No wonder the boys stared, and Bluff chuckled softly, when they saw the object so carefully deposited on the floor by the man who walked in his sleep.
He did not hurry through his breakfast, for as the object was constantly drawing slowly but steadily nearer Cabin Point they would be better able to discover who the occupants of the boat were later on.
This served in some measure to keep their thoughts away from their unhappy condition, which was one object Frank had in mind.
Then, uttering a cry of mingled delight and savage satisfaction, he snatched an object from the gaping hole, and hurriedly held it up so that every one could see plainly what it was.
He did not show the slightest sign of hesitancy, but stooping down placed some object on the floor, after which he began to raise the plank as though familiar with its working.
Will felt as though his heart was up in his throat as he watched the other hang on to the spur of rock with one hand, and seize the dangling object with the other.
He fixed his camera in an immovable position, and focussed it in such a fashion that it would catch any object chancing to be within a certain radius at the second the cartridge was fired by means of the cord, pulled by the animal at the bait.
We left the town of Calabozo on the 24th of March, highly satisfied with our stay, and the experiments we had made on an object so worthy of the attention of physiologists.
Father Cereso assured us, that the Indians speak of the botuto of Tomo as an object of worship common to many surrounding tribes.
This worship of stones, when once established, is preserved amidst more modern forms of worship; and what was at first the object of religious homage, becomes a source of superstitious confidence.
On the banks of the Orinoco there exists no idol, as among all the nations who have remained faithful to the first worship of nature, but the botuto, the sacred trumpet, is an object of veneration.
The chief object of these incursions is the collection of sarsaparilla and the aromatic seeds of the puchery-laurel (Laurus pichurim).
He even offered us Madeira wine, but, as an object of luxury, we should have preferred wheaten bread.
In proportion as we draw near to an object we have long had in view, its interest seems to augment.
Domestic animals, collected in small herds, are considered by agricultural nations as a secondary object in the riches of the state.
This image was found in a ravine by an Indian, about the middle of the eighteenth century, when it became the object of a contest between the towns of Cura and San Sebastian de los Reyes.
The object of our journey appeared to him very mysterious.
We shall have occasion, farther on, to speak of this venomous substance, which is an important object of trade among the savages.
Our modest object was to provide a central meeting-place for Metropolitan and provincial Liberals, where all the comforts of life should be attainable at what are called "popular prices.
The debate on the Address in the Commons lasted eleven nights, the Irish Members moving endless amendments, with the avowed object of delaying the Coercion Bill, which was eventually brought in by Forster on the 24th January.
It being, for the time, my prime object to recover some portion of health and strength, I was beyond measure fortunate in the possession of an absolutely ideal home.
Its objectwas "To justify God to the People," and it prepared the way for later organizations.
To provide compensation for these evicted tenants was the object of a well-meant but hastily drawn "Disturbance Bill," which the Government passed through the Commons.
The object of the Convocation was stated as being the appointment of Select Preachers, and the names were then submitted to the Doctors and Masters for approval.
We saw men and women standing away up there looking frightened, and there was a bulky object tumbling and floundering down the steep slope toward us.
We got out of the way, and when the object landed in the road it proved to be a boy.
That the committee greatly regret that this institution has hitherto been neglected, and consequently the object to which it was originally devoted by the State has altogether failed of attainment.
They are truly injuring their own reputation when they speak many evil things of me, in order to render me ridiculous, and an object of persecution, and yet are unwilling to confront me and prove their accusations by legal testimony.
Unionistic henotics cannot but fail utterly, because their object is not unity in the Spirit of truth, but union in the spirit of diversity and error.
This is a connection and institution which heretofore did not exist in the Lutheran community, and to which the Tennessee Synod objectas an institution calculated to subvert ecclesiastical liberty, and to prepare the way for innovations.
Organizations effected in harmony with the divine object and norm of Christian fellowship are true visible churches, i.
Hence its organization is in perfect harmony with the divine object and norm of Christian union and fellowship.
Our first care," continued Don Luis, "was to see to poor Malcolm, and our nextobject was to go in pursuit of the ruffians.
There was now no object for keeping together in a party, and our future plans were, of course, very undecided.
But by far the most striking objectto be seen behind the ensign was a human skeleton, whose every joint articulated with wires.
As the specific object for which a man-of-war is built and put into commission is to fight and fire off cannon, it is, of course, deemed indispensable that the crew should be duly instructed in the art and mystery involved.
