as the eye could see in any direction, it was one moving mass covering the whole plain.
It had the same covering as the first, and Mr. Swinton's mattress was at night spread in the middle between the lockers.
The temporary covering afforded by the spar-deck was of the greatest benefit to the prisoners, as it served to shield us from the rain and the scorching rays of the sun.
A cold fog, followed by rain, came on; to which we were exposed, without any blankets or covering to protect us from the inclemency of the weather.
Lifting up this covering I crept in, close by the log, and rested comfortably, defended from the northeast storm which soon commenced.
Scrape the covering from the ends of the wires, and place them between the burs.
Remove thecovering from a piece of fine copper wire, say No.
While the covering on the wire would probably be all that is necessary to thoroughly insulate the coil from the core, it is better to wind a layer or two of paraffine paper around the bolt (Fig.
Only when I grasped the bulb and stood ready to snap, was the covering lifted, and for the smallest fraction of a second the full light fell on her; then darkness again.
The outside leaf covering easily could be peeled away as the spinning did not seem to adhere except at the edges.
The horns came off with the skin, and the lining of the segments and the covering of the feet showed.
Moths strengthen and dry very quickly outside in the warm crisp air of May or June, so it is necessary to have some one beside you with a spread net covering them, in case they want to fly before you are ready to make an exposure.
He at once dismounted, coaxed them on a twig, and covering them with his hat, he weighted the brim with stones.
I hurried to the room and found five male moths fluttering before the screen or clinging to the wild grape and sweet brier vines covering it.
Every five or six days they repeated the process, growing larger and of stronger colour with each moult, and developing a covering of long white hairs.
The furry scales of its covering are so loosely set that any violent struggle with dry down would disfigure the moth.
Both wings joined the body under a covering of long, silky, purple-brown hairs.
With quaking heart I handed up my jar, and climbed in, covering all those ten miles in the June sunshine, on a board laid across e wagon bed, tightly clasping the two-gallon jar in my aching arms.
In spinning they gummed over the upper surface of a leaf and, covering it with silk, drew it together so that nothing could be seen of the work inside.
I hurried to the room and found a female Promothea at the top of the screen covering a window that the caretaker had slightly lowered.
It was not later than three in the afternoon but I saw at least a dozen wonderful big moths, dusky and luring, fluttering eagerly over the wild roses covering a south window of the Deacon's room adjoining mine on the west.
It was very warm, any kind of covering is unpleasant in the hot weather, so she stripped to the skin and soon fell asleep.
The first room is an armoury, in which all kinds of arms are arranged, in a decorative way, covering the ceiling and the walls with strange patterns.
The moment I entered the room, a charming female form rose, covering her features with a thick veil which fell to the feet.
She received me, covering herself up to the chin with the bed-clothes.
Covering her with the cloak, I draw her towards me, and the motion of the chaise coming to my assistance, she falls over me in the most favourable position.
Boundii are fine plants forcovering the ends of houses and back walls.
From the Town to this last, in Summer time, there is a large covering of Canvas, propt up with tall Poles; under which People walk to avoid the scorching heats of the Sun.
At this point we may mention incidentally, that this area of irrigable lands could be largely increased, by covering the available slopes of the Rocky Mountains with dense forests of fine timber.
Here, covering the entire available floor-space, piled high in splendid profusion; we behold the garnered riches from the forests of the world.
We begin to perceive the magnitude of the blessing which may be conferred on mankind, in general and on the agriculturist in particular, by the continued work of covering our hills and mountains with valuable forests.
One word is not much, but the king's little son did not say that much; speechless he drew the velvet covering aside.
The nurses hurry to the palace, covering themselves with tears, throw themselves at the feet of the Tsar.
The last number contained an engraving of Liberty, a woman lying dead upon the earth, with a cock on a neighboring dunghill crowing, and a French general covering over the prostrate body.
The Bolivian Indian in general excels in carrying loads, in spite of the lack of tolerable highways, coveringdaily stages of twenty to thirty miles.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "covering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.