The end of the aura, as Benjamin has it, is actually the aura's shift from the artifact to the process and the artist.
The artifact and the experience leading to it appear as different entities.
The artifact comes to the market delivered with its self-criticism, even with a time bomb set for the hour after which the work has become valueless.
The artifact of the book, close to what we know today, is mainly his contribution to the civilization of literacy.
The only datable artifact found in the vicinity was the base of a wine bottle of the first quarter of the 18th century that was lying in the silted bottom of a nearby rain-washed gully running towards the stream.
Finds from oystershell and artifactlayer beneath topsoil southeast of the existing house.
Thus an artifact marked "B2" was found in the archeological area that contained the chimney and was recovered from the top stratum of sandy loam and clay.
Table 1 provides a summary of the foregoing report for use in conjunction with the artifact illustrations.
Iron edges for wooden spades are not included in the artifact collections from 18th-century Williamsburg, but were plentiful in various sizes in mid-17th-century contexts at Mathews Manor in Warwick County.
A single disparate sherd of pink, transfer-printed Staffordshire ware, dating from about 1835, is the only intrusive artifact in the deposit.
The artifactremains were the richest in the entire site.
This artifact reflects silver and pewter salt forms of about 1725.
The third artifact is an elegantly designed brass fitting for a leather curtain or strap (USNM 59.
In addition to the many fragments that probably came from such hinges, one artifact is a typical spearhead strap-hinge terminal with a square hole for nailing (USNM 60.
It has been suggested that such an artifact may have been used as an "acorn anvil" or in some way related to the preparation of the acorn in the hulling process.
Core Hammerstones Some investigators tend to place core hammerstones in a class with flaked tools, but in the present paper they are classed as an artifact of pecked stone.
This is probably the result of the more extensive excavations carried out in the areas of greatest artifact concentration.
With the exception of scraper planes they were the most frequent artifact group encountered.
The compact nature of the soil and the heavy artifact yield retarded clearing.
Now the other extreme has the artifact versus the "naturifact" and the talk of culture in such loose terms as preblade industries.
From the Tank Site the artifact yield per cubic foot almost doubled that of the 1947 season.
Crescentic stones, as an artifact type, have been most objectively associated with the San Dieguito of the San Diego coast and the San Dieguito-Playa (Lake Mohave) Culture of the eastern desert.
What has earlier been referred to by many authors as the "ceremonial killing" of an artifact might also be viewed as the end product of function.
The furrows vary in breadth and depth and appear to be a function, essentially, of the amount and kind of wear to which the artifactwas subjected.
The only shell artifact found in the Tank Site was a single massive clam-disk bead which, because of its shallow occurrence (4 inches), is probably a Phase II artifact.
The first feature of the artifact to attract attention is the relative clumsiness of attachment and frequent absence of points.
The conspicuous and significant feature of the chipped stone artifact is the shapement in accordance with preconceived design.
The chief artifact produced by the strategic chase on land would seem to be the analogue of the harpoon used at sea, i.
This artifact has been tentatively called a "bull-roarer" because no other purpose can be conjectured.
Flaking--the removing of flakes from a core or artifact in flint working.
Retouch (L)--a term applied to the secondary removal by pressure of small flakes from the edge of a flaked stone artifact to produce sharpness.
Artifact (L)--an object of human workmanship, especially one of prehistoric origin.
Worked--in projectile point descriptions, describes an area of an artifact that has been shaped or altered by man--such as the removal of flakes along a blade edge.
Projectile Point (L)--a pointed artifact used on a spear, arrow or dart.
This, after all, is the real test of anyartifact taxonomy.
Reworked--a projectile point or other artifact is said to be reworked when the shape has been altered by flaking, grinding, etc.
If that's so, then my first order is to pick up every scrap of Stroid record and artifact that has ever been found before we take off.
From a physical standpoint this artifact is in about the same position as the language of the Stroids had been semantically--completely intractable.
From behind his heavy shield which protected him from the stray radiation formed by the Atom Stream, Delmar Underwood watched the biting fire cut between the gemlike artifact and the metallic alloys that coated it.
Underwood, however, had become immersed in X-ray work, attempting to determine the molecular structure of the artifact from a crystallographic standpoint, to find out if it could be found it might be possible to disrupt the pattern.