There is no object which so excites interest and conjecture, and, at the same time, baffles both, as a sail, seen as a mere speck on these remote seas off Cape Horn.
Why this object was here, will presently be seen; but why it was placed immediately at the foot of the amputation-table, only Surgeon Cuticle can tell.
After vaguely and delicately hinting at the object of my visit, I came roundly to the point, and asked him whether he could slip my jacket into one of the bags of clothes next to be sold, and so dispose of it by public auction.
His object was to throw the ship into the wind, so as the better to admit of close-reefing the top-sails.
A very silly conceit of theirs, some may say, but not so silly after all; for surely the advantage of getting nearer an object by two hundred feet is not to be underrated.
It was immovably fixed to a bracket, against the partition of his state- room, so that it was the first object that greeted his eyes when he opened them from his nightly sleep.
Any sort of a minister was an object of reverent delight to the pious old man, but this one was so much better than he had ever dreamed, that he looked at him with something akin to awe.
Meanwhile, the object of all this interest had arrived at the gate between the big oaks.
However the settlers did not objectto patenting new lands.
Years later one of Captain Jehu's sons described the return of his soldier-father: "An awful-looking object came walking home.
In that case the latter must doubtless have visited them with the additional object of spreading Christianity.
Rose, a little uncomfortable, with crimson cheeks and downcast eyes, stood awkwardly turning the unfortunate object in her hands.
And I thought out loud: "You were always asking me the object of my efforts.
They draw near to the objectof their love; and their whole soul does not fill their eyes!
When the lover for the first time beholds the object of his love, longing clouds his eyes.
Passive and silent, would she not become a rare object in my life, a precious stone?
And, no doubt, the qualities of which he vouchsafed me the sight would never have had such value in my eyes, if his fatuousness had not displayed them to my youthful admiration as one shows an object behind a magnifying-glass.
When by chance we do not hold the same view, the difference of opinion lasts only long enough to shift the thought which we are considering, even as one shifts an object to see its different aspects one after the other.
The objectof her particular desire was again, as always, gravy, "'ot and smelly.
Lottie, suspiciously, for she had a vague idea that Flora had an object in view.
And he was the last object they saw as they steamed out of the station.
She did not tell everything at once, as Alec thought she ought to do, but approached the object of their visit in a delicate way.
He leveled a menacing finger, with Bosworth as the object of its concern.
Move back from that table, gents," remarked the vivified object near the windows.
As a matter of fact, his sole object was to discover his son if possible.
Surely the happy man does not object to the delightful opportunities thus given for adjusting refractory draperies, and for holding them in place with his arm around her shoulder when the gusts are heaviest.
Many of those who reach St. John by sea, principally from the West, make it the whole object of their trip, sojourning there, taking local excursions and finally returning over the route by which they came.
For that love which had recoiled from its individual objectoverflowed her heart again until she felt that it had touched the boundaries of the world.
I don't object except when it bores me out of mine," responded Gerty lightly.
But a letter from Laura was the first object he noticed upon his desk, and his afternoon plans were swept from his mind with the beginning of her heart-broken entreaty for reconciliation.
I don't see why you object to exercise when it saves my life," he observed as he took up a cigarette and then bent forward to hold it to the flame of the alcohol lamp.
The objectmoved beneath his coat, and, pulling it out with a timid yet triumphant gesture, he displayed before their astonished eyes a squirming white rabbit.
But if the curious had been permitted to observe the object of their uncertainty as he stood under the full glare before his festive wife they would have found neither ignorance nor indifference in his manner.
The change was so startling that every object seemed to leap at once from twilight vagueness into a conspicuous prominence.
She raised her hand, pushing back her faded hair, as if she would look more closely at anobject which rose but dimly before her eyes.
Yes, Gerty was right in the end, and the object of all society, all occupations, all amusements, showed to her now as so many unsuccessful attempts to escape the haunting particular curse of personality.
Gerty says she's terrific form," commented Kemper, gazing to where the object of their admiration vanished in a crush of vehicles.
This periodic function has always been the object of superstition and taboo, and is such even among the civilized peoples of today.
Closely related to it, though sufficiently distinct in aim and method to merit separate presentation, is the method of the vocational psychograph, in which the work, rather than the worker, is made the object of analysis.
In a word, because they will not declare, that the object of the measure is to obtain the abolition of corruption, and not merely the change of those who minister it.
The Count de Montmorin, Ambassador for France here, is not the least alarmed by the reception of this gentleman, and that Court is full as much interested as we are in the object for which he is sent.
Van Berckel, at the suggestion and on the request of the Grand Pensionary, in a secret conference, proposed the most dignified and sure method of attaining the object desired and desirable to all.
The papers sent by Mr Jay, will show the sentiments of this Court with respect to the object of his mission.
The destruction of the Greenland fishery, might be the last object of the expedition.
The temper of the times is in favor of America, and it is now as fresh and striking an object to Europe as when first discovered and called the new world.
Jamaica is thought to be the first object of these expeditions, and this conjecture arises from the appointment of M.
A little will-power, a little heroism, added to those virtues I have named, the solid virtues of our ancestors, and the Orient will no longer be an object of scorn and gain to commercial Europe.
An objectis great in proportion to its power of resistance to time and the elements.
The power of the soul is doubled by the object of its love, or by such labor of love as it undertakes.
Then he loaned forward with a savage leer, as if he saw the object of his wrath.
Its object was, in part, clear to him, or so he thought, and with some reason.
Other proprietors of estates are beginning to understand the object and to appreciate the advantages of the plan of this spirited nobleman.
They are not more ostentatious in their attachment to their children than in their love for their husbands: so that the name of her who sacrifices herself for the object of a pure and tender affection remains for ever unknown to the world.
Constant in their sentiments, the man whom they once love is the object of their everlasting affection.
The object of these exhibitions is, to represent by groups of living figures the compositions of celebrated sculptors or painters.
In regard to this point they could not easily practise deception; for the man who should set up a claim in contradiction to public notoriety, would become an object of derision, and pay dearly for his usurped finery.
When once engaged by mutual vows, the young people have nothing more to do than to acquaint their parents with the objectof their choice.
The interests of the country are in fact more closely connected with those of the cultivator of the soil, than of the merchant, whose almost only object is the success of his speculations, on which his precarious existence depends.
It is of course the wool and not the carcase, which is the great object in a country so poor and so thinly peopled as Hungary.
It is the people, and the object is that they may be happy.
And the object of the science of sociology is the happiness of the people.
A surface-captain, with assistants, receives the ores raised, and directs the dressing department, the object of which is to render them marketable.
In some cases the object is to copy the aperture, and the substance separated from the plate is rejected; in other cases the small pieces cut out are the objects of the workman's labour.
The habit of forming an estimate of the magnitude of any object or the frequency of any occurrence, immediately previous to our applying to it measure or number, tends materially to fix the attention and to improve the judgement.
In enquiring into the effect produced, or to be apprehended from any particular mode of taxation, it is necessary to examine a little into the interests of the parties who approve of the plan in question, as well as of those who object to it.
When the object of the machinery just described has been accomplished, and the channel is sufficiently deep, a slight alteration converts the apparatus to another purpose almost equally advantageous.
The first object of machinery, the chief cause of its extensive utility, is the perfection and the cheap production of the articles which it is intended to make.
When the form of the object intended to be cast is such that the pattern cannot be extricated from its mould of sand or plaster, it becomes necessary to make the pattern with wax, or some other easily fusible substance.
The object of this process is to straighten the wire, which had acquired a considerable curvature in the small coils in which it had been wound.
The object of all advertisements is, by making known articles for sale, to procure for them a better price, if the sale is to be by auction; or a larger extent of sale if by retail dealers.
If either of those gases becomes liquid at a lower pressure than the other, and if those pressures are within the limits of our present powers of compression, the object might be accomplished.
The great object of life is not happiness; and, when we have lost our own personal happiness, we have not lost all that life is worth living for.
She would always write to me just enough to keep up hope and interest; and she knew for years that all my object in striving for fortune was to win her.
She had lived a gay, vain, self-pleasing life, with no object or purpose but the simple one to get each day as much pleasurable enjoyment out of existence as possible.
The conquest of Quebec, and of Halifax, was supposed to be an object of so much importance to France as well as to the United States, that her aid might be confidently expected.
This would encourage the opposition of men of narrow, interested, and feeble tempers, and enable them to defeat the primary object of the revolution.
The command of King's Ferry was an object worth the attention of either army; and Washington had comprehended the points which protect it within his plan of defence for the Highlands.
The victorious mountaineers, having accomplished the object for which they assembled, returned to their homes.
It cannot be doubted that his object was to commit the additional crime of betraying them to Sir Henry Clinton.
It has been erroneously stated that General Washington was unapprised of this movement of the British army until itsobject was defeated.